Class MockAttributeSet

  extended byjavax.swing.text.rtf.MockAttributeSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributeSet, MutableAttributeSet

class MockAttributeSet
extends Object
implements AttributeSet, MutableAttributeSet

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class javax.swing.text.AttributeSet
AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute, AttributeSet.ColorAttribute, AttributeSet.FontAttribute, AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute
Field Summary
 Dictionary backing
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.text.AttributeSet
NameAttribute, ResolveAttribute
Constructor Summary
(package private) MockAttributeSet()
Method Summary
 void addAttribute(Object name, Object value)
          Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains an attribute with the given name and value.
 void addAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains the given attributes and values.
 boolean containsAttribute(Object name, Object value)
          Returns true if this set contains this attribute with an equal value.
 boolean containsAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Returns true if this set contains all the attributes with equal values.
 AttributeSet copyAttributes()
          Returns an attribute set that is guaranteed not to change over time.
 Object getAttribute(Object name)
          Fetches the value of the given attribute.
 int getAttributeCount()
          Returns the number of attributes contained in this set.
 Enumeration getAttributeNames()
          Returns an enumeration over the names of the attributes in the set.
 AttributeSet getResolveParent()
          Gets the resolving parent.
 boolean isDefined(Object name)
          Checks whether the named attribute has a value specified in the set without resolving through another attribute set.
 boolean isEmpty()
 boolean isEqual(AttributeSet attr)
          Determines if the two attribute sets are equivalent.
 void removeAttribute(Object name)
          Removes an attribute with the given name.
 void removeAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Removes a set of attributes with the given name.
 void removeAttributes(Enumeration en)
          Removes an attribute set with the given names.
 void setResolveParent(AttributeSet pp)
          Sets the resolving parent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Dictionary backing
Constructor Detail


Method Detail


public boolean isEmpty()


public int getAttributeCount()
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Returns the number of attributes contained in this set.

Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface AttributeSet
the number of attributes >= 0


public boolean isDefined(Object name)
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Checks whether the named attribute has a value specified in the set without resolving through another attribute set.

Specified by:
isDefined in interface AttributeSet
name - the attribute name
true if the attribute has a value specified


public boolean isEqual(AttributeSet attr)
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Determines if the two attribute sets are equivalent.

Specified by:
isEqual in interface AttributeSet
attr - an attribute set
true if the sets are equivalent


public AttributeSet copyAttributes()
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Returns an attribute set that is guaranteed not to change over time.

Specified by:
copyAttributes in interface AttributeSet
a copy of the attribute set


public Object getAttribute(Object name)
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Fetches the value of the given attribute. If the value is not found locally, the search is continued upward through the resolving parent (if one exists) until the value is either found or there are no more parents. If the value is not found, null is returned.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface AttributeSet
name - the non-null key of the attribute binding
the value


public void addAttribute(Object name,
                         Object value)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains an attribute with the given name and value. The object must be immutable, or not mutated by any client.

Specified by:
addAttribute in interface MutableAttributeSet
name - the name
value - the value


public void addAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Creates a new attribute set similar to this one except that it contains the given attributes and values.

Specified by:
addAttributes in interface MutableAttributeSet
attr - the set of attributes


public void removeAttribute(Object name)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Removes an attribute with the given name.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface MutableAttributeSet
name - the attribute name


public void removeAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Removes a set of attributes with the given name.

Specified by:
removeAttributes in interface MutableAttributeSet
attr - the set of attributes


public void removeAttributes(Enumeration en)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Removes an attribute set with the given names.

Specified by:
removeAttributes in interface MutableAttributeSet
en - the set of names


public void setResolveParent(AttributeSet pp)
Description copied from interface: MutableAttributeSet
Sets the resolving parent. This is the set of attributes to resolve through if an attribute isn't defined locally.

Specified by:
setResolveParent in interface MutableAttributeSet
pp - the parent


public Enumeration getAttributeNames()
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Returns an enumeration over the names of the attributes in the set. The values of the Enumeration may be anything and are not constrained to a particular Object type. The set does not include the resolving parent, if one is defined.

Specified by:
getAttributeNames in interface AttributeSet
the names


public boolean containsAttribute(Object name,
                                 Object value)
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Returns true if this set contains this attribute with an equal value.

Specified by:
containsAttribute in interface AttributeSet
name - the non-null attribute name
value - the value
true if the set contains the attribute with an equal value


public boolean containsAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Returns true if this set contains all the attributes with equal values.

Specified by:
containsAttributes in interface AttributeSet
attr - the set of attributes to check against
true if this set contains all the attributes with equal values


public AttributeSet getResolveParent()
Description copied from interface: AttributeSet
Gets the resolving parent.

Specified by:
getResolveParent in interface AttributeSet
the parent