Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: After These Messages... We'll Be Right Back!
Target Entity: After_These_Messages\u002e\u002e\u002e_We\u0027ll_Be_Right_Back\u0021
Preceding Context: , a canonical comic book continuation of the television series plotted by Joss Whedon and written by Brian Lynch, features the characters of Angel and all of Los Angeles condemned to Hell after the events of the series finale "Not Fade Away". Cordelia does not appear until the twelfth issue, in which she acts as a guide to Angel in his dying moments; it is revealed she serves in some capacity as a higher power now. The character departs in issue thirteen. Cordelia also appears in a dream sequence within the twentieth issue of Buffys canonical continuation, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, titled "
Succeeding Context: ". Buffy dreams of when she was in her first year at Sunnydale High; Cordelia's physical appearance is based on the art style of Loeb and Whedon's unproduced Buffy animated series.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Cordelia Chase

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