Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Europe
Target Entity: Europe
Preceding Context: With the death of her father and the later accession of the Empress Anna, no royal court or noble house in
Succeeding Context: could allow a son to pay court to Elizabeth, as it would be seen as an unfriendly act to the Empress. Marriage to a commoner was not possible as it would cost Elizabeth not only her title, but also her property rights and her claim to the throne. Elizabeth's response was to make a lover of Alexis Shubin, a handsome sergeant in the Semyonovsky Guards regiment. After his banishment to Siberia (having previously been relieved of his tongue) by order of the Empress Anna, she turned to a coachman and even a waiter. Eventually she consoled herself with a young Ukrainian peasant with a good bass voice who had been brought to Saint Petersburg by a nobleman for a church choir. Elizabeth acquired him for her own choir. His name was Alexis Razumovsky. Razumovsky was a good and simple-minded man, untroubled by personal ambition. Elizabeth was devoted to him, and there is reason to believe that she could have married him in a secret ceremony. Razumovsky would later become known as "the Emperor of the Night" and Elizabeth would make him a Prince and Field Marshal on becoming Empress. The Holy Roman Emperor would also make Razumovsky a Count of the Holy Roman Empire.
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Elizabeth of Russia

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