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<title>Oracle Ultra Search APIs: S-Index</title>



<td>Overview </td>
<td>Package </td>
<td>Class </td>
<td>Use </td>
<td>Tree </td>
<td>Deprecated </td>
<td> Index </td>
<td>Help </td>
<td>Oracle Ultra Search APIs
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> PREV LETTER NEXT LETTER</td> <td>FRAMES NO FRAMES</td> </tr> </table> A C D E F G H I L M O Q S T U W <hr> <h2>S</h2> <dl> <dt>score - Variable in class oracle.context.isearch.query.Document</dt> <dd>The hit score of this document pertaining to the query for which this document was a result of.</dd> <dt>SEQ_NUM - Static variable in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>A constant that is used to retrieve the email sequence number from the string array returned by the getEmailHeader method.</dd> <dt>setAddMoreAttrButton(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>The text for the label that invites the end-user to add more search attributes to the query.</dd> <dt>setAndOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the label that signifies the AND logical operator.</dd> <dt>setAnyLanguageLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the label that indicates that a query should search documents in all languages.</dd> <dt>setAuthorFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the document author format string on the result page.</dd> <dt>setDataGroupFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the data group format string.</dd> <dt>setFilePagePath(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the URL path of the web application (JSP or Servlet) that will render the contents of a file row cell.</dd> <dt>setFromLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Gets the text for the label that indicates that a query is to be restricted to certain data groups.</dd> <dt>setHitsPerPage(int) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the number of hits to display per page.</dd> <dt>setLanguageLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the label that indicates that a query is to be restricted to a certain language.</dd> <dt>setLastModifiedFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Gets the last-modified date format string on the result page.</dd> <dt>setMailPagePath(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the URL path of the web application (JSP or Servlet) that will render the contents of an email.</dd> <dt>setMailPagePath(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>Sets the URL path of the web application (JSP or Servlet) that will render the contents of an email.</dd> <dt>setMaxPageNum(int) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the maximum page number that the getResult method returns.</dd> <dt>setNarrowedByLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the label that indicates a query is to be narrowed by certain criteria.</dd> <dt>setNoTitleString(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text to show in place of the title of a document when a document does not have a title</dd> <dt>setOrOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the label that signifies the OR logical operator.</dd> <dt>setPageCharset(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the character set of the Query Application.</dd> <dt>setPageLinks(int) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the number of result page links at the bottom of a search result page.</dd> <dt>setPageSizeFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the page size format string on result page.</dd> <dt>setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the database username password of the Ultra Search instance that should be accessed.</dd> <dt>setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>Sets the database username password of the Ultra Search instance that should be accessed.</dd> <dt>setQueryPagePath(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the URL path to the JSP Query Application.</dd> <dt>setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the name of the .properties file that contains the database resource settings.</dd> <dt>setResourceFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>Sets the name of the .properties file that contains the database resource settings.</dd> <dt>setScoreFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the document relevance score format string.</dd> <dt>setSearchButton(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the text for the "Search" button label.</dd> <dt>setSearchForLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Gets the text for the "Search for" label on query form.</dd> <dt>setSessionLang(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the session language for database SQL session.</dd> <dt>setSessionLang(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>Sets the session language for database SQL session.</dd> <dt>setTablePagePath(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the URL path of the web application (JSP or Servlet) that will render the contents of a table row cell.</dd> <dt>setUser(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.QueryTool</dt> <dd>Sets the database username of the Ultra Search instance that should be accessed.</dd> <dt>setUser(String) - Method in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>Sets the database username of the Ultra Search instance that should be accessed.</dd> <dt>SUBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.context.isearch.query.MailTool</dt> <dd>A constant that is used to retrieve the 'Subject' header field information from the string array returned by the getEmailHeader method.</dd> </dl> <hr> <table> <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td>Overview </td> <td>Package </td> <td>Class </td> <td>Use </td> <td>Tree </td> <td>Deprecated </td> <td> Index </td> <td>Help </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td>Oracle Ultra Search APIs
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> PREV LETTER NEXT LETTER</td> <td>FRAMES NO FRAMES</td> </tr> </table> A C D E F G H I L M O Q S T U W <hr> </body> </html>