Class RedundentExprEliminator

  extended byorg.apache.xpath.XPathVisitor
      extended byorg.apache.xalan.templates.XSLTVisitor
          extended byorg.apache.xalan.templates.RedundentExprEliminator

public class RedundentExprEliminator
extends XSLTVisitor

This class eleminates redundent XPaths from a given subtree, and also collects all absolute paths within the subtree. First it must be called as a visitor to the subtree, and then eleminateRedundent must be called.

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder
          Since we want to sort multistep expressions by length, use a linked list with elements of type MultistepExprHolder.
Field Summary
static boolean DEBUG
(package private)  AbsPathChecker m_absPathChecker
(package private)  Vector m_absPaths
(package private)  boolean m_isSameContext
(package private)  Vector m_paths
(package private) static int m_uniquePsuedoVarID
(package private)  VarNameCollector m_varNameCollector
          So we can reuse it over and over again.
(package private) static String PSUEDOVARNAMESPACE
Constructor Summary
          Construct a RedundentExprEliminator.
Method Summary
protected  ElemVariable addVarDeclToElem(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi, ElemVariable psuedoVar)
          Add the given variable to the psuedoVarRecipient.
protected static void assertion(boolean b, String msg)
          Simple assertion.
private  void assertIsLocPathIterator(Expression expr1, ExpressionOwner eo)
          Assert that the expression is a LocPathIterator, and, if not, try to give some diagnostic info.
protected  LocPathIterator changePartToRef(QName uniquePsuedoVarName, WalkingIterator wi, int numSteps, boolean isGlobal)
          Change a given number of steps to a single variable reference.
protected  void changeToVarRef(QName varName, ExpressionOwner owner, Vector paths, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient)
          Change the expression owned by the owner argument to a variable reference of the given name.
protected  int countAncestors(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Count the number of ancestors that a ElemTemplateElement has.
protected  int countSteps(LocPathIterator lpi)
          Count the steps in a given location path.
protected  ElemVariable createGlobalPsuedoVarDecl(QName uniquePsuedoVarName, StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot, LocPathIterator lpi)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
protected  WalkingIterator createIteratorFromSteps(WalkingIterator wi, int numSteps)
          Create a new WalkingIterator from the steps in another WalkingIterator.
protected  ElemVariable createLocalPsuedoVarDecl(QName uniquePsuedoVarName, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
protected  RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder createMultistepExprList(Vector paths)
          For the reduction of location path parts, create a list of all the multistep paths with more than one step, sorted by the number of steps, with the most steps occuring earlier in the list.
protected  ElemVariable createPsuedoVarDecl(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi, boolean isGlobal)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, and add it to the stylesheet.
protected  void diagnoseLineNumber(Expression expr)
          Tell what line number belongs to a given expression.
protected  void diagnoseMultistepList(int matchCount, int lengthToTest, boolean isGlobal)
          Print out diagnostics about partial multistep evaluation.
protected  void diagnoseNumPaths(Vector paths, int numPathsEliminated, int numUniquePathsEliminated)
          Print out to std err the number of paths reduced.
protected  void eleminateRedundent(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, Vector paths)
          Method to be called after the all expressions within an node context have been visited.
 void eleminateRedundentGlobals(StylesheetRoot stylesheet)
          Method to be called after the all global expressions within a stylesheet have been collected.
 void eleminateRedundentLocals(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient)
          Method to be called after the all expressions within an node context have been visited.
protected  void eleminateSharedPartialPaths(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, Vector paths)
          Eliminate the shared partial paths in the expression list.
protected  int findAndEliminateRedundant(int start, int firstOccuranceIndex, ExpressionOwner firstOccuranceOwner, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, Vector paths)
          Look through the vector from start point, looking for redundant occurances.
protected  ElemTemplateElement findCommonAncestor(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head)
          Given a linked list of expressions, find the common ancestor that is suitable for holding a psuedo variable for shared access.
protected  ElemTemplateElement getElemFromExpression(Expression expr)
          From an XPath expression component, get the ElemTemplateElement owner.
protected  ElemTemplateElement getPrevElementWithinContext(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Get the previous sibling or parent of the given template, stopping at xsl:for-each, xsl:template, or xsl:stylesheet.
protected  ElemVariable getPrevVariableElem(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Find the previous occurance of a xsl:variable.
 boolean isAbsolute(LocPathIterator path)
          Tell if the given LocPathIterator is relative to an absolute path, i.e.
protected  boolean isNotSameAsOwner(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head, ElemTemplateElement ete)
          Find out if the given ElemTemplateElement is not the same as one of the ElemTemplateElement owners of the expressions.
protected  boolean isParam(ExpressionNode expr)
          Tell if the expr param is contained within an xsl:param.
protected  RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder matchAndEliminatePartialPaths(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee, RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head, boolean isGlobal, int lengthToTest, ElemTemplateElement varScope)
          For a given path, see if there are any partitial matches in the list, and, if there are, replace those partial paths with psuedo variable refs, and create the psuedo variable decl.
protected  int oldFindAndEliminateRedundant(int start, int firstOccuranceIndex, ExpressionOwner firstOccuranceOwner, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, Vector paths)
          To be removed.
(package private)  boolean partialIsVariable(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee, int lengthToTest)
          Check if results of partial reduction will just be a variable, in which case, skip it.
protected  boolean stepsEqual(WalkingIterator iter1, WalkingIterator iter2, int numSteps)
          Compare a given number of steps between two iterators, to see if they are equal.
private static void validateNewAddition(Vector paths, ExpressionOwner owner, LocPathIterator path)
          Validate some assumptions about the new LocPathIterator and it's owner and the state of the list.
(package private)  boolean visitInstruction(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Visit an XSLT instruction.
 boolean visitLocationPath(ExpressionOwner owner, LocPathIterator path)
          Visit a LocationPath.
 boolean visitPredicate(ExpressionOwner owner, Expression pred)
          Visit a predicate within a location path.
(package private)  boolean visitTopLevelInstruction(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Visit an XSLT top-level instruction.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xalan.templates.XSLTVisitor
visitAVT, visitExtensionElement, visitLiteralResultElement, visitStylesheet, visitTopLevelVariableOrParamDecl, visitVariableOrParamDecl
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xpath.XPathVisitor
visitBinaryOperation, visitFunction, visitMatchPattern, visitNumberLiteral, visitStep, visitStringLiteral, visitUnaryOperation, visitUnionPath, visitUnionPattern, visitVariableRef
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


Vector m_paths


Vector m_absPaths


boolean m_isSameContext


AbsPathChecker m_absPathChecker


static int m_uniquePsuedoVarID


static final String PSUEDOVARNAMESPACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static boolean DEBUG


public static boolean DIAGNOSE_NUM_PATHS_REDUCED


public static boolean DIAGNOSE_MULTISTEPLIST


VarNameCollector m_varNameCollector
So we can reuse it over and over again.

Constructor Detail


public RedundentExprEliminator()
Construct a RedundentExprEliminator.

Method Detail


public void eleminateRedundentLocals(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient)
Method to be called after the all expressions within an node context have been visited. It eliminates redundent expressions by creating a variable in the psuedoVarRecipient for each redundent expression, and then rewriting the redundent expression to be a variable reference.

psuedoVarRecipient - The recipient of the psuedo vars. The variables will be inserted as first children of the element, before any existing variables.


public void eleminateRedundentGlobals(StylesheetRoot stylesheet)
Method to be called after the all global expressions within a stylesheet have been collected. It eliminates redundent expressions by creating a variable in the psuedoVarRecipient for each redundent expression, and then rewriting the redundent expression to be a variable reference.


protected void eleminateRedundent(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                  Vector paths)
Method to be called after the all expressions within an node context have been visited. It eliminates redundent expressions by creating a variable in the psuedoVarRecipient for each redundent expression, and then rewriting the redundent expression to be a variable reference.

psuedoVarRecipient - The owner of the subtree from where the paths were collected.
paths - A vector of paths that hold ExpressionOwner objects, which must yield LocationPathIterators.


protected void eleminateSharedPartialPaths(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                           Vector paths)
Eliminate the shared partial paths in the expression list.

psuedoVarRecipient - The recipient of the psuedo vars.
paths - A vector of paths that hold ExpressionOwner objects, which must yield LocationPathIterators.


protected RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder matchAndEliminatePartialPaths(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee,
                                                                                    RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head,
                                                                                    boolean isGlobal,
                                                                                    int lengthToTest,
                                                                                    ElemTemplateElement varScope)
For a given path, see if there are any partitial matches in the list, and, if there are, replace those partial paths with psuedo variable refs, and create the psuedo variable decl.

The head of the list, which may have changed.


boolean partialIsVariable(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee,
                          int lengthToTest)
Check if results of partial reduction will just be a variable, in which case, skip it.


protected void diagnoseLineNumber(Expression expr)
Tell what line number belongs to a given expression.


protected ElemTemplateElement findCommonAncestor(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head)
Given a linked list of expressions, find the common ancestor that is suitable for holding a psuedo variable for shared access.


protected boolean isNotSameAsOwner(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head,
                                   ElemTemplateElement ete)
Find out if the given ElemTemplateElement is not the same as one of the ElemTemplateElement owners of the expressions.

head - Head of linked list of expression owners.
ete - The ElemTemplateElement that is a candidate for a psuedo variable parent.
true if the given ElemTemplateElement is not the same as one of the ElemTemplateElement owners of the expressions. This is to make sure we find an ElemTemplateElement that is in a viable position to hold psuedo variables that are visible to the references.


protected int countAncestors(ElemTemplateElement elem)
Count the number of ancestors that a ElemTemplateElement has.

elem - An representation of an element in an XSLT stylesheet.
The number of ancestors of elem (including the element itself).


protected void diagnoseMultistepList(int matchCount,
                                     int lengthToTest,
                                     boolean isGlobal)
Print out diagnostics about partial multistep evaluation.


protected LocPathIterator changePartToRef(QName uniquePsuedoVarName,
                                          WalkingIterator wi,
                                          int numSteps,
                                          boolean isGlobal)
Change a given number of steps to a single variable reference.

uniquePsuedoVarName - The name of the variable reference.
wi - The walking iterator that is to be changed.
numSteps - The number of steps to be changed.
isGlobal - true if this will be a global reference.


protected WalkingIterator createIteratorFromSteps(WalkingIterator wi,
                                                  int numSteps)
Create a new WalkingIterator from the steps in another WalkingIterator.

wi - The iterator from where the steps will be taken.
numSteps - The number of steps from the first to copy into the new iterator.
The new iterator.


protected boolean stepsEqual(WalkingIterator iter1,
                             WalkingIterator iter2,
                             int numSteps)
Compare a given number of steps between two iterators, to see if they are equal.

iter1 - The first iterator to compare.
iter2 - The second iterator to compare.
numSteps - The number of steps to compare.
true If the given number of steps are equal.


protected RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder createMultistepExprList(Vector paths)
For the reduction of location path parts, create a list of all the multistep paths with more than one step, sorted by the number of steps, with the most steps occuring earlier in the list. If the list is only one member, don't bother returning it.

paths - Vector of ExpressionOwner objects, which may contain null entries. The ExpressionOwner objects must own LocPathIterator objects.
null if no multipart paths are found or the list is only of length 1, otherwise the first MultistepExprHolder in a linked list of these objects.


protected int findAndEliminateRedundant(int start,
                                        int firstOccuranceIndex,
                                        ExpressionOwner firstOccuranceOwner,
                                        ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                        Vector paths)
                                 throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Look through the vector from start point, looking for redundant occurances. When one or more are found, create a psuedo variable declaration, insert it into the stylesheet, and replace the occurance with a reference to the psuedo variable. When a redundent variable is found, it's slot in the vector will be replaced by null.

start - The position to start looking in the vector.
firstOccuranceOwner - The owner of the expression we are looking for.
psuedoVarRecipient - Where to put the psuedo variables.
The number of expression occurances that were modified.


protected int oldFindAndEliminateRedundant(int start,
                                           int firstOccuranceIndex,
                                           ExpressionOwner firstOccuranceOwner,
                                           ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                           Vector paths)
                                    throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
To be removed.



protected int countSteps(LocPathIterator lpi)
Count the steps in a given location path.

lpi - The location path iterator that owns the steps.
The number of steps in the given location path.


protected void changeToVarRef(QName varName,
                              ExpressionOwner owner,
                              Vector paths,
                              ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient)
Change the expression owned by the owner argument to a variable reference of the given name. Warning: For global vars, this function relies on the variable declaration to which it refers having been added just prior to this function being called, so that the reference index can be determined from the size of the global variables list minus one.

varName - The name of the variable which will be referenced.
owner - The owner of the expression which will be replaced by a variable ref.
paths - The paths list that the iterator came from, mainly to determine if this is a local or global reduction.
psuedoVarRecipient - The element within whose scope the variable is being inserted, possibly a StylesheetRoot.


protected ElemVariable createPsuedoVarDecl(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                           LocPathIterator lpi,
                                           boolean isGlobal)
                                    throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, and add it to the stylesheet.

psuedoVarRecipient - The broadest scope of where the variable should be inserted, usually an xsl:template or xsl:for-each.
lpi - The LocationPathIterator that the variable should represent.
isGlobal - true if the paths are global.
The new psuedo var element.


protected ElemVariable createGlobalPsuedoVarDecl(QName uniquePsuedoVarName,
                                                 StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot,
                                                 LocPathIterator lpi)
                                          throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.

uniquePsuedoVarName - The name of the new variable.
stylesheetRoot - The broadest scope of where the variable should be inserted, which must be a StylesheetRoot element in this case.
lpi - The LocationPathIterator that the variable should represent.
null if the decl was not created, otherwise the new Psuedo var element.


protected ElemVariable createLocalPsuedoVarDecl(QName uniquePsuedoVarName,
                                                ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                                LocPathIterator lpi)
                                         throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.

uniquePsuedoVarName - The name of the new variable.
psuedoVarRecipient - The broadest scope of where the variable should be inserted, usually an xsl:template or xsl:for-each.
lpi - The LocationPathIterator that the variable should represent.
null if the decl was not created, otherwise the new Psuedo var element.


protected ElemVariable addVarDeclToElem(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient,
                                        LocPathIterator lpi,
                                        ElemVariable psuedoVar)
                                 throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Add the given variable to the psuedoVarRecipient.



protected boolean isParam(ExpressionNode expr)
Tell if the expr param is contained within an xsl:param.


protected ElemVariable getPrevVariableElem(ElemTemplateElement elem)
Find the previous occurance of a xsl:variable. Stop the search when a xsl:for-each, xsl:template, or xsl:stylesheet is encountered.

elem - Should be non-null template element.
The first previous occurance of an xsl:variable or xsl:param, or null if none is found.


protected ElemTemplateElement getPrevElementWithinContext(ElemTemplateElement elem)
Get the previous sibling or parent of the given template, stopping at xsl:for-each, xsl:template, or xsl:stylesheet.

elem - Should be non-null template element.
previous sibling or parent, or null if previous is xsl:for-each, xsl:template, or xsl:stylesheet.


protected ElemTemplateElement getElemFromExpression(Expression expr)
From an XPath expression component, get the ElemTemplateElement owner.

expr - Should be static expression with proper parentage.
Valid ElemTemplateElement, or throw a runtime exception if it is not found.


public boolean isAbsolute(LocPathIterator path)
Tell if the given LocPathIterator is relative to an absolute path, i.e. in not dependent on the context.

true if the LocPathIterator is not dependent on the context node.


public boolean visitLocationPath(ExpressionOwner owner,
                                 LocPathIterator path)
Visit a LocationPath.

visitLocationPath in class XPathVisitor
owner - The owner of the expression, to which the expression can be reset if rewriting takes place.
path - The LocationPath object.
true if the sub expressions should be traversed.


public boolean visitPredicate(ExpressionOwner owner,
                              Expression pred)
Visit a predicate within a location path. Note that there isn't a proper unique component for predicates, and that the expression will be called also for whatever type Expression is.

visitPredicate in class XPathVisitor
owner - The owner of the expression, to which the expression can be reset if rewriting takes place.
pred - The predicate object.
true if the sub expressions should be traversed.


boolean visitTopLevelInstruction(ElemTemplateElement elem)
Visit an XSLT top-level instruction.

visitTopLevelInstruction in class XSLTVisitor
elem - The xsl instruction element object.
true if the sub expressions should be traversed.


boolean visitInstruction(ElemTemplateElement elem)
Visit an XSLT instruction. Any element that isn't called by one of the other visit methods, will be called by this method.

visitInstruction in class XSLTVisitor
elem - The xsl instruction element object.
true if the sub expressions should be traversed.


protected void diagnoseNumPaths(Vector paths,
                                int numPathsEliminated,
                                int numUniquePathsEliminated)
Print out to std err the number of paths reduced.


private final void assertIsLocPathIterator(Expression expr1,
                                           ExpressionOwner eo)
                                    throws RuntimeException
Assert that the expression is a LocPathIterator, and, if not, try to give some diagnostic info.



private static void validateNewAddition(Vector paths,
                                        ExpressionOwner owner,
                                        LocPathIterator path)
                                 throws RuntimeException
Validate some assumptions about the new LocPathIterator and it's owner and the state of the list.



protected static void assertion(boolean b,
                                String msg)
Simple assertion.