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Data format

The presented instances are stored in two basic formats. We generally assume that n is the number of facilities and m the number of cities.

1. ORLIB-cap format

In the ORLIB-cap format it is possible to store instances for the uncapacitated and capacitated facility location problem. The first line of a file consists n and m:
[n] [m]
Then the next n lines consist of the opening cost and the capacity of the corresponding facility.
So for each facility i: (i = 1 ,..., n):
[capacity] [opening cost]
In the following the numbers for the cities are the demand and the connections to all facilities.
So for each city j (j = 1, ... ,m):
[demand of j]
[cost of allocating all demand of j to facility i] (i = 1,...,n)

Example: uncapacitated n = 4, m = 3
4 3
0 300
0 400
0 150
0 200
130 140 130 100
120 100 90 120
80 50 140 150

2. Simple format

The simple format is only suitable for instances of the uncapacitated facility location problem.
The first line consists of 'FILE: ' and the name of the file. In the next line n, m and 0 are denoted:
[n] [m] 0
The next n lines consist of the number of the facility, the opening cost and the connetion cost to the cities.
So for facility i (i = 1, ... , n) we have
[i] [opening cost] [cost of conneting city j to facility i] (j = 1, ... ,m)

Example: n = 4, m = 3
FILE: Exapmle.txt
4 3 0
1 300 130 120 80
2 400 140 100 50
3 150 130 90 140
4 200 100 120 150

3. Solution format

The data-format of the solutions is very simple. At first there are m numbers in the range of [0,n-1]. The i-th number is the facility city i is connected to. The last number of the file is the cost of the solution. Facilities and cities are ordered by the appearance in the problem file. If the number of a facility does not appear in the solution file, it remains closed in the solution. Please note that the numbering starts with 0 here !

Example: n = 4, m = 3
2 2 2 510