One may choose from 4 alternatives.
sass([]) turns selection off, resulting in a fully ordered strategy.
sass([]) specifies one of three selection strategies:
Option is the one where the user is asked interactively for
each non-positive clause to select a negative literal for
chaining and superposition.
In option which is fully automatic, no negative literal is selected
if the clause has a positive literal which is strictly greater than
all negative literals.
Otherwise one, usually maximal, negative literal is selected.
Option always selects a (if possible non-maximal) literal in any
non-positive clause. This results in a positive strategy.
The system indicates, by printing an asterix ``*'', those clauses for which a literal has been selected. The selected literal is listed first in the antecedent.
Option sounds like applying usual ordering constraints to
inferences. It is different in that we now perform all negative
chainings into the selected literal, even in cases where the substituted
literal (after applying the unifier of the inference) is not maximal.
What we gain is that we never need to chain from that clause.
Moreover the ordering constraints are simpler and hence faster
to check.
This strategy seems to work better than the fully ordered strategy most of the time. Highly recommended in cases where clauses are too long to admit full checking of ordering constraints.
sass has been called sama in earlier versions of Saturate.