Oracle9i Java Developer's Guide Release 2 (9.2) Part Number A96656-01 |
This chapter describes the schema object tools that you use in the Oracle9i Java environment. You run these tools from a UNIX shell or the Windows NT DOS prompt.
Note: All names supplied within these tools are case sensitive. Thus, the schema, username, and password will not be uppercased. |
The following sections describe the schema object tools:
Unlike a conventional JVM, which compiles and loads Java files, the Oracle9i JVM compiles and loads schema objects. The three kinds of Java schema objects are as follows:
To make a class file runnable by the Oracle9i JVM, you use the loadjava
tool to create a Java class schema object from the class file or the source file and load it into a schema. To make a resource file accessible to the Oracle9i JVM, you use loadjava
to create and load a Java resource schema object from the resource file.
The dropjava
tool does the reverse of the loadjava
tool; it deletes schema objects that correspond to Java files. You should always use dropjava
to delete a Java schema object that was created with loadjava
; dropping by means of SQL DDL commands will not update auxiliary data maintained by loadjava
and dropjava
You must load resource files with loadjava
. If you create .class
files outside the database with a conventional compiler, then you must load them with loadjava
. The alternative to loading class files is to load source files and let the Oracle9i system compile and manage the resulting class schema objects. In the current Oracle9i release, the most productive approach is to compile and debug most of your code outside the database, and then load the .class
files. For a particular Java class, you can load either its .class
file or its .java
file, but not both.
The loadjava
tool accepts JAR files that contain either source and resource files or class and resource files. You can load a class's source or its class file but not both. When you pass loadjava
a JAR file or a ZIP file, loadjava
opens the archive and loads its members individually; there are no JAR or ZIP schema objects. A file whose content has not changed since the last time it was loaded is not reloaded; therefore, there is little performance penalty for loading JARs. Loading JAR files is the simplest and most foolproof way to use loadjava
It is illegal for two schema objects in the same schema to define the same class. For example, suppose
defines class x
and you want to move the definition of x
. If
has already been loaded, then loadjava
will reject an attempt to load
(which also defines x
). Instead, do either of the following:
, load
(which defines x
), then load the new
(which does not define x
(which does not define x
), then load
(which defines x
).All Java classes contain references to other classes. A conventional JVM searches for classes in the directories, ZIP files, and JARs named in the CLASSPATH. The Oracle9i JVM, by contrast, searches schemas for class schema objects. Each Oracle9i class has a resolver spec, which is the Oracle9i counterpart to the CLASSPATH. For a hypothetical class, alpha
, its resolver spec is a list of schemas to search for classes that alpha
uses. Notice that resolver specs are per-class, whereas in a classic JVM, CLASSPATH is global to all classes.
In addition to a resolver spec, each class schema object has a list of interclass reference bindings. Each reference list item contains a reference to another class and one of the following:
An Oracle9i facility known as the resolver maintains reference lists. For each interclass reference in a class, the resolver searches the schemas specified by the class's resolver spec for a valid class schema object that satisfies the reference. If all references are resolved, the resolver marks the class valid. A class that has never been resolved, or has been resolved unsuccessfully, is marked invalid. A class that depends on a schema object that becomes invalid is also marked invalid at the time the first class is marked invalid; in other words, invalidation cascades upward from a class to the classes that use it and the classes that use them, and so on. When resolving a class that depends on an invalid class, the resolver first tries to resolve the referenced class, because it may be marked invalid only because it has never been resolved. The resolver does not re-resolve classes that are marked valid.
A class developer can direct loadjava
to resolve classes or can defer resolution until run time. The resolver runs automatically when a class tries to load a class that is marked invalid. It is best to resolve before run time to learn of missing classes early; unsuccessful resolution at run time produces a "class not found" exception. Furthermore, run-time resolution can fail for the following reasons:
The loadjava
tool has two resolution modes:
option): Loads all classes you specify on the command line, marks them invalid, and then resolves them. Use this mode when initially loading classes that refer to each other, and in general when reloading isolated classes as well. By loading all classes and then resolving them, this mode avoids the error message that occurs if a class refers to a class that will be loaded later in the execution of the command.-resolve
option): Resolves each class at runtime.
If you can, defer resolution until all classes have been loaded; this technique avoids the situation in which the resolver marks a class invalid because a class it uses has not yet been loaded.
The schema object digest table is an optimization that is usually invisible to developers. The digest table enables loadjava
to skip files that have not changed since they were last loaded. This feature improves the performance of makefiles and scripts that invoke loadjava
for collections of files, only some of which need to be reloaded. A reloaded archive file might also contain some files that have changed since they were last loaded and some that have not.
The loadjava
tool detects unchanged files by maintaining a digest table in each schema. The digest table relates a file name to a digest, which is a shorthand representation of the file's content (a hash). Comparing digests computed for the same file at different times is a fast way to detect a change in the file's content--much faster than comparing every byte in the file. For each file it processes, loadjava
computes a digest of the file's content and then looks up the file name in the digest table. If the digest table contains an entry for the file name that has the identical digest, then loadjava
does not load the file, because a corresponding schema object exists and is up to date. If you invoke loadjava
with the -verbose
option, then it will show you the results of its digest table lookups.
Normally, the digest table is invisible to developers, because loadjava
and dropjava
keep the table synchronized with schema object additions, changes, and deletions. For this reason, always use dropjava
to delete a schema object that was created with loadjava
, even if you know how to drop a schema object using DDL. If the digest table becomes corrupted (loadjava
does not update a schema object whose file has changed), use loadjava
's -force
option to bypass the digest table lookup or delete all rows from the table, which is named JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE
Loading a source file creates or updates a Java source schema object and invalidates the class schema object(s) previously derived from the source. If the class schema objects do not exist, loadjava
creates them. The loadjava
tool invalidates the old class schema objects because they were not compiled from the newly loaded source. Compilation of a newly loaded source, called for instance A, is automatically triggered by any of the following conditions:
To force compilation when you load a source file, use loadjava
The compiler writes error messages to the predefined USER_ERRORS
view; loadjava
retrieves and displays the messages produced by its compiler invocations.
The compiler recognizes some options. There are two ways to specify options to the compiler. If you run loadjava
with the -resolve
option (which may trigger compilation), you can specify compiler options on the command line.
You can additionally specify persistent compiler options in a per-schema database table known as JAVA$OPTIONS
, which you create as described shortly. You can use the JAVA$OPTIONS
table for default compiler options, which you can override selectively with a loadjava
command-line option.
row contains the names of source schema objects to which an option setting applies; you can use multiple rows to set the options differently for different source schema objects. The compiler looks up options in the JAVA$OPTIONS
table when it has been invoked without a command line--that is, by the class loader--or when the command line does not specify an option. When compiling a source schema object for which there is neither a JAVA$OPTIONS
entry nor a command-line value for an option, the compiler assumes a default value as follows:
= System.getProperty("file.encoding");
= true
: See the Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference for a description of this option, which applies only to Java sources that contain SQLJ constructs.debug
= true
: This option is equivalent to javac
.You can set JAVA$OPTIONS
entries by means of the following functions and procedures, which are defined in the database package DBMS_JAVA
PROCEDURE set_compiler_option(name VARCHAR2, option VARCHAR2, value VARCHAR2);
FUNCTION get_compiler_option(name VARCHAR2, option VARCHAR2) RETURNS VARCHAR2;
PROCEDURE reset_compiler_option(name VARCHAR2, option VARCHAR2);
The name
parameter is a Java package name, or a fully qualified class name, or the empty string. When the compiler searches the JAVA$OPTIONS
table for the options to use for compiling a Java source schema object, it uses the row whose name
most closely matches the schema object's fully qualified class name. A name
whose value is the empty string matches any schema object name.
The option
parameter is either 'online'
or 'encoding'
. For the value
s you can specify for these options, see the Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference..
A schema does not initially have a JAVA$OPTIONS
table. To create a JAVA$OPTIONS
table, use the DBMS_JAVA
package's java.set_compiler_option
procedure to set a value; the procedure will create the table if it does not exist. Specify parameters in single quotes. For example:
SQL> execute dbms_java.set_compiler_option('x.y', 'online', 'false');
Table 7-1 represents a hypothetical JAVA$OPTIONS
database table. Because the table has no entry for the encoding
option, the compiler will use the default or the value specified on the command line. The online
options shown in the table match schema object names as follows:
matches class and package names beginning with a.b.c.d
; they will be compiled with online
= true
matches class and package names beginning with a.b
, but not a.b.c.d
; they will be compiled with online
= false
= true
Name | Option | Value | Match Examples |
(empty string) |
The loadjava
tool creates schema objects from files and loads them into a schema. Schema objects can be created from Java source, class, and data files. loadjava
can also create schema objects from SQLJ files; the Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference describes how to use loadjava
with SQLJ.
You must have the following SQL database privileges to load classes:
privileges to load into your schema.CREATE
privileges to load into another
>. See the "Database Contents and JVM Security" section in Chapter 5 of the Oracle9i Java Developer's Guide for more information.You can execute the loadjava
tool either through the command line (as described below) or through the loadjava
method contained within the DBMS_JAVA
class. To execute within your Java application, do the following:
call dbms_java.loadjava('... options...');
where the options are the same as specified below. Separate each option with a blank. Do not separate the options with a comma. The only exception for this is the -resolver
option, which contains blanks. For -resolver
, specify all other options in the first input parameter, and the -resolver
options in the second parameter. This is demonstrated below:
call dbms_java.loadjava('..options...', 'resolver_options');
Do not specify the following options, because they relate to the database connection for the loadjava
command-line tool: -thin,
. The output is directed to stderr. Set serveroutput
on, and call dbms_java.set_output
as appropriate.
Just before the loadjava
tool exits, it checks whether the execution was successful. All failures are summarized preceeded by the following header:
The following operations failed
Some conditions, such as losing the connection to the database, cause loadjava
to terminate prematurely. There errors are printed with the following syntax:
exiting: <error_reason>
loadjava {-user | -u} <user>/<password>[@<database>] [options] <file>.java | <file>.class | <file>.jar | <file>.zip | <file>.sqlj | <resourcefile> ... [-action] [-andresolve] [-casesensitivepub] [-cleargrants] [-debug] [-d | -definer] [-dirprefix <prefix>] [-e | -encoding <encoding_scheme>] [-fileout <file>] [-f | -force] [-g | -grant <user> [, <user>]...] [-genmissing] [-genmissingjar <jar_file>] [-help] [-jarasresource] [-noaction] [-nocasesensitivepub] [-nocleargrants] [-nodefiner] [-nogrant] [-norecursivejars] [-noschema] [-noserverside] [-nosynonym] [-nousage] [-noverify] [-o | -oci | oci8] [-optionfile <file>] [-optiontable <table_name>] [-publish <package>] [-pubmain <number>] [-recursivejars] [-r | -resolve] [-R | -resolver "resolver_spec"] [-resolveonly] [-S | -schema <schema>] [-stdout] [-stoponerror] [-s | -synonym] [-tableschema <schema>] [-t | -thin] [-time] [-unresolvedok] [-v | -verbose]
Table 7-2 summarizes the loadjava
arguments. If you execute loadjava
multiple times specifying the same files and different options, the options specified in the most recent invocation hold. There are two exceptions:
does not load a file because it matches a digest table entry, most options on the command line have no effect on the schema object. The exceptions are -grant
and -resolve
, which are always obeyed. Use the -force
option to direct loadjava
to skip the digest table lookup.-grant
option is cumulative; every user specified in every loadjava
invocation for a given class in a given schema has the EXECUTE privilege.
Argument | Description |
You can specify any number and combination of |
-action |
Perform all actions. This is the default behavior. This option can be used to override a - |
-andresolve |
To be used in place of - This option should be used only to replace classes that were previously loaded. If you changed only the code for existing methods within the class, you should use this option instead of the - |
-casesensitivepub |
Publishing will create case sensitive names. Unless the names are already all upper case, it will usually require quoting the names in PL/SQL. |
-cleargrants |
The - |
Turns on SQL logging. |
By default, class schema objects run with the privileges of their invoker. This option confers definer (the developer who invokes |
-dirprefix <prefix> |
For any files or JAR entries that start with |
Identifies the source file encoding for the compiler, overriding the matching value, if any, in the |
-fileout <file> |
Prints all message to the designated file. |
Forces files to be loaded, even if they match digest table entries. |
Grants the EXECUTE privilege on loaded classes to the listed users. (To call the methods of a class, users must have the EXECUTE privilege.) Any number and combination of user names can be specified, separated by commas but not spaces ( To grant the EXECUTE privilege on an object in someone else's schema requires that the original CREATE PROCEDURE privilege was granted with WITH GRANT options. Note: You must uppercase the schema name. |
-genmissing |
Determines what classes and methods are referred to by the classes that Because detecting references from source is more difficult than detecting references from classfiles, and because source is not generally used for distributing libraries, The schema in which the missing classes are loaded will be the one specified by the - |
-genmissingjar <jar_file> |
This option performs the same actions as - |
Prints the usage message on how to use the |
-jarasresource |
Instead of unpacking the JAR file and loading each class within it, loads the whole JAR file into the schema as a resource. |
-noaction |
Take no action on the files. Actions include creating the schema objects, granting execute permissions, and so on. The normal use is within an option file to suppress creation of specific classes in a JAR. When used on the command-line (unless overridden in the option file), it will cause |
-nocasesensitivepub |
All lower case characters are converted to upper case. Transitions from lower to upper case characters will cause an underscore (_) to be inserted. For example, the method name |
-nocleargrants |
Causes |
-nodefiner |
Make the loaded classes (or classes derived from loaded sources) invoker's rights classes. This is the default behavior. This option can be used to override a - |
-nogrant |
Do not grant any execute privileges to the loaded classes. This is the default behavior. This option is used to override a - |
-norecursivejars |
Treat JARs contained in other JARs as resources. This is the default behavior. This option can be used to override a - |
-noschema |
Place the loaded classes, sources, and resources into the schema associated with the user specified in a - |
-nosynonym |
Do not create a public synonym for the classes. This is the default behavior. This overrides a - |
-noserverside |
Changes the behavior of |
Suppresses the usage message that is given if either no option is specified or if the - |
Causes the classes to be loaded without bytecode verification. You must be granted |
Directs |
-optionfile <file> |
A file can be provided with |
-optiontable <tablename> |
This option works like - |
-publish <package> |
The |
-pubmain <number> |
A special case applied to methods with a single argument, which is of type |
-recursivejars |
Normally, if |
Compiles (if necessary) and resolves external references in classes after all classes on the command line have been loaded. |
Specifies an explicit resolver spec, which is bound to the newly loaded classes. If - |
-resolveonly |
Causes |
Designates the schema where schema objects are created. If not specified, the - |
Causes the output to be directed to |
-stoponerror |
Normally, if an error occurs while |
Creates a PUBLIC synonym for loaded classes making them accessible outside the schema into which they are loaded. To specify this option, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM privilege. If |
Creates the |
Directs |
-time |
Prints a timestamp on every message. |
-unresolvedok |
When combined with - |
Specifies a user, password, and database connect string; the files will be loaded into this database instance. The argument has the form |
Directs |
This section describes the details of loadjava
arguments whose behavior is more complex than the summary descriptions contained in Table 7-2.
You can specify as many .class
, .java
, .sqlj
, .jar
, .zip
, and resource files as you like, in any order. If you specify a JAR or ZIP file, then loadjava
processes the files in the JAR or ZIP; there is no JAR or ZIP schema object. If a JAR or ZIP contains a JAR or ZIP, loadjava
does not process them.
The best way to load files is to put them in a JAR or ZIP and then load the archive. Loading archives avoids the resource schema object naming complications described later in this section. If you have a JAR or ZIP that works with the JDK, then you can be sure that loading it with loadjava
will also work, without having to learn anything about resource schema object naming.
Schema object names are slightly different from file names, and loadjava
names different types of schema objects differently. Because class files are self-identifying (they contain their names), loadjava
's mapping of class file names to schema object names is invisible to developers. Source file name mapping is also invisible to developers; loadjava
gives the schema object the fully qualified name of the first class defined in the file. JAR and ZIP files also contain the names of their files; however, resource files are not self identifying. loadjava
generates Java resource schema object names from the literal names you supply as arguments (or the literal names in a JAR or ZIP file). Because running classes use resource schema objects, it is important that you specify resource file names correctly on the command line, and the correct specification is not always intuitive. The surefire way to load individual resource files correctly is:
Run loadjava
from the top of the package tree and specify resource file names relative to that directory. (The "top of the package tree" is the directory you would name in a Java CLASSPATH list.)
If you do not want to follow this rule, observe the details of resource file naming that follow. When you load a resource file, loadjava
generates the resource schema object name from the resource file name as literally specified on the command line. Suppose, for example you type:
% cd /home/scott/javastuff % loadjavaoptions
alpha/beta/ % loadjavaoptions
Although you have specified the same file with a relative and an absolute path name, loadjava
creates two schema objects, one called alpha/beta/
, the other ROOT/home/scott/javastuff/alpha/beta/
. (loadjava
prepends ROOT
because schema object names cannot begin with the "/
" character; however, that is an implementation detail that is unimportant to developers.) The important point is that a resource schema object's name is generated from the file name as entered.
Classes can refer to resource files relatively (for example,
) or absolutely (for example, /a/
). To ensure that loadjava
and the class loader use the same name for a schema object, follow this rule when loading resource files:
Enter the name on the command line that the class passes to getResource() or getResourceAsString().
Instead of remembering whether classes use relative or absolute resource names and changing directories so that you can enter the correct name on the command line, you can load resource files in a JAR as follows:
% cd /home/scott/javastuff
% jar -cf alpharesources.jar alpha/*.properties
% loadjava options
Or, to simplify further, put both the class and resource files in a JAR, which makes the following invocations equivalent:
% loadjavaoptions
alpha.jar % loadjavaoptions
The two loadjava
commands in this example make the point that you can use any pathname to load the contents of a JAR file. Even if you did execute the redundant commands shown above, loadjava
would realize from the digest table that it did not need to load the files twice. That means that reloading JAR files is not as time-consuming as it might seem, even when few files have changed between loadjava
The -definer
option is identical to definer's rights in stored procedures and is conceptually similar to the UNIX setuid
facility; however, whereas setuid
applies to a complete program, you can apply -definer
class by class. Moreover, different definers may have different privileges. Because an application may consist of many classes, you must apply -definer
with care to achieve the results desired, namely classes that run with the privileges they need,0 but no more. For more information on definer's rights, see the Oracle9i Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide.
Causes the classes to be loaded without bytecode verification. You must be granted
to execute this option. In addition, this option must be used in conjunction with -r
The verifier ensures that incorrectly formed Java binaries cannot be loaded for execution in the server. If you know that the JAR or classes you are loading are valid, use of this option will speed up the loadjava
process. Some Oracle9i-specific optimizations for interpreted performance are put in place during the verification process. Thus, interpreted performance of your application may be adversely affected by using this option.
A file can be provided with loadjava
options. This <file>
is read and processed by loadjava
before any other loadjava
options are processed. This <file>
may contain one or more lines, each of which contains a pattern and a sequence of options. Each line must be terminated by a newline (\n
). For each file (or JAR entry) that is processed by loadjava
, the long name of the schema object that is going to be created (typically, the name of the class with a dot "." replaced by a slash "/") is checked against the patterns. Patterns can end in a wildcard (*) to indicate an arbitrary sequence of characters; otherwise, they must match the name exactly. Options to be applied to matching Java schema objects are supplied on the rest of the line. Options are appended to the command-line options, they do not replace them. In case more than one line matches a name, the matching rows are sorted by length of pattern, with the shortest first, and the options from each row are appended. In general, loadjava
options are not cumulative. Rather, later options override earlier ones. This means that an option specified on a line with a longer pattern will override a line with a shorter pattern.
This file is parsed by a
Java comments (both /* */ and //) are allowed. A line comment begins with a #. Empty lines are ignored. The quote character is a double quote ("). That is, options containing spaces (common in -resolver
options, for example) should be surrounded by double quotes. Certain options, such as -user
or -verbose
, affect the overall processing of loadjava
and not the actions performed for individual Java schema objects. Such options are ignored if they appear in an option file.
As an aid in packaging applications, loadjava
looks for an entry named META-INF/loadjava-options
in each JAR it processes. If it finds such an entry, it treats it as an options file that is applied for all other entries in the option file. However, loadjava
does some processing on entries in the order in which they occur in the JAR.
In case it has partially processed entities before it processes the META-INF/loadjava-options
, the loadjava
tool will attempt to patch up the schema object to conform to the applicable options. For example, by altering classes that were created with invoker's rights when they should have been created with definer's rights. The fix for -noaction
will be to drop the created schema object. This will yield the correct effect except that if a schema object existed before loadjava started, it will have been dropped.
The publishing options cause loadjava
to create PL/SQL wrappers for methods contained in the processed classes. Typically, a user wants to publish wrappers for only a few classes in a JAR. These options are most useful when specified in an option file.
To be eligible for publication, the method must satisfy the following:
, int
, long
, float
, double
) as arguments and return types are mapped to NUMBER.char
as an argument and return type is mapped to
as an argument and return type is mapped to
, special rules apply, as listed in the -pubstring
option description.char
, or java.lang.String
, then a function is created and its return type is as specified in an earlier rule.Methods that take arguments or return types that are not covered by the above rules are not eligible. No provision is made for OUT, IN-OUT SQL arguments, OBJECT types, or for many other SQL features.
Use -resolve
to force loadjava
to compile (if necessary) and resolve a class that has previously been loaded. It is not necessary to specify -force
, because resolution is performed after, and independently of, loading.
This option associates an explicit resolver spec with the class schema objects that loadjava
creates or replaces.
A resolver spec consists of one or more items, each of which consists of a name spec and a schema spec expressed in the following syntax:
"((name_spec schema_spec) [(name_spec schema_spec)] ...)"
statement. It can be a fully qualified Java class name, or a package name whose final element is the wildcard character "*
", or (unlike an imported package name) simply the wildcard character "*
"; however, the elements of a name spec must be separated by "/
" characters, not periods. For example, the name spec a/b/*
matches all classes whose names begin with a.b.
The special name *
matches all class names.-"
. The wildcard does not identify a schema but directs the resolve operation to not mark a class invalid because a reference to a matching name cannot be resolved. (Without a "-"
wildcard in a resolver spec, an unresolved reference in the class makes the class invalid and produces an error message.) Use a "-"
wildcard when you must test a class that refers to a class you cannot or do not want to load; for example, GUI classes that a class refers to but does not call because when run in the server there is no GUI.The resolution operation interprets a resolver spec item as follows:
When looking for a schema object whose name matches the name spec, look in the schema named by the partner schema spec.
The resolution operation searches schemas in the order in which the resolver spec lists them. For example,
-resolver '((* SCOTT) (* PUBLIC))'
means the following:
Search for any reference first in SCOTT and then in PUBLIC. If a reference is not resolved, then mark the referring class invalid and display an error message; in other words, call attention to missing classes.
The following example:
-resolver "((* SCOTT) (* PUBLIC) (my/gui/* -))"
means the following:
Search for any reference first in SCOTT and then in PUBLIC. If the reference is not found, and is to a class in the package my.gui then mark the referring class valid, and do not display an error; in other words, ignore missing classes in this package. If the reference is not found and is not to a class in my.gui, then mark the referring class invalid and produce an error message.
By default, loadjava
loads into the login schema specified by the -user
option. Use the -schema
option to specify a different schema to load into. This does not involve a login into that schema, but does require that you have sufficient permissions to alter it.
The permissible forms of @<database>
depend on whether you specify -oci
or -thin
; -oci
is the default.
: @<database>
is optional; if you do not specify, loadjava
uses the user's default database. If specified, <database>
can be a TNS name or a Oracle Net Services name-value list.-thin
: @<database>
is required. The format is <host>:<lport>:<SID>
Here are examples of loadjava
loadjava -u joe/shmoe -resolve -schema TEST ServerObjects.jar
loadjava -thin -u SCOTT/TIGER@dbhost:5521:orcl \ -resolve alpha.class beta.props
loadjava -thin -schema test -u SCOTT/TIGER@localhost:5521:orcl \
The dropjava
tool is the converse of loadjava
. It transforms command-line file names and JAR or ZIP file contents to schema object names, then drops the schema objects and deletes their corresponding digest table rows. You can enter .java
, .class
, .sqlj
, .ser
, .zip
, .jar
, and resource file names on the command line in any order.
Alternatively, you can specify a schema object name (full name, not short name) directly to dropjava
. A command-line argument that does not end in .jar
, .zip
, .class
, .java
, or .sqlj
is presumed to be a schema object name. If you specify a schema object name that applies to multiple schema objects (such as a source schema object Foo
and a class schema object Foo
), all will be removed.
Dropping a class invalidates classes that depend on it, recursively cascading upwards. Dropping a source drops classes derived from it.
You can execute the dropjava
tool either through the command line (as described below) or through the dropjava
method contained within the DBMS_JAVA
class. To execute within your Java application, do the following:
call dbms_java.dropjava('... options...');
where the options are the same as specified below. Separate each option with a blank. Do not separate the options with a comma. The only exception for this is the -user
option. The connection is always made to the current session, so you cannot specify another username through the -user
For -resolver
, you should specify all other options first, a comma, then the -resolver
option with its definition. Do not specify the following options, because they relate to the database connection for the loadjava
command-line tool: -thin,
. The output is directed to stderr. Set serveroutput on and call dbms_java.set_output
as appropriate.
dropjava [options] {<file>.java | <file>.class | file.sqlj | <file>.jar | <> | <resourcefile>} ... -u | -user <user>/<password>[@<database>] [-genmissingjar <JARfile>] [-jarasresource] [-noserverside] [-o | -oci | -oci8] [-optionfile <file>] [-optiontable <table_name>] [-S | -schema <schema>] [ -stdout ] [-s | -synonym] [-t | -thin] [-time] [-v | -verbose]
Table 7-3 summarizes the dropjava
interprets most file names as loadjava
files: dropjava
finds the class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema
and .sqlj
files: dropjava
finds the first class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema object..jar
and .zip
files: dropjava
processes the archived file names as if they had been entered on the command line.If a file name has another extension or no extension, then dropjava
interprets the file name as a schema object name and drops all source, class, and resource objects that match the name. For example, the hypothetical file name alpha
drops whichever of the following exists: the source schema object named alpha
, the class schema object named alpha
, and the resource schema object named alpha
. If the file name begins with the "/
" character, then dropjava
prepends ROOT
to the schema object name.
If dropjava
encounters a file name that does not match a schema object, it displays a message and processes the remaining file names.
The permissible forms of @<database>
depend on whether you specify -oci
or -thin
; -oci
is the default.
: @<database>
is optional; if you do not specify, then dropjava
uses the user's default database. If specified, then <database>
can be a TNS name or a Oracle Net Services name-value list.-thin
: @<database>
is required. The format is <host>:<lport>:<SID>
Here are some dropjava
in the default database that were loaded from ServerObjects.jar
dropjava -u SCOTT/TIGER -schema TEST ServerObjects.jar
dropjava -thin -u SCOTT/TIGER@dbhost:5521:orcl alpha.class beta.props
Care must be taken if you are removing a resource that was loaded directly into the server. This includes profiles if you translated on the client without using the -ser2class
option. When dropping source or class schema objects, or resource schema objects that were generated by the server-side SQLJ translator, the schema objects will be found according to the package specification in the applicable .sqlj
source file. However, the fully qualified schema object name of a resource that was generated on the client and loaded directly into the server depends on path information in the .jar
file or on the command line at the time you loaded it. If you use a .jar
file to load resources and use the same .jar
file to remove resources, there will be no problem. If, however, you use the command line to load resources, then you must be careful to specify the same path information when you run dropjava
to remove the resources.
The ojvmjava
tool is an interactive interface to a database instance's session namespace. You specify database connection arguments when you start ojvmjava
. It then presents you with a prompt to indicate that it is ready for commands.
The shell can launch an executable, that is, a class with a static main()
method. Executables must have been loaded with loadjava
ojvmjava {-user <user
>@database] [options] [@<filename
>] [-batch] [-c | -command <command
> <args
>] [-debug] [-d | -database <conn_string>] [-fileout <filename>] [-o | -oci | -oci8] [-oschema <schema
>] [-t | -thin] [-version | -v]
Table 7-4 summarizes the ojvmjava
command-line arguments.
Option | Description |
Specifies user's name for connecting to the database. This name is case insensitive; the name will always be uppercased. If you provide the database information, the default syntax used is OCI. You can also specify the default database by the following option: |
Specifies user's password for connecting to the database. This name case insensitive; the name will always be uppercased. |
Specifies a script file that contains |
Disables all messages printed to the screen. No help messages or prompts will be printed. Only responses to entered commands are printed. |
Executes the desired command. If you do not want to run ojvmjava in interpretive mode, but only want to execute a single command, execute
-debug |
Prints debugging information. |
-d | -database <conn_string> |
Provide a database connection string. |
-fileout <file> |
Redirect output to the provided file. |
-o | -oci | -oci8 |
Use the JDBC OCI driver. The OCI driver is the default. This flag specifies the syntax used in either the @database or - |
-oschema <schema> |
Use this schema for class lookup. |
-t | -thin |
Specifies that the database syntax used is for the JDBC Thin driver. The dtabase connection string must be of the form <host>:<port>:<SID> or an Oracle Net Services Name-Value list. |
-verbose |
Print the connection information. |
Shows the version. |
Here is a ojvmjava
Open a shell on the session namespace of the database orcl
on listener port 2481 on host dbserver
ojvmjava -thin -user SCOTT/TIGER@dbserver:2481:orcl
The ojvmjava
commands span several different types of functionality, which are grouped as follows:
command-line toolYou can specify that any output generated by the ojvmjava
tool is put into a file by appending the "&><
" at the end of the command options. The following pipes all output to the listDir
ls -lR &>/tmp/listDir
This option designates a script file that contains one or more ojvmjava
commands. The script file specified is located on the client. The ojvmjava
tool reads in the file and then executes all commands on the designated server. Also, because the script file is executed on the server, any interaction with the operating system in the script file--such as redirecting output to a file or executing another script--will occur on the server. If you direct ojvmjava
to execute another script file, this file must exist within $ORACLE_HOME
directory on the server.
Type in the ojvmjava
command followed by any options and any expected input arguments.
The script file contains any ojvmjava
command followed by options and input parameters. The input parameters can be passed in on the ojvmjava
command-line. The ojvmjava
command processes all known ojvmjava
options and then passes on any other options and arguments to the script file.
To access arguments within the commands in the script file, place &1...&n to denote the arguments. If all input parameters are passed into a single command, you can supply a the string "&*" to denote that all input parameters are to be passed to this command.
The following shows the contents of the script file, execShell
chmod +x SCOTT nancy /alpha/beta/gamma chown SCOTT /alpha/beta/gamma java testhello &*
Because only two input arguments are expected, you can implement the java
command input parameters as follows:
java testhello &1 &2
To execute this file, do the following:
ojvmjava -user SCOTT -password TIGER -thin -database dbserver:2481:orcl \ @execShell alpha beta
The ojvmjava
processes all options that it knows about and passes along any other input parameters to be used by the commands that exist within the script file. In this example, the parameters, alpha
and beta
, are passed to the java
command in the script file. Thus, the actual command executed is as follows:
java testhello alpha beta
You can add any comments in your script file with the hash symbol (#). The "#" symbol makes anything to the end of the line a comment, which is ignored by ojvmjava
. For example:
#this whole line is ignored by ojvmjava
The following shell commands behave similarly to their UNIX counterparts:
Each of these shell commands contains the following common options:
Option | Description |
Summarizes the tool's operation. |
Summarizes the tool's syntax. |
Shows the version. |
Prints to stdout exactly what is indicated. This is used mostly in script files.
The syntax is as follows:
echo [<echo_string>] [<args>]
where <echo_string>
is a string that contains the text you want written to the screen during the shell script invocation and <args
> are input arguments from the user. For example, the following prints out a notification:
echo "Adding an owner to the schema" &1
If the input argument is "SCOTT", the output would be "Adding an owner to the schema SCOTT"
The exit
command terminates ojvmjava.
Here is an example:
Leave the shell:
$ exit %
The help
command summarizes the syntax of the shell commands. You can also use the help
command to summarize the options for a particular command.
help [<command
The java
command is analogous to the JDK java
command; it invokes a class's static main()
method. The class must have been loaded with loadjava
. (There is no point to publishing a class that will be invoked with the java
command.) The java
command provides a convenient way to test Java code that runs in the database. In particular, the command catches exceptions and redirects the class's standard output and standard error to the shell, which displays them as with any other command output. (The usual destination of standard out and standard error for Java classes executed in the database is one or more database server process trace files, which are inconvenient and may require DBA privileges to read.)
java [-schema <schema>] <class> [arg1 ... argn]
Table 7-6 summarizes the java
Here is a java
command example.
Say hello and display arguments:
package hello; public class World { public World() { super(); } public static void main(String[] argv) { System.out.println("Hello from the Oracle9i ORB"); if (argv.length != 0) System.out.println("You supplied " + argv.length + " arguments: "); for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) System.out.println(" arg[" + i + "] : " + argv[i]); } }
Compile, load, publish, and run the executable as follows, substituting your userid, host, and port information as appropriate:
% javac hello/ % loadjava -r -user SCOTT/TIGER@localhost:2481:orcl hello/World.class % ojvmjava -user SCOTT -password TIGER -database localhost:2481:orcl $ java testhello alpha beta Hello from the Oracle9i ORB You supplied 2 arguments: arg[0] : alpha arg[1] : beta
The version
command shows the version of the ojvmjava
tool. You can also show the version of a specified command.
version [options] [<command
Here is an example of the version
Display the shell's version:
$ version 1.0
Prints out the current user that logged into this session.
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