Package org.apache.xpath

Interface Summary
DOMOrder Deprecated. Since the introduction of the DTM, this class will be removed.
ExpressionNode A class that implements this interface can construct expressions, give information about child and parent expressions, and give the originating source information.
ExpressionOwner Classes that implement this interface own an expression, which can be rewritten.
ExtensionsProvider Interface that XPath objects can call to obtain access to an ExtensionsTable.
WhitespaceStrippingElementMatcher A class that implements this interface can tell if a given element should strip whitespace nodes from it's children.
XPathFactory Factory class for creating an XPath.
XPathVisitable A class that implements this interface will call a XPathVisitor for itself and members within it's heararchy.

Class Summary
Arg This class holds an instance of an argument on the stack.
CachedXPathAPI The methods in this class are convenience methods into the low-level XPath API.
DOM2Helper Deprecated. Since the introduction of the DTM, this class will be removed.
DOMHelper Deprecated. Since the introduction of the DTM, this class will be removed.
Expression This abstract class serves as the base for all expression objects.
NodeSet The NodeSet class can act as either a NodeVector, NodeList, or NodeIterator.
NodeSetDTM The NodeSetDTM class can act as either a NodeVector, NodeList, or NodeIterator.
SourceTree This object represents a Source Tree, and any associated information.
SourceTreeManager This class bottlenecks all management of source trees.
VariableStack Defines a class to keep track of a stack for template arguments and variables.
XPath The XPath class wraps an expression object and provides general services for execution of that expression.
XPathAPI The methods in this class are convenience methods into the low-level XPath API.
XPathContext Default class for the runtime execution context for XPath.
XPathVisitor A derivation from this class can be passed to a class that implements the XPathVisitable interface, to have the appropriate method called for each component of the XPath.

Exception Summary
FoundIndex Class to let us know when it's time to do a search from the parent because of indexing.
XPathException This class implements an exception object that all XPath classes will throw in case of an error.
XPathProcessorException Derived from XPathException in order that XPath processor exceptions may be specifically caught.