Package javax.swing.text

Interface Summary
AbstractDocument.AttributeContext An interface that can be used to allow MutableAttributeSet implementations to use pluggable attribute compression techniques.
AbstractDocument.Content Interface to describe a sequence of character content that can be edited.
AttributeSet A collection of unique attributes.
AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute This interface is the type signature that is expected to be present on any attribute key that contributes to character level presentation.
AttributeSet.ColorAttribute This interface is the type signature that is expected to be present on any attribute key that contributes to presentation of color.
AttributeSet.FontAttribute This interface is the type signature that is expected to be present on any attribute key that contributes to the determination of what font to use to render some text.
AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute This interface is the type signature that is expected to be present on any attribute key that contributes to the paragraph level presentation.
Caret A place within a document view that represents where things can be inserted into the document model.
Document The Document is a container for text that serves as the model for swing text components.
Element Interface to describe a structural piece of a document.
Highlighter An interface for an object that allows one to mark up the background with colored areas.
Highlighter.HighlightPainter Highlight renderer.
Keymap A collection of bindings of KeyStrokes to actions.
MutableAttributeSet A generic interface for a mutable collection of unique attributes.
Position Represents a location within a document.
Style A collection of attributes to associate with an element in a document.
StyledDocument Interface for a generic styled document.
TabableView Interface for Views that have size dependent upon tabs.
TabExpander Simple interface to allow for different types of implementations of tab expansion.
ViewFactory A factory to create a view of some portion of document subject.

Class Summary
AbstractDocument An implementation of the document interface to serve as a basis for implementing various kinds of documents.
AbstractDocument.ElementEdit An implementation of ElementChange that can be added to the document event.
AbstractWriter AbstractWriter is an abstract class that actually does the work of writing out the element tree including the attributes.
AsyncBoxView A box that does layout asynchronously.
BoxView A view that arranges its children into a box shape by tiling its children along an axis.
ComponentView Component decorator that implements the view interface.
CompositeView CompositeView is an abstract View implementation which manages one or more child views.
DateFormatter DateFormatter is an InternationalFormatter that does its formatting by way of an instance of java.text.DateFormat.
DefaultCaret A default implementation of Caret.
DefaultEditorKit This is the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text document.
DefaultEditorKit.BeepAction Creates a beep.
DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction Copies the selected region and place its contents into the system clipboard.
DefaultEditorKit.CutAction Cuts the selected region and place its contents into the system clipboard.
DefaultEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction The action that is executed by default if a key typed event is received and there is no keymap entry.
DefaultEditorKit.InsertBreakAction Places a line/paragraph break into the document.
DefaultEditorKit.InsertContentAction Places content into the associated document.
DefaultEditorKit.InsertTabAction Places a tab character into the document.
DefaultEditorKit.PageAction Pages one view to the left or right.
DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction Pastes the contents of the system clipboard into the selected region, or before the caret if nothing is selected.
DefaultEditorKit.VerticalPageAction Scrolls up/down vertically.
DefaultFormatter DefaultFormatter formats aribtrary objects.
DefaultFormatter.ReplaceHolder ReplaceHolder is used to track where insert/remove/replace is going to happen.
DefaultFormatterFactory An implementation of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory.
DefaultHighlighter Implements the Highlighter interfaces.
DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter Simple highlight painter that fills a highlighted area with a solid color.
DefaultStyledDocument A document that can be marked up with character and paragraph styles in a manner similar to the Rich Text Format.
DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit An UndoableEdit used to remember AttributeSet changes to an Element.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec Specification for building elements.
DefaultStyledDocument.StyleChangeUndoableEdit UndoableEdit for changing the resolve parent of an Element.
DefaultTextUI Deprecated.  
DocumentFilter DocumentFilter, as the name implies, is a filter for the Document mutation methods.
DocumentFilter.FilterBypass Used as a way to circumvent calling back into the Document to change it.
EditorKit Establishes the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text content.
ElementIterator ElementIterator, as the name suggests, iteratates over the Element tree.
FieldView Extends the multi-line plain text view to be suitable for a single-line editor view.
FlowView A View that tries to flow it's children into some partially constrained space.
FlowView.FlowStrategy Strategy for maintaining the physical form of the flow.
FlowView.LogicalView This class can be used to represent a logical view for a flow.
GapContent An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content interface implemented using a gapped buffer similar to that used by emacs.
GapVector An implementation of a gapped buffer similar to that used by emacs.
GlyphPainter1 A class to perform rendering of the glyphs.
GlyphPainter2 A class to perform rendering of the glyphs.
GlyphView A GlyphView is a styled chunk of text that represents a view mapped over an element in the text model.
GlyphView.GlyphPainter A class to perform rendering of the glyphs.
IconView Icon decorator that implements the view interface.
InternationalFormatter InternationalFormatter extends DefaultFormatter, using an instance of java.text.Format to handle the conversion to a String, and the conversion from a String.
InternationalFormatter.ExtendedReplaceHolder As InternationalFormatter replaces the complete text on every edit, ExtendedReplaceHolder keeps track of the offset and length passed into canReplace.
JTextComponent JTextComponent is the base class for swing text components.
JTextComponent.DefaultTransferHandler A Simple TransferHandler that exports the data as a String, and imports the data from the String clipboard.
JTextComponent.KeyBinding Binding record for creating key bindings.
JTextComponent.KeymapActionMap Wraps a Keymap inside an ActionMap.
JTextComponent.KeymapWrapper KeymapWrapper wraps a Keymap inside an InputMap.
JTextComponent.MutableCaretEvent Event to use when firing a notification of change to caret position.
LabelView A LabelView is a styled chunk of text that represents a view mapped over an element in the text model.
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter Layered highlight renderer.
LayoutQueue A queue of text layout tasks.
MaskFormatter MaskFormatter is used to format and edit strings.
NavigationFilter NavigationFilter can be used to restrict where the cursor can be positioned.
NavigationFilter.FilterBypass Used as a way to circumvent calling back into the caret to position the cursor.
NumberFormatter NumberFormatter subclasses InternationalFormatter adding special behavior for numbers.
ParagraphView View of a simple line-wrapping paragraph that supports multiple fonts, colors, components, icons, etc.
PasswordView Implements a View suitable for use in JPasswordField UI implementations.
PlainDocument A plain document that maintains no character attributes.
PlainView Implements View interface for a simple multi-line text view that has text in one font and color.
Position.Bias A typesafe enumeration to indicate bias to a position in the model.
Segment A segment of a character array representing a fragment of text.
SegmentCache SegmentCache caches Segments to avoid continually creating and destroying of Segments.
SegmentCache.CachedSegment CachedSegment is used as a tagging interface to determine if a Segment can successfully be shared.
SimpleAttributeSet A straightforward implementation of MutableAttributeSet using a hash table.
SimpleAttributeSet.EmptyAttributeSet An AttributeSet this is always empty.
StringContent An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content interface that is a brute force implementation that is useful for relatively small documents and/or debugging.
StyleConstants A collection of well known or common attribute keys and methods to apply to an AttributeSet or MutableAttributeSet to get/set the properties in a typesafe manner.
StyleConstants.CharacterConstants This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a character style.
StyleConstants.ColorConstants This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a color.
StyleConstants.FontConstants This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a font.
StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a paragraph style.
StyleContext A pool of styles and their associated resources.
StyleContext.FontKey key for a font table
StyledEditorKit This is the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text document.
StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction An action to set paragraph alignment.
StyledEditorKit.BoldAction An action to toggle the bold attribute.
StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction An action to set the font family in the associated JEditorPane.
StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction An action to set the font size in the associated JEditorPane.
StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction An action to set foreground color.
StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction An action to toggle the italic attribute.
StyledEditorKit.StyledInsertBreakAction StyledInsertBreakAction has similar behavior to that of DefaultEditorKit.InsertBreakAction.
StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction An action that assumes it's being fired on a JEditorPane with a StyledEditorKit (or subclass) installed.
StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction An action to toggle the underline attribute.
TableView Implements View interface for a table, that is composed of an element structure where the child elements of the element this view is responsible for represent rows and the child elements of the row elements are cells.
TabSet A TabSet is comprised of many TabStops.
TabStop This class encapsulates a single tab stop (basically as tab stops are thought of by RTF).
TextAction An Action implementation useful for key bindings that are shared across a number of different text components.
TextLayoutStrategy A flow strategy that uses java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasureer to produce java.awt.font.TextLayout for i18n capable rendering.
TextLayoutStrategy.AttributedSegment Implementation of AttributedCharacterIterator that supports the GlyphView attributes for rendering the glyphs through a TextLayout.
Utilities A collection of methods to deal with various text related activities.
View A very important part of the text package is the View class.
WrappedPlainView View of plain text (text with only one font and color) that does line-wrapping.
ZoneView ZoneView is a View implementation that creates zones for which the child views are not created or stored until they are needed for display or model/view translations.

Exception Summary
BadLocationException This exception is to report bad locations within a document model (that is, attempts to reference a location that doesn't exist).
ChangedCharSetException ChangedCharSetException as the name indicates is an exception thrown when the charset is changed.

Error Summary
StateInvariantError This exception is to report the failure of state invarient assertion that was made.