Package java.awt.datatransfer

Interface Summary
ClipboardOwner Defines the interface for classes that will provide data to a clipboard.
FlavorMap A two-way Map between "natives" (Strings), which correspond to platform- specfic data formats, and "flavors" (DataFlavors), which corerspond to platform-independent MIME types.
FlavorTable A FlavorMap which relaxes the traditional 1-to-1 restriction of a Map.
Transferable Defines the interface for classes that can be used to provide data for a transfer operation.

Class Summary
Clipboard A class which implements a mechanism to transfer data using cut/copy/paste operations.
DataFlavor Each instance represents the opaque concept of a data format as would appear on a clipboard, during drag and drop, or in a file system.
MimeType A Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type, as defined in RFC 2045 and 2046.
MimeTypeParameterList An object that encapsualtes the parameter list of a MimeType as defined in RFC 2045 and 2046.
StringSelection A Transferable which implements the capability required to transfer a String.
SystemFlavorMap The SystemFlavorMap is a configurable map between "natives" (Strings), which correspond to platform-specific data formats, and "flavors" (DataFlavors), which correspond to platform-independent MIME types.

Exception Summary
MimeTypeParseException A class to encapsulate MimeType parsing related exceptions
UnsupportedFlavorException Signals that the requested data is not supported in this flavor.