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Computational Geometry and Geometric Computing - Winter Term 2009/2010


Geometric computing refers to computation with geometric objects such as points, lines, hyperplanes, disks, curves, surfaces, and solids. These objects live in an ambient space. In this course, ambient space will be mainly two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space. Geometric computing is ubiquitous; the notes for the first lecture give examples.

We discuss important geometric algorithms and their implementation

SS2010: Seminar on Computational Geometry and Geometric Computing (this course is not mandatory for the seminar)

Contents (schedule and lecture notes)


Basics and Dates:

Information and Rules:

This is a 9-credit-point class.

This course is intended for graduate students and/or senior undergraduate students. It consists of two two-hour lectures and a two-hour problem solving session per week.


The grade is determined by the final exam. The final exam will be oral. We will have exams on February 11th and 12th (in Kurt Mehlhorn's office): NEW: Exact schedule with initials of student's names.


