Package java.text

Interface Summary
AttributedCharacterIterator An AttributedCharacterIterator allows iteration through both text and related attribute information.
CharacterIterator This interface defines a protocol for bidirectional iteration over text.
Format.FieldDelegate FieldDelegate is notified by the various Format implementations as they are formatting the Objects.

Class Summary
Annotation An Annotation object is used as a wrapper for a text attribute value if the attribute has annotation characteristics.
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute Defines attribute keys that are used to identify text attributes.
AttributedString An AttributedString holds text and related attribute information.
Bidi This class implements the Unicode Version 3.0 Bidirectional Algorithm.
BreakDictionary This is the class that represents the list of known words used by DictionaryBasedBreakIterator.
BreakIterator The BreakIterator class implements methods for finding the location of boundaries in text.
CharacterBreakData The CharacterBreakData contains data used by SimpleTextBoundary to determine character breaks.
CharacterIteratorFieldDelegate CharacterIteratorFieldDelegate combines the notifications from a Format into a resulting AttributedCharacterIterator.
CharSet An object representing a set of characters.
ChoiceFormat A ChoiceFormat allows you to attach a format to a range of numbers.
CollationElementIterator The CollationElementIterator class is used as an iterator to walk through each character of an international string.
CollationKey A CollationKey represents a String under the rules of a specific Collator object.
CollationRules CollationRules contains the default en_US collation rules as a base for building other collation tables.
Collator The Collator class performs locale-sensitive String comparison.
DateFormat DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and parses dates or time in a language-independent manner.
DateFormat.Field Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from DateFormat.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
DateFormatSymbols DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data.
DecimalFormat DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal numbers.
DecimalFormatSymbols This class represents the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers.
DictionaryBasedBreakIterator A subclass of RuleBasedBreakIterator that adds the ability to use a dictionary to further subdivide ranges of text beyond what is possible using just the state-table-based algorithm.
DigitList Digit List.
DontCareFieldPosition DontCareFieldPosition defines no-op FieldDelegate.
EntryPair This is used for building contracting character tables.
FieldPosition FieldPosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to identify fields in formatted output.
Format Format is an abstract base class for formatting locale-sensitive information such as dates, messages, and numbers.
Format.Field Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from Format.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
LineBreakData The LineBreakData contains data used by SimpleTextBoundary to determine line breaks.
MergeCollation Utility class for normalizing and merging patterns for collation.
MessageFormat MessageFormat provides a means to produce concatenated messages in language-neutral way.
MessageFormat.Field Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from MessageFormat.formatToCharacterIterator.
NumberFormat NumberFormat is the abstract base class for all number formats.
NumberFormat.Field Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the AttributedCharacterIterator returned from NumberFormat.formatToCharacterIterator and as field identifiers in FieldPosition.
ParsePosition ParsePosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to keep track of the current position during parsing.
PatternEntry Utility class for normalizing and merging patterns for collation.
RBCollationTables This class contains the static state of a RuleBasedCollator: The various tables that are used by the collation routines.
RBTableBuilder This class contains all the code to parse a RuleBasedCollator pattern and build a RBCollationTables object from it.
RuleBasedBreakIterator A subclass of BreakIterator whose behavior is specified using a list of rules.
RuleBasedCollator The RuleBasedCollator class is a concrete subclass of Collator that provides a simple, data-driven, table collator.
SentenceBreakData The SentenceBreakData contains data used by SimpleTextBoundary to determine sentence breaks.
SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner.
SimpleTextBoundary SimpleTextBoundary is an implementation of the BreakIterator protocol.
SpecialMapping This class represents exceptions to the normal unicode category mapping provided by Character.
StringCharacterIterator StringCharacterIterator implements the CharacterIterater protocol for a String.
TextBoundaryData This class wraps up the data tables needed for SimpleTextBoundary.
UnicodeClassMapping This class maps categories to state change inputs for the WordBreakTable.
WordBreakData The WordBreakData contains data used by SimpleTextBoundary to determine word breaks.
WordBreakTable This class implements a state transition table.

Exception Summary
ParseException Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing.