6. Perception-Driven Rendering
of High-Quality Walkthrough Animations
6.1 Image-Based Rendering Techniques
Figure 6.1: Image-Based Rendering (IBR): derivation of an image
for the desired view based on
two reference images.
6.3 Rendering of the Animation
Figure 6.5: The processing flow for inbetween frames computation.
Examples of animation
The following two case studies show the results obtained
using of our hybrid animation rendering technique described in Section
6.3. In our solution only keyframes are fully ray-traced, while inbetween
frames are generated using IBR techniques. The adaptive refinement of keyframe
placement is guided by the Animation Quality Metric predictions.
Examples of the Animation Quality Metric responses for various Pixel Flow
velocities are shown here. The motion-compensated
filtering technique proposed in [MYSZKOWSKI ET AL. '00] is used to reduce
the temporal and spatial aliasing.
As the reference solutions we use animations obtained using
the traditional approach based on ray traced and supersampled frames.
Note that all animations are presented in the QuickTime format, which requires
a specialized animation viewer supporting this format, e.g., QuickTime
plug-in for web browsers available under the URL: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
Case study #1: ATRIUM
Case study #2: ROOM