Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: This Is England
Target Entity: This_Is_England_\u0028song\u0029
Preceding Context: After a concert in Athens, Strummer went to Spain to clear his mind. While he was abroad, the first single from Cut the Crap, the mournful "
Succeeding Context: ", was released to mostly negative reviews. "CBS had paid an advance for it so they had to put it out", Strummer later explained. "I just went, 'Well fuck this', and fucked off to the mountains of Spain to sit sobbing under a palm tree, while Bernie had to deliver a record." However, critic Dave Marsh later championed "This Is England" as one of the top 1001 rock singles of all time. The single has also received retroactive praise from Q magazine and others.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: The Clash

Ground Truth Types:

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