Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Anna Vyrubova
Target Entity: Anna_Vyrubova
Preceding Context: Unlike her predecessor Marie Feodorovna (spouse to Alexander III), the new tsarina of Imperial Russia was heartily disliked among her subjects. As the tsarina, Alexandra seemed very cold and curt, although according to her and many other close friends, she was only terribly shy and nervous in front of the Russian people. She felt her feelings were bruised and battered from the Russians' "hateful" nature. She was also frowned upon by the wealthy and poor alike for her distaste for Russian culture, whether it was the food or the manner of dancing. Her inability to produce a son also incensed the people. After the birth of the Grand Duchess Olga, her first-born child, Nicholas was reported to have said, "We are grateful she was a daughter; if she was a boy she would have belonged to the people, being a girl she belongs to us." When her "sunbeam" Alexei the tsarevitch was born, she further isolated herself from the Russian court by spending nearly all of her time with him; his haemophiliac disorder did little to distance their close relationship. She associated herself with more solitary figures such as
Succeeding Context: and the invalid Princess Sonia Orbeliani, rather than the "frivolous" young Russian aristocratic ladies. These women were constantly ignored by the "haughty" tsarina.
Paragraph Title: Rejection by the Russians
Source Page: Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix of Hesse)

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