Package java.util.regex

Class Summary
ASCII Utility class that implements the standard C ctype functionality.
Matcher An engine that performs match operations on a character sequence by interpreting a Pattern.
Pattern A compiled representation of a regular expression.
Pattern.Add An object added to the tree when a character class has an additional range added to it.
Pattern.All Implements the Unicode category ALL and the dot metacharacter when in dotall mode.
Pattern.BackRef Refers to a group in the regular expression.
Pattern.Begin Node to anchor at the beginning of input.
Pattern.Behind Zero width positive lookbehind.
Pattern.BitClass Creates a bit vector for matching ASCII values.
Pattern.BnM Attempts to match a slice in the input using the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm.
Pattern.Both An object added to the tree when a character class has another nested class in it.
Pattern.Bound Handles word boundaries.
Pattern.Branch Handles the branching of alternations.
Pattern.Caret Node to anchor at the beginning of a line.
Pattern.Category Node class that matches a Unicode category.
Pattern.CIRange Node class for matching characters within an explicit value range in a case insensitive manner.
Pattern.Ctype Node class that matches a POSIX type.
Pattern.Curly Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and maximum occurrences.
Pattern.Dollar Node to anchor at the end of a line or the end of input based on the multiline mode.
Pattern.Dot Node class for the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled.
Pattern.Dummy Dummy node to assist in connecting branches.
Pattern.End Node to anchor at the end of input.
Pattern.First Searches until the next instance of its atom.
Pattern.GroupCurly Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and maximum occurrences in deterministic cases.
Pattern.GroupHead The GroupHead saves the location where the group begins in the locals and restores them when the match is done.
Pattern.GroupRef Recursive reference to a group in the regular expression.
Pattern.GroupTail The GroupTail handles the setting of group beginning and ending locations when groups are successfully matched.
Pattern.LastMatch Node to match the location where the last match ended.
Pattern.LazyLoop Handles the repetition count for a reluctant Curly.
Pattern.Loop Handles the repetition count for a greedy Curly.
Pattern.Neg Zero width negative lookahead.
Pattern.Node Base class for all node classes.
Pattern.NotBehind Zero width negative lookbehind.
Pattern.NotSingle Node class to match any character except a single char value.
Pattern.NotSingleU Case independent unicode value.
Pattern.Pos Zero width positive lookahead.
Pattern.Prolog This sets up a loop to handle a recursive quantifier structure.
Pattern.Ques The 0 or 1 quantifier.
Pattern.Range Node class for matching characters within an explicit value range.
Pattern.Single Node class for a single character value.
Pattern.SingleA Case independent ASCII value.
Pattern.SingleU Case independent unicode value.
Pattern.Slice Node class for a case sensitive sequence of literal characters.
Pattern.SliceA Node class for a case insensitive sequence of literal characters.
Pattern.SliceU Node class for a case insensitive sequence of literal characters.
Pattern.Start Used for REs that can start anywhere within the input string.
Pattern.Sub An object added to the tree when a character class has a range or single subtracted from it.
Pattern.TreeInfo Used to accumulate information about a subtree of the object graph so that optimizations can be applied to the subtree.
Pattern.UnixCaret Node to anchor at the beginning of a line when in unixdot mode.
Pattern.UnixDollar Node to anchor at the end of a line or the end of input based on the multiline mode when in unix lines mode.
Pattern.UnixDot Node class for the dot metacharacter when dotall is not enabled but UNIX_LINES is enabled.

Exception Summary
PatternSyntaxException Unchecked exception thrown to indicate a syntax error in a regular-expression pattern.