Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96621-01 |
This chapter contains the following sections:
See Also::
Chapter 8, "XML SQL Utility (XSU)" for information about XSU in general. |
XML SQL Utility (XSU) PL/SQL API reflects the Java API in the generation and storage of XML documents from and to a database. DBMS_XMLQuery
and DBMS_XMLSave
are the two packages that reflect the functions in the Java classes - OracleXMLQuery
and OracleXMLSave
. Both of these packages have a context handle associated with them. Create a context by calling one of the constructor-like functions to get the handle and then use the handle in all subsequent calls.
From Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2), XSU supports XMLType. Using XSU with XMLType is useful if, for example, you have XMLType columns in objects or tables.
See Also:
Oracle9i XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB, in particular, the chapter on Generating XML, for examples on using XSU with XMLType. |
Generating XML results in a CLOB that contains the XML document. To use DBMS_XMLQuery
and the XSU generation engine, follow these steps:
function and supplying it the query, either as a CLOB
function. The binds work by binding a name to the position. For example, the query can be select * from emp where empno = :EMPNO_VAR
. Here you are binding the value for the EMPNO_VAR
using the setBindValue
tag name, the ROWSET
tag name, or the number of rows to fetch, and so on.getXML()
functions. getXML()
can be called to generate the XML with or without a DTD or schema.Here are some examples that use the DBMS_XMLQuery
PL/SQL package.
In this example, you select rows from table emp
, and obtain an XML document as a CLOB. First get the context handle by passing in a query and then call the getXMLClob
routine to get the CLOB value. The document is in the same encoding as the database character set.
declare queryCtx DBMS_XMLquery.ctxType; result CLOB; begin -- set up the query context...! queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext('select * from emp'); -- get the result..! result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); -- Now you can use the result to put it in tables/send as messages.. printClobOut(result); DBMS_XMLQuery.closeContext(queryCtx); -- you must close the query handle.. end; /
() is a simple procedure that prints the CLOB to the output buffer. If you run this PL/SQL code in SQL*Plus, the result of the CLOB is printed to screen. Set the serveroutput
to on in order to see the results.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE printClobOut(result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) is xmlstr varchar2(32767); line varchar2(2000); begin xmlstr := dbms_lob.SUBSTR(result,32767); loop exit when xmlstr is null; line := substr(xmlstr,1,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))-1); dbms_output.put_line('| '||line); xmlstr := substr(xmlstr,instr(xmlstr,chr(10))+1); end loop; end; /
With the XSU PL/SQL API you can also change the ROW
and the ROWSET
tag names. These are the default names placed around each row of the result, and round the whole document, respectively. The procedures, setRowTagName
and setRowSetTagName
accomplish this as shown in the following example:
--Setting the ROW tag names declare queryCtx DBMS_XMLQuery.ctxType; result CLOB; begin -- set the query context. queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext('select * from emp'); DBMS_XMLQuery.setRowTag(queryCtx,'EMP'); -- sets the row tag name DBMS_XMLQuery.setRowSetTag(queryCtx,'EMPSET'); -- sets rowset tag name result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); -- get the result printClobOut(result); -- print the result..! DBMS_XMLQuery.closeContext(queryCtx); -- close the query handle; end; /
The resulting XML document has an EMPSET
document element. Each row is separated using the EMP
The results from the query generation can be paginated by using:
function. This sets the maximum number of rows to be converted to XML. This is relative to the current row position from which the last result was generated.setSkipRows
function. This specifies the number of rows to skip before converting the row values to XML.For example, to skip the first 3 rows of the emp table and then print out the rest of the rows 10 at a time, you can set the skipRows
to 3 for the first batch of 10 rows and then set skipRows
to 0 for the rest of the batches.
As in the case of XML SQL Utility's Java API, call the keepObjectOpen()
function to ensure that the state is maintained between fetches. The default behavior is to close the state after a fetch. For multiple fetches, you must determine when there are no more rows to fetch. This can be done by setting the setRaiseNoRowsException
(). This causes an exception to be raised if no rows are written to the CLOB. This can be caught and used as the termination condition.
-- Pagination of results declare queryCtx DBMS_XMLquery.ctxType; result CLOB; begin -- set up the query context...! queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext('select * from emp'); DBMS_XMLQuery.setSkipRows(queryCtx,3); -- set the number of rows to skip DBMS_XMLQuery.setMaxRows(queryCtx,10); -- set the max number of rows per fetch result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); -- get the first result..! printClobOut(result); -- print the result out.. This is you own routine..! DBMS_XMLQuery.setSkipRows(queryCtx,0); -- from now don't skip any more rows..! DBMS_XMLQuery.setRaiseNoRowsException(queryCtx,true); -- raise no rows exception..! begin loop -- loop forever..! result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); -- get the next batch printClobOut(result); -- print the next batch of 10 rows..! end loop; exception when others then -- dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); null; -- termination condition, nothing to do; end; DBMS_XMLQuery.closeContext(queryCtx); -- close the handle..! end; /
The XSU PL/SQL API provides the ability to set stylesheets on the generated XML documents as follows:
() procedure, to set the stylesheet header in the result. This simply adds the XML processing instruction to include the stylesheet.useStyleSheet
() procedure. This uses the stylesheet to generate the result.The XSU PL/SQL API provides the ability to bind values to the SQL statement. The SQL statement can contain named bind variables. The variables must be prefixed with a colon (:) to declare that they are bind variables. To use the bind variable follow these steps:
table with the where clause containing the bind variables :EMPNO
and :ENAME.
You will bind the values for employee number and employee name later.
queryCtx = DBMS_XMLQuery.getCtx('select * from emp where empno = :EMPNO and ename = :ENAME');
() clears all the bind variables set. The setBindValue
() sets a single bind variable with a string value. For example, you will set the empno
and ename
values as shown later:
DBMS_XMLQuery.clearBindValues(queryCtx); DBMS_XMLQuery.setBindValue(queryCtx,'EMPNO',20); DBMS_XMLQuery.setBindValue(queryCtx,'ENAME','John');
empno = 20
and ename = 'John'
alone to scott
and reexecute the query,
The rebinding of ENAME
will now use Scott
instead of John
The following example illustrates the use of bind variables in the SQL statement:
declare queryCtx DBMS_XMLquery.ctxType; result CLOB; begin queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext( 'select * from emp where empno = :EMPNO and ename = :ENAME'); --No longer needed: --DBMS_XMLQuery.clearBindValues(queryCtx); DBMS_XMLQuery.setBindValue(queryCtx,'EMPNO',7566); DBMS_XMLQuery.setBindValue(queryCtx,'ENAME','JONES'); result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); --printClobOut(result); DBMS_XMLQuery.setBindValue(queryCtx,'ENAME','Scott'); result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); --printClobOut(result); end; /
To use DBMS_XMLSave() and XML SQL Utility storage engine, follow these steps:
function. The default is to insert values into all the columns.
For updates. The list of key columns must be supplied. Optionally the list of columns to update may also be supplied. In this case, the tags in the XML document matching the key column names will be used in the WHERE clause of the update statement and the tags matching the update column list will be used in the SET clause of the update statement.
For deletes. The default is to create a WHERE clause to match all the tag values present in each ROW element of the document supplied. To override this behavior you can set the list of key columns. In this case only those tag values whose tag names match these columns will be used to identify the rows to delete (in effect used in the WHERE clause of the delete statement).
, updateXML,
or deleteXML
functions to insert, update and delete respectively.Use the same examples as for the Java case, OracleXMLSave
class examples.
To insert a document into a table or view, simply supply the table or the view name and then the XML document. XSU parses the XML document (if a string is given) and then creates an INSERT statement, into which it binds all the values. By default, XSU inserts values into all the columns of the table or view and an absent element is treated as a NULL value.
The following code shows how the document generated from the emp table can be put back into it with relative ease.
This example creates a procedure, insProc
, which takes in:
and then inserts the XML document into the table:
create or replace procedure insProc(xmlDoc IN CLOB, tableName IN VARCHAR2) is insCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType; rows number; begin insCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext(tableName); -- get the context handle rows := DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML(insCtx,xmlDoc); -- this inserts the document DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(insCtx); -- this closes the handle end; /
This procedure can now be called with any XML document and a table name. For example, a call of the form:
insProc(xmlDocument, 'scott.emp');
generates an INSERT statement of the form:
insert into scott.emp (EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, SAL, DEPTNO) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?);
and the element tags in the input XML document matching the column names will be matched and their values bound. For the code snippet shown earlier, if you send it the following XML document:
<?xml version='1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW num="1"> <EMPNO>7369</EMPNO> <ENAME>Smith</ENAME> <JOB>CLERK</JOB> <MGR>7902</MGR> <HIREDATE>12/17/1980 0:0:0</HIREDATE> <SAL>800</SAL> <DEPTNO>20</DEPTNO> </ROW> <!-- additional rows ... --> </ROWSET>
you would have a new row in the emp table containing the values (7369, Smith, CLERK, 7902, 12/17/1980,800,20). Any element absent inside the row element would is considered a null value.
In certain cases, you may not want to insert values into all columns. This might be true when the values that you are getting is not the complete set and you need triggers or default values to be used for the rest of the columns. The code that appears later shows how this can be done.
Assume that you are getting the values only for the employee number, name, and job, and that the salary, manager, department number and hiredate fields are filled in automatically. You create a list of column names that you want the insert to work on and then pass it to the DBMS_XMLSave
procedure. The setting of these values can be done by calling setUpdateColumnName()
procedure repeatedly, passing in a column name to update every time. The column name settings can be cleared using clearUpdateColumnNames()
create or replace procedure testInsert( xmlDoc IN clob) is insCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType; doc clob; rows number; begin insCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); -- get the save context..! DBMS_XMLSave.clearUpdateColumnList(insCtx); -- clear the update settings -- set the columns to be updated as a list of values.. DBMS_XMLSave.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'EMPNO'); DBMS_XMLSave.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'ENAME'); DBMS_XMLSave.setUpdatecolumn(insCtx,'JOB'); -- Now insert the doc. This will only insert into EMPNO,ENAME and JOB columns rows := DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML(insCtx, xmlDoc); DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(insCtx); end; /
If you call the procedure passing in a CLOB as a document, an INSERT statement of the form:
insert into scott.emp (EMPNO, ENAME, JOB) VALUES (?, ?, ?);
is generated. Note that in the earlier example, if the inserted document contains values for the other columns (JOB, HIREDATE,
and so on), those are ignored.
Also an insert
is performed for each ROW
element that is present in the input. These inserts are batched by default.
Now that you know how to insert values into the table from XML documents, let us see how to update only certain values. If you get an XML document to update the salary of an employee and also the department that she works in:
<ROWSET> <ROW num="1"> <EMPNO>7369</EMPNO> <SAL>1800</SAL> <DEPTNO>30</DEPTNO> </ROW> <ROW> <EMPNO>2290</EMPNO> <SAL>2000</SAL> <HIREDATE>12/31/1992</HIREDATE> <!-- additional rows ... --> </ROWSET>
you can call the update processing to update the values. In the case of update, you need to supply XSU with the list of key column names. These form part of the where
clause in the update statement. In the emp
table shown earlier, the employee number (EMPNO
) column forms the key and you use that for updates.
Consider the PL/SQL procedure:
create or replace procedure testUpdate ( xmlDoc IN clob) is updCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType; rows number; begin updCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); -- get the context DBMS_XMLSave.clearUpdateColumnList(updCtx); -- clear the update settings.. DBMS_XMLSave.setKeyColumn(updCtx,'EMPNO'); -- set EMPNO as key column rows := DBMS_XMLSave.updateXML(updCtx,xmlDoc); -- update the table. DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(updCtx); -- close the context..! end; /
In this example, when the procedure is executed with a CLOB
value that contains the document described earlier, two update statements would be generated. For the first ROW
element, you would generate an UPDATE
statement to update the SAL
and JOB
fields as shown:
UPDATE scott.emp SET SAL = 1800 and DEPTNO = 30 WHERE EMPNO = 7369;
and for the second ROW element,
UPDATE scott.emp SET SAL = 2000 and HIREDATE = 12/31/1992 WHERE EMPNO = 2290;
You may want to specify the list of columns to update. This would speed up the processing since the same update statement can be used for all the ROW
elements. Also you can ignore other tags which occur in the document. Note that when you specify a list of columns to update, an element corresponding to one of the update columns, if absent, will be treated as NULL
If you know that all the elements to be updated are the same for all the ROW
elements in the XML document, then you can use the setUpdateColumnName
() procedure to set the column name to update.
create or replace procedure testUpdate(xmlDoc IN CLOB) is updCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType; rows number; begin updCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); DBMS_XMLSave.setKeyColumn(updCtx,'EMPNO'); -- set EMPNO as key column -- set list of columnst to update. DBMS_XMLSave.setUpdateColumn(updCtx,'SAL'); DBMS_XMLSave.setUpdateColumn(updCtx,'JOB'); rows := DBMS_XMLSave.updateXML(updCtx,xmlDoc); -- update the XML document..! DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(updCtx); -- close the handle end; /
For deletes, you can set the list of key columns. These columns will be put as part of the WHERE
clause of the DELETE
statement. If the key column names are not supplied, then a new DELETE
statement will be created for each ROW
element of the XML document where the list of columns in the WHERE
clause of the DELETE
will match those in the ROW
Consider the delete
example shown here:
create or replace procedure testDelete(xmlDoc IN clob) is delCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType; rows number; begin delCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); DBMS_XMLSave.setKeyColumn(delCtx,'EMPNO'); rows := DBMS_XMLSave.deleteXML(delCtx,xmlDoc); DBMS_XMLSave.closeContext(delCtx); end; /
If you use the same XML document shown for the update example, you would end up with two DELETE
DELETE FROM scott.emp WHERE empno=7369 and sal=1800 and deptno=30; DELETE FROM scott.emp WHERE empno=2200 and sal=2000 and hiredate=12/31/1992;
statements were formed based on the tag names present in each ROW
element in the XML document.
If instead you want the delete to only use the key values as predicates, you can use the setKeyColumn
function to set this.
create or replace package testDML AS saveCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType := null; -- a single static variable procedure insertXML(xmlDoc in clob); procedure updateXML(xmlDoc in clob); procedure deleteXML(xmlDoc in clob); end; / create or replace package body testDML AS rows number; procedure insertXML(xmlDoc in clob) is begin rows := DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML(saveCtx,xmlDoc); end; procedure updateXML(xmlDoc in clob) is begin rows := DBMS_XMLSave.updateXML(saveCtx,xmlDoc); end; procedure deleteXML(xmlDoc in clob) is begin rows := DBMS_XMLSave.deleteXML(saveCtx,xmlDoc); end; begin saveCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); -- create the context once..! DBMS_XMLSave.setKeyColumn(saveCtx, 'EMPNO'); -- set the key column name. end; /
Here a single delete
statement of the form,
will be generated and used for all ROW
elements in the document.
In all the three cases described earlier, insert, update,
and delete
, the same context handle can be used to do more than one operation. That is, you can perform more than one insert
using the same context provided all of those inserts are going to the same table that was specified when creating the save
context. The context can also be used to mix updates, deletes, and inserts
For example, the following code shows how one can use the same context and settings to insert, delete, or update
values depending on the user's input.
The example uses a PL/SQL supplied package static variable to store the context so that the same context can be used for all the function calls.
create or replace package testDML AS saveCtx DBMS_XMLSave.ctxType := null; -- a single static variable procedure insert(xmlDoc in clob); procedure update(xmlDoc in clob); procedure delete(xmlDoc in clob); end; / create or replace package body testDML AS procedure insert(xmlDoc in clob) is begin DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML(saveCtx, xmlDoc); end; procedure update(xmlDoc in clob) is begin DBMS_XMLSave.updateXML(saveCtx, xmlDoc); end; procedure delete(xmlDoc in clob) is begin DBMS_XMLSave.deleteXML(saveCtx, xmlDoc); end; begin saveCtx := DBMS_XMLSave.newContext('scott.emp'); -- create the context once..! DBMS_XMLSave.setKeyColumn(saveCtx, 'EMPNO'); -- set the key column name. end; end; /
In the earlier package, you create a context once for the whole package (thus the session) and then reuse the same context for performing inserts, updates and deletes.
Note: The key column |
Users of this package can now call any of the three routines to update the emp
testDML.insert(xmlclob); testDML.delete(xmlclob); testDML.update(xmlclob);
All of these calls would use the same context. This would improve the performance of these operations, particularly if these operations are performed frequently.
Here is an XSU PL/SQL exception handling example:
declare queryCtx DBMS_XMLQuery.ctxType; result clob; errorNum NUMBER; errorMsg VARCHAR2(200); begin queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext('select * from emp where df = dfdf'); -- set the raise exception to true.. DBMS_XMLQuery.setRaiseException(queryCtx, true); DBMS_XMLQuery.setRaiseNoRowsException(queryCtx, true); -- set propagate original exception to true to get the original exception..! DBMS_XMLQuery.propagateOriginalException(queryCtx,true); result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); exception when others then -- get the original exception DBMS_XMLQuery.getExceptionContent(queryCtx,errorNum, errorMsg); dbms_output.put_line(' Exception caught ' || TO_CHAR(errorNum) || errorMsg ); end; /
Here are FAQs about XSU for PL/SQL:
I am trying to use the insertXML
procedure from XSU. I have little experience with using LOBS. What is the problem in my script?
I have a table lob_temp
SQL> desc lob_temp Name Null? Type ----------------- -------- ------------------ ---------- CHUNK CLOB SQL> set long 100000 SQL> select * from lob_temp; CHUNK ----------------------------------------- ---------- <DOCID> 91739.1 </DOCID> <SUBJECT> MTS: ORA-29855, DRG-50704, ORA-12154: on create index using Intermedia </SUBJECT> <TYPE> PROBLEM </TYPE> <CONTENT_TYPE> TEXT/PLAIN </CONTENT_TYPE> <STATUS> PUBLISHED </STATUS> <CREATION_DATE> 14-DEC-1999 </CREATION_DATE> <LAST_REVISION_DATE> 05-JUN-2000 </LAST_REVISION_DATE> <LANGUAGE> USAENG </LANGUAGE>
I have another table where I need to insert data from lob_temp
SQL> desc metalink_doc Name Null? Type ---------------- -------- ------------------ ---------- DOCID VARCHAR2(10) SUBJECT VARCHAR2(100) TYPE VARCHAR2(20) CONTENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(20) STATUS VARCHAR2(20) CREATION_DATE DATE LAST_REVISION_DATE DATE LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(10)
This is the script. It is supposed to read data from lob_temp
and then insert the data, extracted from the XML document, to table metalink_doc
declare xmlstr clob := null; amount integer := 255; position integer := 1; charstring varchar2(255); finalstr varchar2(4000) := null; ignore_case constant number := 0; default_date_format constant varchar2(21) := 'DD-MON-YYYY'; default_rowtag constant varchar2(10) := 'MDOC_DATA'; len integer; insrow integer; begin select chunk into xmlstr from lob_temp;,dbms_lob.lob_readonly); len := dbms_lob.getlength(xmlstr); while position < len loop,amount,position,charstring); if finalstr is not null then finalstr := finalstr||charstring; else finalstr := charstring; end if; position := position + amount; end loop; insrow := xmlgen.insertXML('metalink_doc',finalstr); dbms_output.put_line(insrow); dbms_lob.close(xmlstr); exception when others then dbms_lob.close(xmlstr); dbms_lob.freetemporary(xmlstr); end; /
This is the error received:
ERROR at line 1: ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 485 ORA-06512: at line 31 ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Expected 'EOF'.
The user I am logged in as owns both tables, and all objects created when I ran oraclexmlsqlload.csh
Answer: You need to have <ROWSET>
and <ROW>
tags to insert XML document into a table. I modified your procedure. There is a problem when parsing the DATE
format, hence I used VARCHAR2
drop table lob_temp; create table lob_temp (chunk clob); insert into lob_temp values (' <ROWSET> <ROW> <DOCID> 91739.1 </DOCID> <SUBJECT> MTS: ORA-29855, DRG-50704, ORA-12154: on create index using Intermedia </SUBJECT> <TYPE> PROBLEM </TYPE> <CONTENT_TYPE> TEXT/PLAIN </CONTENT_TYPE> <STATUS> PUBLISHED </STATUS> <CREATION_DATE> 14-DEC-1999 </CREATION_DATE> <LAST_REVISION_DATE> 05-JUN-2000 </LAST_REVISION_DATE> <LANGUAGE> USAENG </LANGUAGE> </ROW> </ROWSET> '); drop table metalink_doc; create table metalink_doc ( DOCID VARCHAR2(10), SUBJECT VARCHAR2(100), TYPE VARCHAR2(20), CONTENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(20), STATUS VARCHAR2(20), CREATION_DATE VARCHAR2(50), LAST_REVISION_DATE varchar2(50), LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(10) ); create or replace procedure prtest as xmlstr clob := null; amount integer := 255; position integer := 1; charstring varchar2(255); finalstr varchar2(4000) := null; ignore_case constant number := 0; default_date_format constant varchar2(21) := 'DD-MON-YYYY'; default_rowtag constant varchar2(10) := 'MDOC_DATA'; len integer; insrow integer; begin select chunk into xmlstr from lob_temp;,dbms_lob.lob_readonly); len := dbms_lob.getlength(xmlstr); while position < len loop,amount,position,charstring); if finalstr is not null then finalstr := finalstr||charstring; else finalstr := charstring; end if; position := position + amount; end loop; insrow := xmlgen.insertXML('metalink_doc',finalstr); dbms_output.put_line(insrow); IF DBMS_LOB.ISOPEN(xmlstr) = 1 THEN dbms_lob.close(xmlstr); END IF; exception when others then IF DBMS_LOB.ISOPEN(xmlstr)=1 THEN dbms_lob.close(xmlstr); END IF; end; / show err
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