Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs) Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96591-01 |
Note: The Multimedia Sample Schema has been deprecated and is not supplied with Oracle9i. This appendix is included to provide context for examples in this guide that have not yet been migrated to the new Product Media (PM) Sample Schema which replaces the Multimedia schema for most LOB examples. For more information about sample schemas, see "Examples in This Guide". |
This appendix describes the following topics:
Oracle9i supports LOB
s, large objects which can hold up to 4 gigabytes of binary or character data. What does this mean to you, the application developer?
Consider the following multimedia scenario.
Multimedia data is used in an increasing variety of media channels -- film, television, Web pages, and CD-ROM being the most prevalent. The media experiences having to do with these different channels vary in many respects (interactivity, physical environment, the structure of information, to name a few). Despite these differences, there is often considerable similarity in the multimedia authoring process, especially with regard to assembling content.
For instance, a television station that creates complex documentaries, an advertising agency that produces advertisements for television, and a software production house that specializes in interactive games for the web could all make good use of a database management system for collecting and organizing the multimedia data. Presumably, they each have sophisticated editing software for composing these elements into their specific products, but the complexity of such projects creates a need for a pre-composition application for organizing the multimedia elements into appropriate groups.
Taking our lead from movie-making, our hypothetical application for collecting content uses the clip as its basic unit of organization. Any clip is able to include one or more of the following media types:
Since this is a pre-editing application, the precise relationship of elements within a clip (such as the synchronization of voice-over audio with a photograph) and between clips (such as the sequence of clips) is not defined.
The application should allow multiple editors working simultaneously to store, retrieve and manipulate the different kinds of multimedia data. We assume that some material is gathered from in-house databases. At the same time, it should also be possible to purchase and download data from professional services.
Our mission in this appendix is not to create this real-life application, but to describe some typical scenarios you may need to know about working with LOB
s. Consequently, we only implement the application sufficiently to demonstrate the technology. For example, we deal with only a limited number of multimedia types. We make no attempt to create the client-side applications for manipulating LOBs.
Also we do not deal with deployment issues such as the fact that you should implement disk striping of LOB files, if possible, for best performance.
Figure B-1 illustrates multimedia schema used for the examples in this manual.
The Multimedia schema is comprised of the following components:
Figure B-1, "The Multimedia Schema", shows table Multimedia_tab's structure. Table Multimedia_tab columns are described in the following:
as a matter of convenience, and has nothing to do with the eventual ordering of the clip.CLOB
archive. Since a large database of this kind would be stored on tertiary storage that was periodically updated, the column for photographs makes use of the BFILE datatype.VoiceOver_tab
whose purpose is to store audio recordings for use as voice-over commentaries. For instance, these might be readings by actors of words spoken or written by people for whom no audio recording can be made, perhaps because they are no longer living, or because they spoke or wrote in a foreign language.
This structure offers the application builder a number of different strategies from those discussed thus far. Instead of loading material into the row from an archival source, an application can simply reference the data. This means that the same data can be referenced from other tables within the application, or by other applications. The single stipulation is that the reference can only be to tables of the same type. Put another way: the reference, Voiced_ref
, can refer to row objects in any table which conforms to the type, Voiced_typ
Note that Voiced_typ
combines the use of two LOB datatypes:
of predefined type InSeg_typ
can be used to store zero, one, or many interview segments in a given clip. So, for instance, a hypothetical user could use this facility to collect together one or more interview segments having to do with the same theme that occurred at different times.
In this case, nested table, interviewsegments_ntab
, makes use of the following two LOB datatypes:
Since such segments might be of great length, it is important to keep in mind that LOBs cannot be more than 4 gigabytes.
, of the object type MAP_TYP
. In this case, the object is contained by value, being embedded in the row.
As defined in our application, MAP_TYP
has only one LOB in its structure -- a BLOB for the drawing itself. However, as in the case of the types underlying REFs and nested tables, there is no restriction on the number of LOBs that an object type may contain.
Here is the script used to create the Multimedia schema:
CONNECT system/manager; DROP USER samp CASCADE; DROP DIRECTORY AUDIO_DIR; DROP DIRECTORY FRAME_DIR; DROP DIRECTORY PHOTO_DIR; DROP TYPE InSeg_typ force; DROP TYPE InSeg_tab; DROP TABLE InSeg_table; CREATE USER samp identified by samp; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE to samp; CREATE DIRECTORY AUDIO_DIR AS '/tmp/'; CREATE DIRECTORY FRAME_DIR AS '/tmp/'; CREATE DIRECTORY PHOTO_DIR AS '/tmp/'; GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY AUDIO_DIR to samp; GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY FRAME_DIR to samp; GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY PHOTO_DIR to samp; CONNECT samp/samp CREATE TABLE a_table (blob_col BLOB); CREATE TYPE Voiced_typ AS OBJECT ( Originator VARCHAR2(30), Script CLOB, Actor VARCHAR2(30), Take NUMBER, Recording BFILE ); CREATE TABLE VoiceoverLib_tab of Voiced_typ ( Script DEFAULT EMPTY_CLOB(), CONSTRAINT TakeLib CHECK (Take IS NOT NULL), Recording DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TYPE InSeg_typ AS OBJECT ( Segment NUMBER, Interview_Date DATE, Interviewer VARCHAR2(30), Interviewee VARCHAR2(30), Recording BFILE, Transcript CLOB ); CREATE TYPE InSeg_tab AS TABLE of InSeg_typ; CREATE TYPE Map_typ AS OBJECT ( Region VARCHAR2(30), NW NUMBER, NE NUMBER, SW NUMBER, SE NUMBER, Drawing BLOB, Aerial BFILE ); CREATE TABLE Map_Libtab of Map_typ; CREATE TABLE Voiceover_tab of Voiced_typ ( Script DEFAULT EMPTY_CLOB(), CONSTRAINT Take CHECK (Take IS NOT NULL), Recording DEFAULT NULL ); Since one can use SQL DDL directly to create a table containing one or moreLOB
columns, it is not necessary to use theDBMS_LOB
package. CREATE TABLE Multimedia_tab ( Clip_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Story CLOB default EMPTY_CLOB(), FLSub NCLOB default EMPTY_CLOB(), Photo BFILE default NULL, Frame BLOB default EMPTY_BLOB(), Sound BLOB default EMPTY_BLOB(), Voiced_ref REF Voiced_typ, InSeg_ntab InSeg_tab, Music BFILE default NULL, Map_obj Map_typ ) NESTED TABLE InSeg_ntab STORE AS InSeg_nestedtab;
See Also:
Chapter 10, "Internal Persistent LOBs", "Creating a Table Containing One or More LOB Columns" . |
This script is also located in $HOME Oracle9i "demo" directory in the following files:
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