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A Novel Dual Ascent Algorithm for Solving the Min-Cost Flow Problem ALENEX 2016

A Novel Dual Ascent Algorithm for Solving the Min-Cost Flow Problem

Ruben Becker1     Maximilian Fickert1     Andreas Karrenbauer1    

1 MPI for Informatics, Germany    


We present a novel algorithm for the min-cost flow problem that is competitive with recent third-party implementations of well-known algorithms for this problem and even outper- forms them on certain realistic instances. We formally prove correctness of our algorithm and show that the worst-case running time is in O(||b||_1(m + n log n)) where b is the vec- tor of demands. Combined with standard scaling techniques, this pseudo-polynomial bound can be made polynomial in a straightforward way. Furthermore, we evaluate our approach experimentally. Our empirical findings indeed suggest that the running time does not significantly depend on the costs and that a linear dependence on ||b||_1 is overly pessimistic.

Materials for Download

Slides of talk at ALENEX 2016.

Addditional Materials


Ruben Becker, Maximilian Fickert, Andreas Karrenbauer
A Novel Dual Ascent Algorithm for Solving the Min-Cost Flow Problem
2016 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), chapter 12, pages 151 - 159.

    author = {Ruben Becker and Maximilian Fickert and Andreas Karrenbauer},
    title = {A Novel Dual Ascent Algorithm for Solving the Min-Cost Flow Problem},
    booktitle = {2016 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX)},
    chapter = {12},
    pages = {151-159},
    doi = {10.1137/1.9781611974317.13},
    URL = {},
    eprint = {}