Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Turbo C++
Target Entity: Turbo_C\u002b\u002b
Preceding Context: Note on later releases: The name "Turbo C" was not used after version 2.0, because with the release of
Succeeding Context: 1.0 with 1990, the two products were folded into a single product. That first C++ compiler was developed under contract by a company in San Diego and was one of the first true compilers for C++ (until then, most C++ work was done with pre-compilers that generated C code). The next version was named Borland C++ to emphasize its flagship status and completely rewritten in-house, with Peter Kukol as the lead engineer. The Turbo C++ name was briefly dropped, eventually reappearing as Turbo C++ 3.0. There was never a 2.0 of the Turbo C++ product series.
Paragraph Title: Version history
Source Page: Borland Turbo C

Ground Truth Types:

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