Package javax.swing.plaf.multi

Class Summary
MultiButtonUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ButtonUIs.
MultiColorChooserUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ColorChooserUIs.
MultiComboBoxUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ComboBoxUIs.
MultiDesktopIconUI A multiplexing UI used to combine DesktopIconUIs.
MultiDesktopPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine DesktopPaneUIs.
MultiFileChooserUI A multiplexing UI used to combine FileChooserUIs.
MultiInternalFrameUI A multiplexing UI used to combine InternalFrameUIs.
MultiLabelUI A multiplexing UI used to combine LabelUIs.
MultiListUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ListUIs.
MultiLookAndFeel A multiplexing look and feel that allows more than one UI to be associated with a component at the same time.
MultiMenuBarUI A multiplexing UI used to combine MenuBarUIs.
MultiMenuItemUI A multiplexing UI used to combine MenuItemUIs.
MultiOptionPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine OptionPaneUIs.
MultiPanelUI A multiplexing UI used to combine PanelUIs.
MultiPopupMenuUI A multiplexing UI used to combine PopupMenuUIs.
MultiProgressBarUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ProgressBarUIs.
MultiRootPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine RootPaneUIs.
MultiScrollBarUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ScrollBarUIs.
MultiScrollPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ScrollPaneUIs.
MultiSeparatorUI A multiplexing UI used to combine SeparatorUIs.
MultiSliderUI A multiplexing UI used to combine SliderUIs.
MultiSpinnerUI A multiplexing UI used to combine SpinnerUIs.
MultiSplitPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine SplitPaneUIs.
MultiTabbedPaneUI A multiplexing UI used to combine TabbedPaneUIs.
MultiTableHeaderUI A multiplexing UI used to combine TableHeaderUIs.
MultiTableUI A multiplexing UI used to combine TableUIs.
MultiTextUI A multiplexing UI used to combine TextUIs.
MultiToolBarUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ToolBarUIs.
MultiToolTipUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ToolTipUIs.
MultiTreeUI A multiplexing UI used to combine TreeUIs.
MultiUIDefaults We want the Multiplexing LookAndFeel to be quiet and fallback gracefully if it cannot find a UI.
MultiViewportUI A multiplexing UI used to combine ViewportUIs.