Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Commissioners' Plan of 1811
Target Entity: Commissioners\u0027_Plan_of_1811
Preceding Context: The
Succeeding Context: , called for twelve numbered avenues running north and south roughly parallel to the shore of the Hudson River, each wide, with First Avenue on the east side and Twelfth Avenue in the west. There are several intermittent avenues east of First Avenue, including four additional lettered avenues running from Avenue A eastward to Avenue D in an area now known as Alphabet City in Manhattan's East Village. The numbered streets in Manhattan run east-west, and are wide, with about 200 feet (61 m) between each pair of streets. With each combined street and block adding up to about 260 feet (79 m), there are almost exactly 20 blocks per mile. The typical block in Manhattan is 250 by .
Paragraph Title: null
Source Page: Manhattan

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