Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Elbe
Target Entity: Elbe
Preceding Context: In Otto III hoped to open a monastery between the
Succeeding Context: and the Oder (somewhere in the pagan lands that became Brandenburg or Western Pomerania) to help convert the local population into Christianity. In 1003 Pope Sylvester II appointed Bruno, at the age of 33, to head a mission amongst the pagan peoples of Eastern Europe. Owing to a regional conflict between the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Boleslaus I of Poland he delayed the plans for the monastery, and so Bruno set out for Hungary. There he went to the places that Saint Adalbert of Prague had attended. Bruno tried to get Ahtum, the Duke of Banat, who was under jurisdiction of Patriarchate of Constantinople to get under jurisdiction of Patriarchate of Rome, but this precipitated a large controversy leading to organized opposition from local monks. Bruno elected to gracefully exit the region after he first finished his book, the famous "Life of St. Adalbert," a literary memorial of much worth giving a history of the (relatively recent) conversion of the Hungarians.
Paragraph Title: Missionary life
Source Page: Bruno of Querfurt

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