Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Boys Anti-tank gun
Target Entity: Boys_anti\u002dtank_rifle
Preceding Context: The Government Ministry of Supply and BSA immediately began a process of production dispersal throughout Britain. Factories were set up at Tipton, Dudley, Smethwick, Blackheath, Lye, Kidderminster, Stourport, Tyseley, and Bromsgrove to manufacture Browning machine guns, Stoke, Corsham, and Newcastle-under-Lyme produced the Hispano cannon, Leicester and Studley Road produced the Besa machine gun, Ruislip produced the Oerlikon 20mm cannon, Stafford produced rocket projectiles, Tamworth produced two-pounder gun carriages, Mansfield produced the
Succeeding Context: and Shirley produced rifles. These were dispersal factories which were in addition to Small Heath and the other BSA factories opened in the two years following the 1940 blitz. At its peak Small Heath was running 67 factories engaged in war production. BSA operations were also dispersed to other companies under licence.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Birmingham Small Arms Company

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