many bugs has been fixed (especially regarding the cloudscape db connection)
integration of the latest Minerva version
Gui updates, etc..
Version 3.5.0 beta2 (released: 10.08.2006)
Bug-fix in Bingo's Java console.
Bug-fix in Touchgraph. Now, Touchgraph shouldn't freeze
the system anymore, but sadly, the visualisation of a
huge amount of documents isn't as smooth as in the
previous version.
Version 3.5.0 beta1 (released: 27.07.2006)
Completely new GUI.
Support for the relational database systems Oracle,
PostgreSQL, MySQL and Cloudscape has been added.
Cloudscape client and network server has been
incorporated in Bingo! and are used by default. Thus no
database system has to be installed separatly and Bingo!
works out of the box.
Compatible with most of the Unix derivates & Windows
operating systems (Tested with Linux Debian & and
Windows XP).
Integration of a native interface to Torsten Jochamis'
SVM-Light-package (version 6.01). There are precompiled
shared libraries for Linux (i386) and Windows only, but
the c-sources can easily be recompiled on different
Integreation of a PDF-Parser.
Integration of the P2P-Search-Engine Minerva which
executes the local database as well as distant peers
participating in the system in order to find good results
to your search request. In that way you can search your
own crawled documents as well as documents stored at
different peers.
Includes a meta search engine based on a web service
framework which is build on top of Bingo! and Apache
Tomcat. It can be easily used & administrated
with your favoured browser via java servlets.
Integration of Touchgraph to visualize crawled documents.
Easy installation & startup procedure. You only have
to uncompress the archive, execute the build-script in
the src-folder and then execute the StartDialog-script in
the main folder.
Easy basic configuration at startup-time. Advanced
configurations are possible on-the-fly via a simple
dialog box.
Huge speed improvments and removal of plenty of bugs.
Version 3.5.0 beta5 (released: 05.01.2007). Quick remarks:
The support of storing large objects into the database
is not yet implemented in all types of database
systems. Only Cloudscape and Oracle are fully
supported. Therefore a document preview or a classifier
model is not stored in a MySQL or PostgreSQL
environment. That means for example that with each
shutdown of Bingo! the classifier gets lost and has to
be retrained with each session.
The P2P search enging Minerva only supports Cloudscape
and Oracle. There is no interface to MySQL or
PostgreSQL at the moment.
The functionality of all supported database systems is not
yet tested in a complete manner.
Some configuration options (e.g. logfile usage) cannot
be set by the "fine tuning"-menu but have to be set
manually in the configuration file itself.
Mixture of Gemern and English texts in some dialog boxes.
Version 3.5.0 beta2 (released: 10.08.2006). Quick remarks:
See known bugs of version 3.5.0 beta5.
The support of storing large objects into the database
is not yet implemented in all types of database
systems. Only Cloudscape and Oracle are fully
supported. Therefore a document preview or a classifier
model is not stored in a MySQL or PostgreSQL
environment. That means for example that with each
shutdown of Bingo! the classifier gets lost and has to
be retrained with each session.
The P2P search enging Minerva only supports Cloudscape
and Oracle. There is no interface to MySQL or
PostgreSQL at the moment.
The functionality of all supported database systems is not
yet tested in a complete manner.
Some configuration options (e.g. logfile usage) cannot
be set by the "fine tuning"-menu but have to be set
manually in the configuration file itself.
Mixture of Gemern and English texts in some dialog boxes.
Cloudscape causes some problems. In rare cases the
connection to the db-server gets lost (during the
training phase). If that happens, frequently, the
following update- or insert-operations will fail.
Sometimes even the database is in an inconsistent state
afterwards, such that no more insert- or
update-operations can be done and hence no more
classifier-training is possible. The only way to get
everything working properly again is to delete the
database manually.
Version 3.5.0 beta1 (released: 27.07.2006). Quick remarks:
see known bugs of version 3.5.0 beta2.
Bingo's java text-console throws NullPointerExceptions
and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExceptions in an unproducible
manner. Scrolling seems to be the problem here. Some
of these exception can be catched and ignored without
any consequences. Others are triggered by
"java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents()" and hence
cannot be catched as these events ocurr somewhere
within the java VM.
The Touchgraph-Visualisation freezes somethimes the
whole application when resized to fullscreen.