Package org.apache.crimson.tree

Interface Summary
DocumentEx This interface extends the DOM Document model in several useful ways.
ElementEx This extends the DOM Element interface with additional features.
ElementFactory This interface defines a factory which can be used by documents to provide namespace-aware element creation.
NodeEx This interface defines accessors to inherited attributes of nodes, and provides support for using XML Namespaces.
ParseContext This interface is used during parsing of XML content to encapsulate information about the location of the parsing event being reported.
XmlWritable Objects that can write themselves as XML text do so using this interface.

Class Summary
AttributeNode Node representing an XML attribute.
AttributeNode1 A DOM Attr that was created with a Level 1 create method.
AttributeSet Class representing a list of XML attributes.
CDataNode Node representing XML CDATA text, which is just like other text except for its delimiters (<[CDATA[text]]>).
CommentNode Class representing an XML Comment.
DataNode Node representing XML character data, such as text (including CDATA sections and comments).
Doctype Class representing a DTD in DOM Level 1; this class exists purely for editor support, and is of dubious interest otherwise.
DOMImplementationImpl This class implements the DOM DOMImplementation interface.
ElementNode A DOM Element that was created with a Level 1 create method.
ElementNode2 Modified version of ElementNode to support DOM Level 2 methods.
NamespacedNode This adds the notion of namespaces to the ParentNode class for certain types of nodes such as DOM Element and Attr nodes.
NodeBase Base class for DOM parse tree nodes which may appear in XmlDocument nodes.
ParentNode This adds an implementation of "parent of" relationships to the NodeBase class.
PINode Node representing an XML processing instruction.
SimpleElementFactory This is a convenience class for creating application-specific elements associated with specified (or default) XML namespaces.
TextNode Node representing XML text.
TreeWalker This class implements a preorder depth first walk over the tree rooted at a given DOM node.
XmlDocument This class implements the DOM Document interface, and also provides static factory methods to create document instances.
XmlDocumentBuilder This class is a SAX2 ContentHandler which converts a stream of parse events into an in-memory DOM document.
XmlDocumentBuilderNS This class implements a Namespace aware DOM tree builder which uses NS versions of the DOM Level 2 create methods and assumes disableNamespaces is false, ie.
XmlWriteContext This captures context used when writing XML text, such as state used to "pretty print" output or to identify entities which are defined.

Exception Summary
DomEx Concrete class for DOM exceptions, associating standard messages with DOM error codes.