Class SimpleTimeZone

  extended byjava.util.TimeZone
      extended byjava.util.SimpleTimeZone
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable

public class SimpleTimeZone
extends TimeZone

SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar. The class holds an offset from GMT, called raw offset, and start and end rules for a daylight saving time schedule. Since it only holds single values for each, it cannot handle historical changes in the offset from GMT and the daylight saving schedule, except that the setStartYear method can specify the year when the daylight saving time schedule starts in effect.

To construct a SimpleTimeZone with a daylight saving time schedule, the schedule can be described with a set of rules, start-rule and end-rule. A day when daylight saving time starts or ends is specified by a combination of month, day-of-month, and day-of-week values. The month value is represented by a Calendar MONTH field value, such as Calendar.MARCH. The day-of-week value is represented by a Calendar DAY_OF_WEEK value, such as SUNDAY. The meanings of value combinations are as follows.

The time of the day at which daylight saving time starts or ends is specified by a millisecond value within the day. There are three kinds of modes to specify the time: WALL_TIME, STANDARD_TIME and UTC_TIME. For example, if daylight saving time ends at 2:00 am in the wall clock time, it can be specified by 7200000 milliseconds in the WALL_TIME mode. In this case, the wall clock time for an end-rule means the same thing as the daylight time.

The following are examples of parameters for constructing time zone objects.

      // Base GMT offset: -8:00
      // DST starts:      at 2:00am in standard time
      //                  on the first Sunday in April
      // DST ends:        at 2:00am in daylight time
      //                  on the last Sunday in October
      // Save:            1 hour
                     Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY,
                     Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY,

      // Base GMT offset: +1:00
      // DST starts:      at 1:00am in UTC time
      //                  on the last Sunday in March
      // DST ends:        at 1:00am in UTC time
      //                  on the last Sunday in October
      // Save:            1 hour
                     Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY,
                     3600000, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
                     Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY,
                     3600000, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
These parameter rules are also applicable to the set rule methods, such as setStartRule.

David Goldsmith, Mark Davis, Chen-Lieh Huang, Alan Liu
See Also:
Calendar, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone, Serialized Form

Field Summary
(package private) static int currentSerialVersion
private static int DOM_MODE
          Constants specifying values of startMode and endMode.
private static int DOW_GE_DOM_MODE
private static int DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE
private static int DOW_LE_DOM_MODE
private  int dstSavings
          A positive value indicating the amount of time saved during DST in milliseconds.
private  int endDay
          This field has two possible interpretations: endMode == DOW_IN_MONTH endDay indicates the day of the month of endMonth on which daylight saving time ends, from 1 to 28, 30, or 31, depending on the endMonth.
private  int endDayOfWeek
          The day of the week on which daylight saving time ends.
private  int endMode
          Variables specifying the mode of the end rule.
private  int endMonth
          The month in which daylight saving time ends.
private  int endTime
          The time in milliseconds after midnight at which daylight saving time ends.
private  int endTimeMode
          The format of endTime, either WALL_TIME, STANDARD_TIME, or UTC_TIME.
private static int millisPerDay
private static int millisPerHour
private  byte[] monthLength
          This field was serialized in JDK 1.1, so we have to keep it that way to maintain serialization compatibility.
private  int rawOffset
          The offset in milliseconds between this zone and GMT.
private  int serialVersionOnStream
          The version of the serialized data on the stream.
(package private) static long serialVersionUID
static int STANDARD_TIME
          Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as standard time.
private  int startDay
          This field has two possible interpretations: startMode == DOW_IN_MONTH startDay indicates the day of the month of startMonth on which daylight saving time starts, from 1 to 28, 30, or 31, depending on the startMonth.
private  int startDayOfWeek
          The day of the week on which daylight saving time starts.
private  int startMode
          Variables specifying the mode of the start rule.
private  int startMonth
          The month in which daylight saving time starts.
private  int startTime
          The time in milliseconds after midnight at which daylight saving time starts.
private  int startTimeMode
          The format of startTime, either WALL_TIME, STANDARD_TIME, or UTC_TIME.
private  int startYear
          The year in which daylight saving time is first observed.
private static byte[] staticLeapMonthLength
private static byte[] staticMonthLength
private  boolean useDaylight
          A boolean value which is true if and only if this zone uses daylight saving time.
static int UTC_TIME
          Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as UTC.
static int WALL_TIME
          Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as wall clock time.
Fields inherited from class java.util.TimeZone
Constructor Summary
SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID)
          Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT and time zone ID with no daylight saving time schedule.
SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID, int startMonth, int startDay, int startDayOfWeek, int startTime, int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime)
          Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID, int startMonth, int startDay, int startDayOfWeek, int startTime, int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime, int dstSavings)
          Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset, String ID, int startMonth, int startDay, int startDayOfWeek, int startTime, int startTimeMode, int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime, int endTimeMode, int dstSavings)
          Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Returns a clone of this SimpleTimeZone instance.
private static int compareToRule(int month, int monthLen, int prevMonthLen, int dayOfMonth, int dayOfWeek, int millis, int millisDelta, int ruleMode, int ruleMonth, int ruleDayOfWeek, int ruleDay, int ruleMillis)
          Compares the given date in the year to the given rule and returns 1, 0, or -1, depending on whether the date is after, equal to, or before the rule date.
private  void decodeEndRule()
          Decode the end rule and validate the parameters.
private  void decodeRules()
          Given a set of encoded rules in startDay and startDayOfMonth, decode them and set the startMode appropriately.
private  void decodeStartRule()
          Decode the start rule and validate the parameters.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares the equality of two SimpleTimeZone objects.
 int getDSTSavings()
          Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is advanced during daylight saving time.
 int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int millis)
          Returns the difference in milliseconds between local time and UTC, taking into account both the raw offset and the effect of daylight saving, for the specified date and time.
private  int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int millis, int monthLength, int prevMonthLength)
          Gets offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight saving time.
 int getOffset(long date)
          Returns the offset of this time zone from UTC at the given time.
(package private)  int getOffsets(long date, int[] offsets)
          Gets the raw GMT offset and the amount of daylight saving of this time zone at the given time.
 int getRawOffset()
          Gets the GMT offset for this time zone.
 int hashCode()
          Generates the hash code for the SimpleDateFormat object.
 boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone other)
          Returns true if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone.
 boolean inDaylightTime(Date date)
          Queries if the given date is in daylight saving time.
private  void makeRulesCompatible()
          Make rules compatible to 1.1 FCS code.
private  byte[] packRules()
          Pack the start and end rules into an array of bytes.
private  int[] packTimes()
          Pack the start and end times into an array of bytes.
private  void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
          Reconstitute this object from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
 void setDSTSavings(int millisSavedDuringDST)
          Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is advanced during daylight saving time.
 void setEndRule(int endMonth, int endDay, int endTime)
          Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a fixed date within a month.
 void setEndRule(int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime)
          Sets the daylight saving time end rule.
 void setEndRule(int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime, boolean after)
          Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
 void setRawOffset(int offsetMillis)
          Sets the base time zone offset to GMT.
 void setStartRule(int startMonth, int startDay, int startTime)
          Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a fixed date within a month.
 void setStartRule(int startMonth, int startDay, int startDayOfWeek, int startTime)
          Sets the daylight saving time start rule.
 void setStartRule(int startMonth, int startDay, int startDayOfWeek, int startTime, boolean after)
          Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
 void setStartYear(int year)
          Sets the daylight saving time starting year.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this time zone.
private  void unpackRules(byte[] rules)
          Given an array of bytes produced by packRules, interpret them as the start and end rules.
private  void unpackTimes(int[] times)
          Unpack the start and end times from an array of bytes.
 boolean useDaylightTime()
          Queries if this time zone uses daylight saving time.
private  void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
          Save the state of this object to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
Methods inherited from class java.util.TimeZone
getAvailableIDs, getAvailableIDs, getDefault, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getID, getTimeZone, setDefault, setID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private int startMonth
The month in which daylight saving time starts. This value must be between Calendar.JANUARY and Calendar.DECEMBER inclusive. This value must not equal endMonth.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int startDay
This field has two possible interpretations:
startMode == DOW_IN_MONTH
startDay indicates the day of the month of startMonth on which daylight saving time starts, from 1 to 28, 30, or 31, depending on the startMonth.
startMode != DOW_IN_MONTH
startDay indicates which startDayOfWeek in th month startMonth daylight saving time starts on. For example, a value of +1 and a startDayOfWeek of Calendar.SUNDAY indicates the first Sunday of startMonth. Likewise, +2 would indicate the second Sunday, and -1 the last Sunday. A value of 0 is illegal.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int startDayOfWeek
The day of the week on which daylight saving time starts. This value must be between Calendar.SUNDAY and Calendar.SATURDAY inclusive.

If useDaylight is false or startMode == DAY_OF_MONTH, this value is ignored.


private int startTime
The time in milliseconds after midnight at which daylight saving time starts. This value is expressed as wall time, standard time, or UTC time, depending on the setting of startTimeMode.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int startTimeMode
The format of startTime, either WALL_TIME, STANDARD_TIME, or UTC_TIME.



private int endMonth
The month in which daylight saving time ends. This value must be between Calendar.JANUARY and Calendar.UNDECIMBER. This value must not equal startMonth.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int endDay
This field has two possible interpretations:
endMode == DOW_IN_MONTH
endDay indicates the day of the month of endMonth on which daylight saving time ends, from 1 to 28, 30, or 31, depending on the endMonth.
endMode != DOW_IN_MONTH
endDay indicates which endDayOfWeek in th month endMonth daylight saving time ends on. For example, a value of +1 and a endDayOfWeek of Calendar.SUNDAY indicates the first Sunday of endMonth. Likewise, +2 would indicate the second Sunday, and -1 the last Sunday. A value of 0 is illegal.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int endDayOfWeek
The day of the week on which daylight saving time ends. This value must be between Calendar.SUNDAY and Calendar.SATURDAY inclusive.

If useDaylight is false or endMode == DAY_OF_MONTH, this value is ignored.


private int endTime
The time in milliseconds after midnight at which daylight saving time ends. This value is expressed as wall time, standard time, or UTC time, depending on the setting of endTimeMode.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int endTimeMode
The format of endTime, either WALL_TIME, STANDARD_TIME, or UTC_TIME.



private int startYear
The year in which daylight saving time is first observed. This is an AD value. If this value is less than 1 then daylight saving time is observed for all AD years.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.


private int rawOffset
The offset in milliseconds between this zone and GMT. Negative offsets are to the west of Greenwich. To obtain local standard time, add the offset to GMT time. To obtain local wall time it may also be necessary to add dstSavings.


private boolean useDaylight
A boolean value which is true if and only if this zone uses daylight saving time. If this value is false, several other fields are ignored.


private static final int millisPerHour
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int millisPerDay
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final byte[] monthLength
This field was serialized in JDK 1.1, so we have to keep it that way to maintain serialization compatibility. However, there's no need to recreate the array each time we create a new time zone.


private static final byte[] staticMonthLength


private static final byte[] staticLeapMonthLength


private int startMode
Variables specifying the mode of the start rule. Takes the following values:
Exact day of week; e.g., March 1.
Day of week in month; e.g., last Sunday in March.
Day of week after day of month; e.g., Sunday on or after March 15.
Day of week before day of month; e.g., Sunday on or before March 15.
The setting of this field affects the interpretation of the startDay field.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.



private int endMode
Variables specifying the mode of the end rule. Takes the following values:
Exact day of week; e.g., March 1.
Day of week in month; e.g., last Sunday in March.
Day of week after day of month; e.g., Sunday on or after March 15.
Day of week before day of month; e.g., Sunday on or before March 15.
The setting of this field affects the interpretation of the endDay field.

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.



private int dstSavings
A positive value indicating the amount of time saved during DST in milliseconds. Typically one hour (3600000); sometimes 30 minutes (1800000).

If useDaylight is false, this value is ignored.



private static final int DOM_MODE
Constants specifying values of startMode and endMode.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int DOW_GE_DOM_MODE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final int DOW_LE_DOM_MODE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WALL_TIME
Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as wall clock time. Wall clock time is standard time for the onset rule, and daylight time for the end rule.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STANDARD_TIME
Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as standard time.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UTC_TIME
Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as UTC. European Union rules are specified as UTC time, for example.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int currentSerialVersion
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private int serialVersionOnStream
The version of the serialized data on the stream. Possible values:
0 or not present on stream
JDK 1.1.3 or earlier.
JDK 1.1.4 or later. Includes three new fields: startMode, endMode, and dstSavings.
JDK 1.3 or later. Includes two new fields: startTimeMode and endTimeMode.
When streaming out this class, the most recent format and the highest allowable serialVersionOnStream is written.

Constructor Detail


public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
                      String ID)
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT and time zone ID with no daylight saving time schedule.

rawOffset - The base time zone offset in milliseconds to GMT.
ID - The time zone name that is given to this instance.


public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
                      String ID,
                      int startMonth,
                      int startDay,
                      int startDayOfWeek,
                      int startTime,
                      int endMonth,
                      int endDay,
                      int endDayOfWeek,
                      int endTime)
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time. Both startTime and endTime are specified to be represented in the wall clock time. The amount of daylight saving is assumed to be 3600000 milliseconds (i.e., one hour). This constructor is equivalent to:


rawOffset - The given base time zone offset from GMT.
ID - The time zone ID which is given to this object.
startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time starting day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in local wall clock time (in milliseconds within the day), which is local standard time in this case.
endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time ending day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time, (in milliseconds within the day) which is local daylight time in this case.
IllegalArgumentException - if the month, day, dayOfWeek, or time parameters are out of range for the start or end rule


public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
                      String ID,
                      int startMonth,
                      int startDay,
                      int startDayOfWeek,
                      int startTime,
                      int endMonth,
                      int endDay,
                      int endDayOfWeek,
                      int endTime,
                      int dstSavings)
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time. Both startTime and endTime are assumed to be represented in the wall clock time. This constructor is equivalent to:


rawOffset - The given base time zone offset from GMT.
ID - The time zone ID which is given to this object.
startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time starting day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in local wall clock time, which is local standard time in this case.
endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time ending day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time, which is local daylight time in this case.
dstSavings - The amount of time in milliseconds saved during daylight saving time.
IllegalArgumentException - if the month, day, dayOfWeek, or time parameters are out of range for the start or end rule


public SimpleTimeZone(int rawOffset,
                      String ID,
                      int startMonth,
                      int startDay,
                      int startDayOfWeek,
                      int startTime,
                      int startTimeMode,
                      int endMonth,
                      int endDay,
                      int endDayOfWeek,
                      int endTime,
                      int endTimeMode,
                      int dstSavings)
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time. This constructor takes the full set of the start and end rules parameters, including modes of startTime and endTime. The mode specifies either wall time or standard time or UTC time.

rawOffset - The given base time zone offset from GMT.
ID - The time zone ID which is given to this object.
startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time starting day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in the time mode specified by startTimeMode.
startTimeMode - The mode of the start time specified by startTime.
endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time ending day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in time time mode specified by endTimeMode.
endTimeMode - The mode of the end time specified by endTime
dstSavings - The amount of time in milliseconds saved during daylight saving time.
IllegalArgumentException - if the month, day, dayOfWeek, time more, or time parameters are out of range for the start or end rule, or if a time mode value is invalid.
See Also:
Method Detail


public void setStartYear(int year)
Sets the daylight saving time starting year.

year - The daylight saving starting year.


public void setStartRule(int startMonth,
                         int startDay,
                         int startDayOfWeek,
                         int startTime)
Sets the daylight saving time start rule. For example, if daylight saving time starts on the first Sunday in April at 2 am in local wall clock time, you can set the start rule by calling:
setStartRule(Calendar.APRIL, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);

startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time starting day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in local wall clock time, which is local standard time in this case.
IllegalArgumentException - if the startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek, or startTime parameters are out of range


public void setStartRule(int startMonth,
                         int startDay,
                         int startTime)
Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a fixed date within a month. This method is equivalent to:
setStartRule(startMonth, startDay, 0, startTime)

startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in local wall clock time, which is local standard time in this case. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
IllegalArgumentException - if the startMonth, startDayOfMonth, or startTime parameters are out of range


public void setStartRule(int startMonth,
                         int startDay,
                         int startDayOfWeek,
                         int startTime,
                         boolean after)
Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.

startMonth - The daylight saving time starting month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 0 for January).
startDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time starts.
startDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time starting day-of-week.
startTime - The daylight saving time starting time in local wall clock time, which is local standard time in this case.
after - If true, this rule selects the first dayOfWeek on or after dayOfMonth. If false, this rule selects the last dayOfWeek on or before dayOfMonth.
IllegalArgumentException - if the startMonth, startDay, startDayOfWeek, or startTime parameters are out of range


public void setEndRule(int endMonth,
                       int endDay,
                       int endDayOfWeek,
                       int endTime)
Sets the daylight saving time end rule. For example, if daylight saving time ends on the last Sunday in October at 2 am in wall clock time, you can set the end rule by calling: setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000);

endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time ending day-of-week. See the class description for the special cases of this parameter.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time, (in milliseconds within the day) which is local daylight time in this case.
IllegalArgumentException - if the endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek, or endTime parameters are out of range


public void setEndRule(int endMonth,
                       int endDay,
                       int endTime)
Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a fixed date within a month. This method is equivalent to:
setEndRule(endMonth, endDay, 0, endTime)

endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time, (in milliseconds within the day) which is local daylight time in this case.
IllegalArgumentException - the endMonth, endDay, or endTime parameters are out of range


public void setEndRule(int endMonth,
                       int endDay,
                       int endDayOfWeek,
                       int endTime,
                       boolean after)
Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.

endMonth - The daylight saving time ending month. Month is a MONTH field value (0-based. e.g., 9 for October).
endDay - The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends.
endDayOfWeek - The daylight saving time ending day-of-week.
endTime - The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time, (in milliseconds within the day) which is local daylight time in this case.
after - If true, this rule selects the first endDayOfWeek on or after endDay. If false, this rule selects the last endDayOfWeek on or before endDay of the month.
IllegalArgumentException - the endMonth, endDay, endDayOfWeek, or endTime parameters are out of range


public int getOffset(long date)
Returns the offset of this time zone from UTC at the given time. If daylight saving time is in effect at the given time, the offset value is adjusted with the amount of daylight saving.

getOffset in class TimeZone
date - the time at which the time zone offset is found
the amount of time in milliseconds to add to UTC to get local time.
See Also:


int getOffsets(long date,
               int[] offsets)
Description copied from class: TimeZone
Gets the raw GMT offset and the amount of daylight saving of this time zone at the given time.

getOffsets in class TimeZone
date - the milliseconds (since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.000 GMT) at which the time zone offset and daylight saving amount are found
the total amount of the raw GMT offset and daylight saving at the specified date.
See Also:
TimeZone.getOffsets(long, int[])


public int getOffset(int era,
                     int year,
                     int month,
                     int day,
                     int dayOfWeek,
                     int millis)
Returns the difference in milliseconds between local time and UTC, taking into account both the raw offset and the effect of daylight saving, for the specified date and time. This method assumes that the start and end month are distinct. It also uses a default GregorianCalendar object as its underlying calendar, such as for determining leap years. Do not use the result of this method with a calendar other than a default GregorianCalendar.

Note: In general, clients should use Calendar.get(ZONE_OFFSET) + Calendar.get(DST_OFFSET) instead of calling this method.

Specified by:
getOffset in class TimeZone
era - The era of the given date.
year - The year in the given date.
month - The month in the given date. Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
day - The day-in-month of the given date.
dayOfWeek - The day-of-week of the given date.
millis - The milliseconds in day in standard local time.
The milliseconds to add to UTC to get local time.
IllegalArgumentException - the era, month, day, dayOfWeek, or millis parameters are out of range
See Also:


private int getOffset(int era,
                      int year,
                      int month,
                      int day,
                      int dayOfWeek,
                      int millis,
                      int monthLength,
                      int prevMonthLength)
Gets offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight saving time. This is the offset to add to UTC to get local time. Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight saving time. This is the offset to add to UTC to get local time. Assume that the start and end month are distinct.

era - The era of the given date.
year - The year in the given date.
month - The month in the given date. Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
day - The day-in-month of the given date.
dayOfWeek - The day-of-week of the given date.
millis - The milliseconds in day in standard local time.
monthLength - The length of the given month in days.
prevMonthLength - The length of the previous month in days.
The offset to add to GMT to get local time.
IllegalArgumentException - the era, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis, or monthLength parameters are out of range


private static int compareToRule(int month,
                                 int monthLen,
                                 int prevMonthLen,
                                 int dayOfMonth,
                                 int dayOfWeek,
                                 int millis,
                                 int millisDelta,
                                 int ruleMode,
                                 int ruleMonth,
                                 int ruleDayOfWeek,
                                 int ruleDay,
                                 int ruleMillis)
Compares the given date in the year to the given rule and returns 1, 0, or -1, depending on whether the date is after, equal to, or before the rule date. The millis are compared directly against the ruleMillis, so any standard-daylight adjustments must be handled by the caller.

1 if the date is after the rule date, -1 if the date is before the rule date, or 0 if the date is equal to the rule date.


public int getRawOffset()
Gets the GMT offset for this time zone.

Specified by:
getRawOffset in class TimeZone
the GMT offset value in milliseconds
See Also:


public void setRawOffset(int offsetMillis)
Sets the base time zone offset to GMT. This is the offset to add to UTC to get local time.

Specified by:
setRawOffset in class TimeZone
offsetMillis - the given base time zone offset to GMT.
See Also:


public void setDSTSavings(int millisSavedDuringDST)
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is advanced during daylight saving time.

millisSavedDuringDST - the number of milliseconds the time is advanced with respect to standard time when the daylight saving time rules are in effect. A positive number, typically one hour (3600000).
See Also:


public int getDSTSavings()
Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is advanced during daylight saving time.

getDSTSavings in class TimeZone
the number of milliseconds the time is advanced with respect to standard time when the daylight saving rules are in effect, or 0 (zero) if this time zone doesn't observe daylight saving time.
See Also:


public boolean useDaylightTime()
Queries if this time zone uses daylight saving time.

Specified by:
useDaylightTime in class TimeZone
true if this time zone uses daylight saving time; false otherwise.


public boolean inDaylightTime(Date date)
Queries if the given date is in daylight saving time.

Specified by:
inDaylightTime in class TimeZone
date - the given Date.
true if daylight saving time is in effective at the given date; false otherwise.


public Object clone()
Returns a clone of this SimpleTimeZone instance.

clone in class TimeZone
a clone of this instance.


public int hashCode()
Generates the hash code for the SimpleDateFormat object.

hashCode in class Object
the hash code for this object
See Also:
Object.equals(java.lang.Object), Hashtable


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the equality of two SimpleTimeZone objects.

equals in class Object
obj - The SimpleTimeZone object to be compared with.
True if the given obj is the same as this SimpleTimeZone object; false otherwise.
See Also:
Object.hashCode(), Hashtable


public boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone other)
Returns true if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone.

hasSameRules in class TimeZone
other - the TimeZone object to be compared with
true if the given zone is a SimpleTimeZone and has the same rules and offset as this one


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this time zone.

toString in class Object
a string representation of this time zone.


private void decodeRules()
Given a set of encoded rules in startDay and startDayOfMonth, decode them and set the startMode appropriately. Do the same for endDay and endDayOfMonth. Upon entry, the day of week variables may be zero or negative, in order to indicate special modes. The day of month variables may also be negative. Upon exit, the mode variables will be set, and the day of week and day of month variables will be positive. This method also recognizes a startDay or endDay of zero as indicating no DST.


private void decodeStartRule()
Decode the start rule and validate the parameters. The parameters are expected to be in encoded form, which represents the various rule modes by negating or zeroing certain values. Representation formats are:

            DOW_IN_MONTH  DOM    DOW>=DOM  DOW<=DOM  no DST
            ------------  -----  --------  --------  ----------
 month       0..11        same    same      same     don't care
 day        -5..5         1..31   1..31    -1..-31   0
 dayOfWeek   1..7         0      -1..-7    -1..-7    don't care
 time        0..ONEDAY    same    same      same     don't care
The range for month does not include UNDECIMBER since this class is really specific to GregorianCalendar, which does not use that month. The range for time includes ONEDAY (vs. ending at ONEDAY-1) because the end rule is an exclusive limit point. That is, the range of times that are in DST include those >= the start and < the end. For this reason, it should be possible to specify an end of ONEDAY in order to include the entire day. Although this is equivalent to time 0 of the following day, it's not always possible to specify that, for example, on December 31. While arguably the start range should still be 0..ONEDAY-1, we keep the start and end ranges the same for consistency.


private void decodeEndRule()
Decode the end rule and validate the parameters. This method is exactly analogous to decodeStartRule().

See Also:


private void makeRulesCompatible()
Make rules compatible to 1.1 FCS code. Since 1.1 FCS code only understands day-of-week-in-month rules, we must modify other modes of rules to their approximate equivalent in 1.1 FCS terms. This method is used when streaming out objects of this class. After it is called, the rules will be modified, with a possible loss of information. startMode and endMode will NOT be altered, even though semantically they should be set to DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE, since the rule modification is only intended to be temporary.


private byte[] packRules()
Pack the start and end rules into an array of bytes. Only pack data which is not preserved by makeRulesCompatible.


private void unpackRules(byte[] rules)
Given an array of bytes produced by packRules, interpret them as the start and end rules.


private int[] packTimes()
Pack the start and end times into an array of bytes. This is required as of serial version 2.


private void unpackTimes(int[] times)
Unpack the start and end times from an array of bytes. This is required as of serial version 2.


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
                  throws IOException
Save the state of this object to a stream (i.e., serialize it).



private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
                 throws IOException,
Reconstitute this object from a stream (i.e., deserialize it). We handle both JDK 1.1 binary formats and full formats with a packed byte array.
