Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
Target Entity: Commonwealth_Heads_of_Government_Meeting
Preceding Context: Succession is currently governed by male-preference cognatic primogeniture, under which sons inherit before daughters, and elder children inherit before younger ones of the same gender. However, on Friday 28 October 2011, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, announced at the
Succeeding Context: in Perth that all 16 Commonwealth realms, including the United Kingdom, had unanimously agreed to abolish the gender-preference rule. They also agreed that future monarchs should no longer be prohibited from marrying a Catholic - a law which dates from the Act of Settlement 1701, following the Glorious Revolution of 1688. However, since the monarch is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, the law which prohibits a Roman Catholic from acceding to the throne - which originated as a result of the English and Scots' distrust of Roman Catholicism during the late 17th century - would remain.
Paragraph Title: Restrictions by gender and religion
Source Page: Monarchy of the United Kingdom

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