Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Royal Observer Corps
Target Entity: Royal_Observer_Corps
Preceding Context: In the years prior to the Second World War, Dowding was the commanding officer of RAF Fighter Command, and was perhaps the one important person in Britain, and perhaps the world, who did not agree with British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's 1932 declaration that "The bomber will always get through". He conceived and oversaw the development of the "Dowding System". This comprised an integrated air defence system which included (i) radar (whose potential Dowding was among the first to appreciate), (ii) human observers (including the
Succeeding Context: ), who filled crucial gaps in what radar was capable of detecting at the time (the early radar systems, for example, did not provide good information on the altitude of incoming German aircraft), (iii) raid plotting, and (iv) radio control of aircraft. The whole network was tied together, in many cases, by dedicated phone links buried sufficiently deep to provide protection against bombing. The network had its apex (and Dowding his own headquarters) at RAF Bentley Priory, a converted country house on the outskirts of London. The system as a whole later became known as (GCI).
Paragraph Title: Inter-war years
Source Page: Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding

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