Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Niutao
Target Entity: Niutao
Preceding Context: In 1890, Robert Louis Stevenson, his wife Fanny Vandegrift Stevenson and her son Lloyd Osbourne sailed on the Janet Nicoll, a trading steamer owned by Henderson and Macfarlane of Auckland, New Zealand, which operated between Sydney, Auckland and into the central Pacific. The Janet Nicoll visited Tuvalu; while Fanny records that they made landfall at Funafuti and
Succeeding Context: , Jane Resture suggests that it was more likely Nukufetau. An account of this voyage was written by Fanny Vandegrift Stevenson and published under the title The Cruise of the Janet Nichol, together with photographs taken by Robert Louis Stevenson and .
Paragraph Title: Scientific expeditions and travellers
Source Page: Tuvalu

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