rcrt::Object Member List

This is the complete list of members for rcrt::Object, including all inherited members.

clipPlane(Axis axis, float plane, AABB &lBox, AABB &rBox) const rcrt::Traceable [virtual]
getBoundingBox() const =0rcrt::Traceable [pure virtual]
getCentroid() const =0rcrt::Traceable [pure virtual]
getName() const rcrt::Object [virtual]
intersect(Ray &r) const =0rcrt::Traceable [pure virtual]
materialrcrt::Object [protected]
namercrt::Object [protected]
Object(std::string n, Material *mat=0)rcrt::Object
setMaterial(Material *m)rcrt::Object
~Object()rcrt::Object [virtual]
~Traceable()rcrt::Traceable [virtual]

Generated on Thu Jan 31 19:33:00 2008 for RenderingCompetitionRayTracer by  doxygen 1.5.3