Classifier Instance:

Anchor text: Hispaniola
Target Entity: Hispaniola
Preceding Context: These explorations were followed, notably in the case of Spain, by a phase of conquest: The Spaniards, having just finished the Reconquista of Spain from Muslim rule, were the first to colonize the Americas, applying the same model of governing to the former Al-Andalus as to their territories of the New World. Ten years after Columbus's discovery, the administration of
Succeeding Context: was given to Nicolás de Ovando of the Order of Alcántara, founded during the Reconquista. As in the Iberian Peninsula, the inhabitants of Hispaniola were given new landmasters, while religious orders handled the local administration. Progressively the encomienda system, which granted tribute (access to indigneous labor and taxation) to European settlers, was set in place.
Paragraph Title: Early state-sponsored colonists
Source Page: European colonization of the Americas

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