Package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Interface Summary
CoroutineParser Deprecated. Since the ability to start a parse via the coroutine protocol was not being used and was complicating design.
IncrementalSAXSource IncrementalSAXSource is an API that delivers a small number of SAX events each time a request is made from a "controller" coroutine.

Class Summary
ChunkedIntArray ChunkedIntArray is an extensible array of blocks of integers.
CoroutineManager Support the coroutine design pattern.
CustomStringPool CustomStringPool is an example of appliction provided data structure for a DTM implementation to hold symbol references, e.g. elelment names.
DTMAxisIteratorBase This class serves as a default base for implementations of DTMAxisIterators.
DTMDefaultBase The DTMDefaultBase class serves as a helper base for DTMs.
DTMDefaultBaseIterators This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.
DTMDefaultBaseTraversers This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.
DTMDocumentImpl This is the implementation of the DTM document interface.
DTMManagerDefault The default implementation for the DTMManager.
DTMNamedNodeMap DTMNamedNodeMap is a quickie (as opposed to quick) implementation of the DOM's NamedNodeMap interface, intended to support DTMProxy's getAttributes() call.
DTMNodeIterator DTMNodeIterator gives us an implementation of the DTMNodeIterator which returns DOM nodes.
DTMNodeList DTMNodeList gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator.
DTMNodeProxy DTMNodeProxy presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model.
DTMNodeProxy.DTMNodeProxyImplementation Inner class to support getDOMImplementation.
DTMSafeStringPool Like DTMStringPool, but threadsafe.
DTMStringPool DTMStringPool is an "interning" mechanism for strings.
DTMTreeWalker This class does a pre-order walk of the DTM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes.
ExpandedNameTable This is a default implementation of a table that manages mappings from expanded names to expandedNameIDs.
ExpandedNameTable.ExtendedType Private class representing an extended type object
IncrementalSAXSource_Filter IncrementalSAXSource_Filter implements IncrementalSAXSource, using a standard SAX2 event source as its input and parcelling out those events gradually in reponse to deliverMoreNodes() requests.
NodeLocator NodeLocator maintains information on an XML source node.

Exception Summary