Class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader

  extended byjavax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
      extended byjavax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.HTMLReader
Enclosing class:

public class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader
extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback

An HTML reader to load an HTML document with an HTML element structure. This is a set of callbacks from the parser, implemented to create a set of elements tagged with attributes. The parse builds up tokens (ElementSpec) that describe the element subtree desired, and burst it into the document under the protection of a write lock using the insert method on the document outer class.

The reader can be configured by registering actions (of type HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction) that describe how to handle the action. The idea behind the actions provided is that the most natural text editing operations can be provided if the element structure boils down to paragraphs with runs of some kind of style in them. Some things are more naturally specified structurally, so arbitrary structure should be allowed above the paragraphs, but will need to be edited with structural actions. The implication of this is that some of the HTML elements specified in the stream being parsed will be collapsed into attributes, and in some cases paragraphs will be synthesized. When HTML elements have been converted to attributes, the attribute key will be of type HTML.Tag, and the value will be of type AttributeSet so that no information is lost. This enables many of the existing actions to work so that the user can type input, hit the return key, backspace, delete, etc and have a reasonable result. Selections can be created, and attributes applied or removed, etc. With this in mind, the work done by the reader can be categorized into the following kinds of tasks:

Build the structure like it's specified in the stream. This produces elements that contain other elements.
Like block except that it's expected that the element will be used with a paragraph view so a paragraph element won't need to be synthesized.
Contribute the element as an attribute that will start and stop at arbitrary text locations. This will ultimately be mixed into a run of text, with all of the currently flattened HTML character elements.
Produce an embedded graphical element.
Produce an element that is like the embedded graphical element, except that it also has a component model associated with it.
Create an element that is hidden from view when the document is being viewed read-only, and visible when the document is being edited. This is useful to keep the model from losing information, and used to store things like comments and unrecognized tags.

Currently, <APPLET>, <PARAM>, <MAP>, <AREA>, <LINK>, <SCRIPT> and <STYLE> are unsupported.

The assignment of the actions described is shown in the following table for the tags defined in HTML.Tag.

HTML.Tag.A CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.ADDRESS CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.APPLET HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.AREA AreaAction
HTML.Tag.B CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BASE BaseAction
HTML.Tag.BASEFONT CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BIG CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.BODY BlockAction
HTML.Tag.BR SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.CAPTION BlockAction
HTML.Tag.CENTER BlockAction
HTML.Tag.CITE CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.CODE CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.DD BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DFN CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.DIR BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DIV BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DL BlockAction
HTML.Tag.DT ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.EM CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.FONT CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.FORM As of 1.4 a BlockAction
HTML.Tag.FRAME SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.H1 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H2 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H3 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H4 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H5 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.H6 ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.HEAD HeadAction
HTML.Tag.HR SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.HTML BlockAction
HTML.Tag.I CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.IMG SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.INPUT FormAction
HTML.Tag.ISINDEX IsndexAction
HTML.Tag.KBD CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.LI BlockAction
HTML.Tag.LINK LinkAction
HTML.Tag.MAP MapAction
HTML.Tag.MENU BlockAction
HTML.Tag.META MetaAction
HTML.Tag.OBJECT SpecialAction
HTML.Tag.OL BlockAction
HTML.Tag.OPTION FormAction
HTML.Tag.P ParagraphAction
HTML.Tag.PARAM HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.PRE PreAction
HTML.Tag.SAMP CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.SCRIPT HiddenAction
HTML.Tag.SELECT FormAction
HTML.Tag.SMALL CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STRIKE CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.S CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STRONG CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.STYLE StyleAction
HTML.Tag.SUB CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.SUP CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.TABLE BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TD BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TH BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TITLE TitleAction
HTML.Tag.TR BlockAction
HTML.Tag.TT CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.U CharacterAction
HTML.Tag.UL BlockAction
HTML.Tag.VAR CharacterAction

Once </html> is encountered, the Actions are no longer notified.

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.AnchorAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.AreaAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.BaseAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.BlockAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.CharacterAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.ConvertAction
          Provides conversion of HTML tag/attribute mappings that have a corresponding StyleConstants and CSS mapping.
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormAction
          Action to support forms by building all of the elements used to represent form controls.
private  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormTagAction
          Action used for the actual element form tag.
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.HeadAction
          End if overridden to create the necessary stylesheets that are referenced via the link tag.
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.HiddenAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.IsindexAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.LinkAction
          A subclass to add the AttributeSet to styles if the attributes contains an attribute for 'rel' with value 'stylesheet' or 'alternate stylesheet'.
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.MapAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.MetaAction
          Subclass of HiddenAction to set the content type for style sheets, and to set the name of the default style sheet.
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.ObjectAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.ParagraphAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.PreAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.SpecialAction
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.StyleAction
 class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction
          An action to be performed in response to parsing a tag.
(package private)  class HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TitleAction
Field Summary
protected  MutableAttributeSet charAttr
(package private)  Stack charAttrStack
(package private)  String defaultStyle
          Name of style to use.
(package private)  boolean emptyAnchor
(package private)  boolean emptyDocument
          True if inserting into an empty document.
private  int flushCount
          Number of times flushBuffer has been invoked.
(package private)  boolean foundInsertTag
          Set to true when insertTag has been found.
(package private)  boolean impliedP
(package private)  int inBlock
(package private)  boolean inBody
          True when the body has been encountered.
(package private)  boolean inHead
          True if inside the head tag.
(package private)  boolean inParagraph
(package private)  boolean inPre
private  boolean insertAfterImplied
          If true, behavior is similiar to insertTag, but instead of waiting for insertTag will wait for first Element without an 'implied' attribute and begin inserting then.
(package private)  boolean insertInsertTag
          If true, the insertTag is inserted, otherwise elements after the insertTag is found are inserted.
(package private)  HTML.Tag insertTag
          If non null, gives parent Tag that insert is to happen at.
(package private)  int insertTagDepthDelta
          When foundInsertTag is set to true, this will be updated to reflect the delta between the two structures.
(package private)  boolean inStyle
          Set to true when a style element is encountered.
(package private)  boolean inTextArea
(package private)  boolean inTitle
(package private)  boolean isStyleCSS
          Set to true if the style language is text/css.
(package private)  Map lastMap
          Last Map that was encountered.
(package private)  boolean lastWasNewline
(package private)  boolean midInsert
          True if (!
(package private)  int offset
(package private)  Option option
          Current option, if in an option element (needed to load the label.
protected  Vector parseBuffer
(package private)  int popDepth
          How many parents to ascend before insert new elements.
(package private)  int pushDepth
          How many parents to descend (relative to popDepth) before inserting.
private  boolean receivedEndHTML
          This is set to true when and end is invoked for .
(package private)  AttributeSet styleAttributes
          Attributes from a style Attribute.
(package private)  Vector styles
          Vector describing styles that should be include.
(package private)  Hashtable tagMap
(package private)  TextAreaDocument textAreaDocument
(package private)  int threshold
private  boolean wantsTrailingNewline
          This is only used if insertAfterImplied is true.
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
Constructor Summary
  HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset)
  HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset, int popDepth, int pushDepth, HTML.Tag insertTag)
(package private) HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset, int popDepth, int pushDepth, HTML.Tag insertTag, boolean insertInsertTag, boolean insertAfterImplied, boolean wantsTrailingNewline)
          Generates a RuntimeException (will eventually generate a BadLocationException when API changes are alloced) if inserting into non empty document, insertTag is non-null, and offset is not in the body.
Method Summary
protected  void addContent(char[] data, int offs, int length)
          Adds some text with the current character attributes.
protected  void addContent(char[] data, int offs, int length, boolean generateImpliedPIfNecessary)
          Adds some text with the current character attributes.
(package private)  void addCSSRules(String rules)
          Adds the CSS rules in rules.
private  void addExternalComment(String comment)
          Adds the comment comment to the set of comments maintained outside of the scope of elements.
protected  void addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Adds content that is basically specified entirely in the attribute set.
private  void adjustEndElement()
          This will make sure there aren't two BODYs (the second is typically created when you do a remove all, and then an insert).
private  void adjustEndSpecsForPartialInsert()
          This will be invoked for the last flush, if insertTag is non null.
protected  void blockClose(HTML.Tag t)
          Adds an instruction to the parse buffer to close out a block element of the given type.
protected  void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
          Adds an instruction to the parse buffer to create a block element with the given attributes.
private  boolean canInsertTag(HTML.Tag t, AttributeSet attr, boolean isBlockTag)
          Returns true if can insert starting at t.
private  int depthTo(int offset)
 void flush()
          The last method called on the reader.
(package private)  void flushBuffer(boolean endOfStream)
          Flushes the current parse buffer into the document.
private  void foundInsertTag(boolean isBlockTag)
private  void generateEndsSpecsForMidInsert()
          Generates an initial batch of end ElementSpecs in parseBuffer to position future inserts into the body.
private  Element[] getPathTo(int offset)
 void handleComment(char[] data, int pos)
 void handleEndOfLineString(String eol)
          This is invoked after the stream has been parsed, but before flush.
 void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag t, int pos)
          Callback from the parser.
 void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
          Callback from the parser.
 void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
          Callback from the parser.
 void handleText(char[] data, int pos)
          Called by the parser to indicate a block of text was encountered.
private  int heightToElementWithName(Object name, int offset)
private  boolean isInsertTag(HTML.Tag tag)
(package private)  void linkCSSStyleSheet(String href)
          Adds the CSS stylesheet at href to the known list of stylesheets.
protected  void popCharacterStyle()
          Pops a previously pushed character style off the stack to return to a previous style.
protected  void preContent(char[] data)
          Adds the given content that was encountered in a PRE element.
protected  void pushCharacterStyle()
          Pushes the current character style on a stack in preparation for forming a new nested character style.
protected  void registerTag(HTML.Tag t, HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction a)
          Registers a handler for the given tag.
protected  void textAreaContent(char[] data)
          Adds the given content to the textarea document.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private boolean receivedEndHTML
This is set to true when and end is invoked for .


private int flushCount
Number of times flushBuffer has been invoked.


private boolean insertAfterImplied
If true, behavior is similiar to insertTag, but instead of waiting for insertTag will wait for first Element without an 'implied' attribute and begin inserting then.


private boolean wantsTrailingNewline
This is only used if insertAfterImplied is true. If false, only inserting content, and there is a trailing newline it is removed.


int threshold


int offset


boolean inParagraph


boolean impliedP


boolean inPre


boolean inTextArea


TextAreaDocument textAreaDocument


boolean inTitle


boolean lastWasNewline


boolean emptyAnchor


boolean midInsert
True if (!emptyDocument && insertTag == null), this is used so much it is cached.


boolean inBody
True when the body has been encountered.


HTML.Tag insertTag
If non null, gives parent Tag that insert is to happen at.


boolean insertInsertTag
If true, the insertTag is inserted, otherwise elements after the insertTag is found are inserted.


boolean foundInsertTag
Set to true when insertTag has been found.


int insertTagDepthDelta
When foundInsertTag is set to true, this will be updated to reflect the delta between the two structures. That is, it will be the depth the inserts are happening at minus the depth of the tags being passed in. A value of 0 (the common case) indicates the structures match, a value greater than 0 indicates the insert is happening at a deeper depth than the stream is parsing, and a value less than 0 indicates the insert is happening earlier in the tree that the parser thinks and that we will need to remove EndTagType specs in the flushBuffer method.


int popDepth
How many parents to ascend before insert new elements.


int pushDepth
How many parents to descend (relative to popDepth) before inserting.


Map lastMap
Last Map that was encountered.


boolean inStyle
Set to true when a style element is encountered.


String defaultStyle
Name of style to use. Obtained from Meta tag.


Vector styles
Vector describing styles that should be include. Will consist of a bunch of HTML.Tags, which will either be:

LINK: in which case it is followed by an AttributeSet

STYLE: in which case the following element is a String indicating the type (may be null), and the elements following it until the next HTML.Tag are the rules as Strings.


boolean inHead
True if inside the head tag.


boolean isStyleCSS
Set to true if the style language is text/css. Since this is used alot, it is cached.


boolean emptyDocument
True if inserting into an empty document.


AttributeSet styleAttributes
Attributes from a style Attribute.


Option option
Current option, if in an option element (needed to load the label.


protected Vector parseBuffer


protected MutableAttributeSet charAttr


Stack charAttrStack


Hashtable tagMap


int inBlock
Constructor Detail


public HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset)


public HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset,
                               int popDepth,
                               int pushDepth,
                               HTML.Tag insertTag)


HTMLDocument.HTMLReader(int offset,
                        int popDepth,
                        int pushDepth,
                        HTML.Tag insertTag,
                        boolean insertInsertTag,
                        boolean insertAfterImplied,
                        boolean wantsTrailingNewline)
Generates a RuntimeException (will eventually generate a BadLocationException when API changes are alloced) if inserting into non empty document, insertTag is non-null, and offset is not in the body.

Method Detail


private void generateEndsSpecsForMidInsert()
Generates an initial batch of end ElementSpecs in parseBuffer to position future inserts into the body.


private int depthTo(int offset)
number of parents to reach the child at offset.


private int heightToElementWithName(Object name,
                                    int offset)
number of parents of the leaf at offset until a parent with name, name has been found. -1 indicates no matching parent with name.


private void adjustEndElement()
This will make sure there aren't two BODYs (the second is typically created when you do a remove all, and then an insert).


private Element[] getPathTo(int offset)


public void flush()
           throws BadLocationException
The last method called on the reader. It allows any pending changes to be flushed into the document. Since this is currently loading synchronously, the entire set of changes are pushed in at this point.

flush in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


public void handleText(char[] data,
                       int pos)
Called by the parser to indicate a block of text was encountered.

handleText in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t,
                           MutableAttributeSet a,
                           int pos)
Callback from the parser. Route to the appropriate handler for the tag.

handleStartTag in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


public void handleComment(char[] data,
                          int pos)
handleComment in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


private void addExternalComment(String comment)
Adds the comment comment to the set of comments maintained outside of the scope of elements.


public void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag t,
                         int pos)
Callback from the parser. Route to the appropriate handler for the tag.

handleEndTag in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t,
                            MutableAttributeSet a,
                            int pos)
Callback from the parser. Route to the appropriate handler for the tag.

handleSimpleTag in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


public void handleEndOfLineString(String eol)
This is invoked after the stream has been parsed, but before flush. eol will be one of \n, \r or \r\n, which ever is encountered the most in parsing the stream.

handleEndOfLineString in class HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback


protected void registerTag(HTML.Tag t,
                           HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction a)
Registers a handler for the given tag. By default all of the well-known tags will have been registered. This can be used to change the handling of a particular tag or to add support for custom tags.


protected void pushCharacterStyle()
Pushes the current character style on a stack in preparation for forming a new nested character style.


protected void popCharacterStyle()
Pops a previously pushed character style off the stack to return to a previous style.


protected void textAreaContent(char[] data)
Adds the given content to the textarea document. This method gets called when we are in a textarea context. Therefore all text that is seen belongs to the text area and is hence added to the TextAreaDocument associated with the text area.


protected void preContent(char[] data)
Adds the given content that was encountered in a PRE element. This synthesizes lines to hold the runs of text, and makes calls to addContent to actually add the text.


protected void blockOpen(HTML.Tag t,
                         MutableAttributeSet attr)
Adds an instruction to the parse buffer to create a block element with the given attributes.


protected void blockClose(HTML.Tag t)
Adds an instruction to the parse buffer to close out a block element of the given type.


protected void addContent(char[] data,
                          int offs,
                          int length)
Adds some text with the current character attributes.

data - text to be added
offs - location to insert text in the Document
length - length of new text


protected void addContent(char[] data,
                          int offs,
                          int length,
                          boolean generateImpliedPIfNecessary)
Adds some text with the current character attributes.

data - text to be added
offs - location to insert text in the Document
length - length of new text
generateImpliedPIfNecessary - If false, the text is added as is. If true and the current Element is not a valid Element to contain textual content, a paragraph will be created to contain the text.


protected void addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t,
                                 MutableAttributeSet a)
Adds content that is basically specified entirely in the attribute set.


void flushBuffer(boolean endOfStream)
           throws BadLocationException
Flushes the current parse buffer into the document.

endOfStream - true if there is no more content to parser


private void adjustEndSpecsForPartialInsert()
This will be invoked for the last flush, if insertTag is non null.


void addCSSRules(String rules)
Adds the CSS rules in rules.


void linkCSSStyleSheet(String href)
Adds the CSS stylesheet at href to the known list of stylesheets.


private boolean canInsertTag(HTML.Tag t,
                             AttributeSet attr,
                             boolean isBlockTag)
Returns true if can insert starting at t. This will return false if the insert tag is set, and hasn't been found yet.


private boolean isInsertTag(HTML.Tag tag)


private void foundInsertTag(boolean isBlockTag)