Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Nuremberg
Target Entity: Nuremberg
Preceding Context: Two years later, Melanchthon arranged a two-year leave for Rheticus to study with noted astronomers. Leaving Wittenberg in October 1538, he first went to
Succeeding Context: to visit the professor of mathematics at the Eigidien Oberschule Johannes Schöner. In Nuremberg he also made the acquaintance of other mathematicians such as Georg Hartmann and Thomas Venatorius as well as the printer-publisher Petreius. During his journey, probably in Nuremberg, Rheticus heard of Copernicus and decided to seek him out. From Petreius Rheticus was given works by Regiomontanus and others, intended as presents for Copernicus. He went on to Peter Apian in Ingolstadt and Joachim Camerarius in Tübingen, then to Gasser in his hometown. From Feldkirch he set out on his journey to visit Copernicus in Frombork.
Paragraph Title: Patrons
Source Page: Georg Joachim Rheticus

Ground Truth Types:

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