Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Veronica
Target Entity: Radio_Veronica
Preceding Context: The course proved to be profitable: in the heavily polarized Dutch general election of 1972 the VVD gained six seats. The VVD was kept out of government by the social-democratic/Christian-democratic cabinet led by Den Uyl. Although the ties between the VVD and other organizations within the neutral pillar became ever looser, the number of neutral organizations, friendly to the VVD, expanded. The TROS and later
Succeeding Context: , new broadcasters which entered the Netherlands Public Broadcasting were friendly to the VVD. In 1977 the VVD again won six seats bringing its total to twenty-eight seats. When lengthy formation talks between the Social-democrats and Christian-democrats eventually led to a final break between the two parties, the VVD formed cabinet with the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA), with a majority of only two seats.
Paragraph Title: 1971–1994
Source Page: People's Party for Freedom and Democracy

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