Package org.apache.xml.utils

Interface Summary
NodeConsumer The tree walker will test for this interface, and call setOriginatingNode before calling the SAX event.
PrefixResolver The class that implements this interface can resolve prefixes to namespaces.
RawCharacterHandler An interface that a Serializer/ContentHandler/ContentHandler must implement in order for disable-output-escaping to work.
XMLString This class is meant to be an interface to character strings, whether they be java Strings or org.apache.xml.utils.FastStringBuffers, or other character data.

Class Summary
AttList Wraps a DOM attribute list in a SAX Attributes.
BoolStack Simple stack for boolean values.
CharKey Simple class for fast lookup of char values, when used with hashtables.
Context2 Internal class for a single Namespace context.
DefaultErrorHandler Implement SAX error handler for default reporting.
DOMBuilder This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment.
ElemDesc This class is in support of SerializerToHTML, and acts as a sort of element representative for HTML elements.
FastStringBuffer Bare-bones, unsafe, fast string buffer.
Hashtree2Node Simple static utility to convert Hashtable to a Node.
IntStack Implement a stack of simple integers.
IntVector A very simple table that stores a list of int.
ListingErrorHandler Sample implementation of similar SAX ErrorHandler and JAXP ErrorListener.
MutableAttrListImpl Mutable version of AttributesImpl.
NameSpace A representation of a namespace.
NamespaceSupport2 Encapsulate Namespace tracking logic for use by SAX drivers.
NodeVector A very simple table that stores a list of Nodes.
NSInfo This class holds information about the namespace info of a node.
ObjectPool Pool of object of a given type to pick from to help memory usage
ObjectStack Implement a stack of simple integers.
ObjectVector A very simple table that stores a list of objects.
PrefixForUriEnumerator Implementation of Enumeration filter, wrapped aroung the get-all-prefixes version of the operation.
PrefixResolverDefault This class implements a generic PrefixResolver that can be used to perform prefix-to-namespace lookup for the XPath object.
QName Class to represent a qualified name: "The name of an internal XSLT object, specifically a named template (see [7 Named Templates]), a mode (see [6.7 Modes]), an attribute set (see [8.1.4 Named Attribute Sets]), a key (see [14.2 Keys]), a locale (see [14.3 Number Formatting]), a variable or a parameter (see [12 Variables and Parameters]) is specified as a QName.
SAXSourceLocator Class SAXSourceLocator extends org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl for the purpose of implementing the SourceLocator interface, and thus can be both a SourceLocator and a SAX Locator.
SerializableLocatorImpl The standard SAX implementation of LocatorImpl is not serializable, limiting its utility as "a persistent snapshot of a locator".
StringBufferPool This class pools string buffers, since they are reused so often.
StringToIntTable A very simple lookup table that stores a list of strings, the even number strings being keys, and the odd number strings being values.
StringToStringTable A very simple lookup table that stores a list of strings, the even number strings being keys, and the odd number strings being values.
StringToStringTableVector A very simple table that stores a list of StringToStringTables, optimized for small lists.
StringVector A very simple table that stores a list of strings, optimized for small lists.
SuballocatedByteVector A very simple table that stores a list of byte.
SuballocatedIntVector A very simple table that stores a list of int.
SystemIDResolver This class is used to resolve relative URIs and SystemID strings into absolute URIs.
TreeWalker This class does a pre-order walk of the DOM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes.
Trie A digital search trie for 7-bit ASCII text The API is a subset of java.util.Hashtable The key must be a 7-bit ASCII string The value may be any Java Object
UnImplNode To be subclassed by classes that wish to fake being nodes.
URI A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
XMLChar This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XMLCharacterRecognizer Class used to verify whether the specified ch conforms to the XML 1.0 definition of whitespace.
XMLStringFactory A concrete class that implements this interface creates XMLString objects.

Exception Summary
URI.MalformedURIException MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an invalid URI specification.
WrappedRuntimeException This class is for throwing important checked exceptions over non-checked methods.
WrongParserException Certain functions may throw this error if they are paired with the incorrect parser.