Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: highest-income region
Target Entity: Highest\u002dincome_counties_in_the_United_States
Preceding Context: While Virginia is an employment-at-will state, its economy has diverse sources of income, including local and federal government, military, farming and business. Virginia has 4.1 million civilian workers, and one-third of the jobs are in the service sector. The unemployment in Virginia in among the lowest in the nation, at 5.6%, as of March 2012. The second fastest job growth town in the nation is Leesburg, as of 2011. The Gross Domestic Product of Virginia was $24 billion in 2010. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Virginia had the most counties in the top 100 wealthiest in the United States based upon median income in 2007. Northern Virginia is the
Succeeding Context: in Virginia, having six of the twenty highest-income counties in the United States, including the three highest . According to CNN Money Magazine the highest-income town in the nation is , as of 2011.
Paragraph Title: Economy
Source Page: Virginia

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