Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Grímnismál
Target Entity: Gr\u00edmnism\u00e1l
Preceding Context: Valhalla is referenced at length in the Poetic Edda poem
Succeeding Context: , and Helgakviða Hundingsbana II, while Valhalla receives lesser direct references in in stanza 33 of the Völuspá, where the god Baldr's death is referred to as the "woe of Valhalla", and in stanzas 1 to 3 of Hyndluljóð, where the goddess Freyja states her intention of riding to Valhalla with Hyndla, in an effort to help Óttar, as well as in stanzas 6 through 7, where Valhalla is mentioned again during a dispute between the two.
Paragraph Title: Poetic Edda
Source Page: Valhalla

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