Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Welsh
Target Entity: Wales
Preceding Context: Three churches were established in England in his name: Bristol, and two churches in London: "Moorfields Tabernacle"; and "Tottenham Court Road Chapel". The society meeting at the second Kingswood School at Kingswood, a town on the eastern edge of Bristol, was eventually also named Whitefield's Tabernacle. Whitefield acted as chaplain to Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, and some of his followers joined the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, whose chapels were built by Selina, where a form of Calvinistic Methodism similar to Whitefield's was taught. Many of Selina's chapels were built in the English and
Succeeding Context: counties, and one was erected in London—Spa Fields Chapel.
Paragraph Title: Evangelism
Source Page: George Whitefield

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