Computational Geometry and Geometric Computing - Schedule and Lecture Notes
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There will be lecture notes for some of the lectures.
We will add and update them as we go along: The current version of all notes written by KM.
Week 1
Computational Geometry:
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
- 23.11.2009 (Eric Berberich): DCEL, Zone, Point Location, Overlay,
- 27.11.2009 (Michael Sagraloff): Arrangements of conics with school mathematics, Interval Analysis, Zero-Tests, Root-bounds
Algebraic Basics:
Week 8
- 30.11.2009 (Michael Sagraloff): Conics continued
- 04.12.2009 (Michael Sagraloff): Polynomials, roots, gcd, Euclid's algorithm, Sturm sequences
Week 9
- 07.12.2009 (Michael Sagraloff): Sturm sequences, Descartes' Rule of Signs
- 11.12.2009 (Michael Sagraloff): The Descartes method
Week 10
Seasonal break
Week 11
Week 12
- 11.01.2010 (Michael Sagraloff): Subresultants and cofactors
- 15.01.2010 (Michael Sagraloff): Curve analysis
Week 13
- 18.01.2010 (Michael Sagraloff): Analysis of algebraic surfaces
- 22.01.2010 (Michael Sagraloff): Triangulations of algebraic surfaces
Alternatives and Applications:
Week 14
Week 15
- 01.02.2010 (Eric Berberich): Applications of arrangements: Arrangements on surfaces, Robot Motion Planning, Min Width Annulus (Material: Slides, Video
- 05.02.2010 (Kurt Mehlhorn): Controlled pertubation cont'd
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