Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: The Métis provisional government
Target Entity: Provisional_Government_of_Saskatchewan
Preceding Context: In March 1885, the Métis heard that a contingent of 500 North-West Mounted Police was heading west. They organized a newly formed coalition called
Succeeding Context: with Pierre Parenteau as President and Gabriel Dumont as adjutant-general to action. With the help of First Nations Chiefs Poundmaker and Big Bear they facilitated the return of Louis Riel to the coalition he founded in 1869. This led to a series of unsuccessful conflicts collectively known as the "Riel Rebellions" or the North West Rebellion. Gabriel Dumont fled to the United States with Louis Riel, Poundmaker and Big Bear surrendering to the government. Big Bear and Poundmaker each received a three-year sentence. On July 6, 1885, Riel was charged with high treason and was sentenced to hang. Riel's appeals went on briefly, but, as mandated by the government of the time, the execution was conducted on November 16, 1885.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Métis people (Canada)

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