Class VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode

  extended byjavax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
      extended byjavax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, MutableTreeNode, Serializable, TreeNode
Enclosing class:

private class VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode
extends DefaultMutableTreeNode

TreeStateNode is used to keep track of each of the nodes that have been expanded. This will also cache the preferred size of the value it represents.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
DefaultMutableTreeNode.BreadthFirstEnumeration, DefaultMutableTreeNode.PathBetweenNodesEnumeration, DefaultMutableTreeNode.PostorderEnumeration, DefaultMutableTreeNode.PreorderEnumeration
Field Summary
protected  boolean expanded
          Is this node currently expanded?
protected  boolean hasBeenExpanded
          Has this node been expanded at least once?
protected  TreePath path
          Path of this node.
protected  int preferredHeight
protected  int preferredWidth
          Preferred size needed to draw the user object.
protected  int xOrigin
          X location that the user object will be drawn at.
protected  int yOrigin
          Y location that the user object will be drawn at.
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
allowsChildren, children, EMPTY_ENUMERATION, parent, userObject
Constructor Summary
VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode(Object value)
Method Summary
 Enumeration children()
          Returns the children of the receiver.
 void collapse()
          Collapses the receiver.
protected  void collapse(boolean adjustTree)
          Collapses this node in the tree.
protected  void deepMarkSizeInvalid()
          Marks the receivers size, and all its descendants sizes, as invalid.
protected  void didAdjustTree()
          Messaged from expand and collapse.
 void expand()
          Expands the receiver.
protected  void expand(boolean adjustTree)
          Expands this node in the tree.
protected  void expandParentAndReceiver()
          Invokes expandParentAndReceiver on the parent, and expands the receiver.
 VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode getLastVisibleNode()
          Returns the last visible node that is a child of this instance.
protected  Enumeration getLoadedChildren(boolean createIfNeeded)
          Returns the children of the receiver.
 int getModelChildCount()
          Returns the number of children this will have.
 Rectangle getNodeBounds(Rectangle placeIn)
          Returns the location and size of this node.
 int getPreferredHeight()
          Returns the preferred height of the receiver.
 int getPreferredWidth()
          Returns the preferred width of the receiver.
 int getRow()
          Returns the row of the receiver.
 TreePath getTreePath()
          Returns a TreePath instance for this node.
 Object getValue()
          Returns the value the receiver is representing.
 int getVisibleChildCount()
          Returns the number of visible children, that is the number of children that are expanded, or leafs.
 int getXOrigin()
 int getYOrigin()
          Returns the y origin the user object will be drawn at.
 boolean hasBeenExpanded()
          Returns true if this node has been expanded at least once.
 boolean hasValidSize()
          Returns true if this node has a valid size.
 boolean isExpanded()
          Returns true if the receiver has been expanded.
 boolean isLeaf()
          Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
 boolean isVisible()
          Returns true if the receiver is currently visible.
 void makeVisible()
          Makes the receiver visible, but invoking expandParentAndReceiver on the superclass.
protected  void markSizeInvalid()
          Marks the receivers size as invalid.
 void remove(int childIndex)
          Messaged when this node is removed from its parent, this messages removedFromMapping to remove all the children.
protected  void removeFromMapping()
          Removes the receiver, and all its children, from the mapping table.
protected  void resetChildrenPaths(TreePath parentPath)
          Recreates the receivers path, and all its childrens paths.
 void setParent(MutableTreeNode parent)
          Messaged when this node is added somewhere, resets the path and adds a mapping from path to this node.
 void setUserObject(Object o)
          Messaged to set the user object.
protected  void setYOrigin(int newYOrigin)
          Sets y origin the user object will be drawn at to newYOrigin.
protected  void shiftYOriginBy(int offset)
          Shifts the y origin by offset.
 void toggleExpanded()
          Toggles the receiver between expanded and collapsed.
protected  void updatePreferredSize()
          Updates the receivers preferredSize by invoking updatePreferredSize with an argument of -1.
protected  void updatePreferredSize(int index)
          Updates the preferred size by asking the current renderer for the Dimension needed to draw the user object this instance represents.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
add, breadthFirstEnumeration, clone, depthFirstEnumeration, getAllowsChildren, getChildAfter, getChildAt, getChildBefore, getChildCount, getDepth, getFirstChild, getFirstLeaf, getIndex, getLastChild, getLastLeaf, getLeafCount, getLevel, getNextLeaf, getNextNode, getNextSibling, getParent, getPath, getPathToRoot, getPreviousLeaf, getPreviousNode, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getSharedAncestor, getSiblingCount, getUserObject, getUserObjectPath, insert, isNodeAncestor, isNodeChild, isNodeDescendant, isNodeRelated, isNodeSibling, isRoot, pathFromAncestorEnumeration, postorderEnumeration, preorderEnumeration, remove, removeAllChildren, removeFromParent, setAllowsChildren, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int preferredWidth
Preferred size needed to draw the user object.


protected int preferredHeight


protected int xOrigin
X location that the user object will be drawn at.


protected int yOrigin
Y location that the user object will be drawn at.


protected boolean expanded
Is this node currently expanded?


protected boolean hasBeenExpanded
Has this node been expanded at least once?


protected TreePath path
Path of this node.

Constructor Detail


public VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode(Object value)
Method Detail


public void setParent(MutableTreeNode parent)
Messaged when this node is added somewhere, resets the path and adds a mapping from path to this node.

Specified by:
setParent in interface MutableTreeNode
setParent in class DefaultMutableTreeNode
parent - this node's new parent


public void remove(int childIndex)
Messaged when this node is removed from its parent, this messages removedFromMapping to remove all the children.

Specified by:
remove in interface MutableTreeNode
remove in class DefaultMutableTreeNode
childIndex - the index in this node's child array of the child to remove


public void setUserObject(Object o)
Messaged to set the user object. This resets the path.

Specified by:
setUserObject in interface MutableTreeNode
setUserObject in class DefaultMutableTreeNode
o - the Object that constitutes this node's user-specified data
See Also:
DefaultMutableTreeNode.getUserObject(), DefaultMutableTreeNode.toString()


public Enumeration children()
Returns the children of the receiver. If the receiver is not currently expanded, this will return an empty enumeration.

Specified by:
children in interface TreeNode
children in class DefaultMutableTreeNode
an Enumeration of this node's children


public boolean isLeaf()
Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.

Specified by:
isLeaf in interface TreeNode
isLeaf in class DefaultMutableTreeNode
true if this node has no children
See Also:


public Rectangle getNodeBounds(Rectangle placeIn)
Returns the location and size of this node.


public int getXOrigin()
x location to draw node at.


public int getYOrigin()
Returns the y origin the user object will be drawn at.


public int getPreferredHeight()
Returns the preferred height of the receiver.


public int getPreferredWidth()
Returns the preferred width of the receiver.


public boolean hasValidSize()
Returns true if this node has a valid size.


public int getRow()
Returns the row of the receiver.


public boolean hasBeenExpanded()
Returns true if this node has been expanded at least once.


public boolean isExpanded()
Returns true if the receiver has been expanded.


public VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode getLastVisibleNode()
Returns the last visible node that is a child of this instance.


public boolean isVisible()
Returns true if the receiver is currently visible.


public int getModelChildCount()
Returns the number of children this will have. If the children have not yet been loaded, this messages the model.


public int getVisibleChildCount()
Returns the number of visible children, that is the number of children that are expanded, or leafs.


public void toggleExpanded()
Toggles the receiver between expanded and collapsed.


public void makeVisible()
Makes the receiver visible, but invoking expandParentAndReceiver on the superclass.


public void expand()
Expands the receiver.


public void collapse()
Collapses the receiver.


public Object getValue()
Returns the value the receiver is representing. This is a cover for getUserObject.


public TreePath getTreePath()
Returns a TreePath instance for this node.


protected void resetChildrenPaths(TreePath parentPath)
Recreates the receivers path, and all its childrens paths.


protected void setYOrigin(int newYOrigin)
Sets y origin the user object will be drawn at to newYOrigin.


protected void shiftYOriginBy(int offset)
Shifts the y origin by offset.


protected void updatePreferredSize()
Updates the receivers preferredSize by invoking updatePreferredSize with an argument of -1.


protected void updatePreferredSize(int index)
Updates the preferred size by asking the current renderer for the Dimension needed to draw the user object this instance represents.


protected void markSizeInvalid()
Marks the receivers size as invalid. Next time the size, location is asked for it will be obtained.


protected void deepMarkSizeInvalid()
Marks the receivers size, and all its descendants sizes, as invalid.


protected Enumeration getLoadedChildren(boolean createIfNeeded)
Returns the children of the receiver. If the children haven't been loaded from the model and createIfNeeded is true, the children are first loaded.


protected void didAdjustTree()
Messaged from expand and collapse. This is meant for subclassers that may wish to do something interesting with this.


protected void expandParentAndReceiver()
Invokes expandParentAndReceiver on the parent, and expands the receiver.


protected void expand(boolean adjustTree)
Expands this node in the tree. This will load the children from the treeModel if this node has not previously been expanded. If adjustTree is true the tree and selection are updated accordingly.


protected void collapse(boolean adjustTree)
Collapses this node in the tree. If adjustTree is true the tree and selection are updated accordingly.


protected void removeFromMapping()
Removes the receiver, and all its children, from the mapping table.