Uses of Class

Packages that use WordNet.Synset

Uses of WordNet.Synset in javatools.database

Fields in javatools.database with type parameters of type WordNet.Synset
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<WordNet.Synset>> WordNet.word2synsets
          Maps words to synsets

Methods in javatools.database that return WordNet.Synset
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.getSynset(int id)
          Returns a synset for a given id
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.nca(WordNet.Synset s1, WordNet.Synset s2)
          Returns the nearest common ancestor of two synsets.
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.nca(WordNet.Synset source, WordNet.Synset destination, int[] dist1, int[] dist2)
          Returns the nearest common ancestor of two synsets.
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.synsetFor(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String otherWord)
          Returns the synset that contain two words

Methods in javatools.database that return types with arguments of type WordNet.Synset
 java.util.Set<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.Synset.ancestors()
          Returns the set of ancestors
 java.util.Set<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.Synset.descendants()
          Returns the set of descendants
 java.util.List<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.Synset.getDowns()
          Returns the downs.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,WordNet.Synset> WordNet.getId2SynsetMap()
          Returns the map from ids to synsets
 java.util.Collection<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.getSynsets()
          Compiles the set of all Synsets
 java.util.List<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.Synset.getUps()
          Returns the ups.
 java.util.List<WordNet.Synset> WordNet.synsetsFor(java.lang.String s)
          Returns the list of synsets that contain a word

Methods in javatools.database with parameters of type WordNet.Synset
 int WordNet.ancestor(WordNet.Synset s1, WordNet.Synset s2)
          Returns the distance in the hierarchy upwards from the first node to the second, -1 in case of failure
 int WordNet.Synset.compareTo(WordNet.Synset o)
          Sorts synsets by id
 int WordNet.distance(WordNet.Synset s1, WordNet.Synset s2)
          Returns the length of s1->NCA->s2, -1 in case of failure
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.nca(WordNet.Synset s1, WordNet.Synset s2)
          Returns the nearest common ancestor of two synsets.
 WordNet.Synset WordNet.nca(WordNet.Synset source, WordNet.Synset destination, int[] dist1, int[] dist2)
          Returns the nearest common ancestor of two synsets.
 void WordNet.remove(WordNet.Synset s)
          Removes a synset