Uses of Class

Packages that use Language

Uses of Language in javatools.parsers

Fields in javatools.parsers declared as Language
static Language Language.ENGLISH
          Modern English
static Language Language.FRENCH
static Language Language.GERMAN
static Language Language.ITALIAN
static Language Language.SPANISH

Methods in javatools.parsers with parameters of type Language
 int Language.compareTo(Language other)
static boolean NameML.couldBePersonName(java.lang.String s, Language lang)
          Returns true if it is possible that the string is a person name
static java.util.Collection<Triple<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer>> DateParser.getAllDatePositions(java.lang.CharSequence s, Language language)
          Returns all the dates values and their position in the text
static java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> DateParser.getAllDates(java.lang.CharSequence s, Language language)
          Normalizes all dates in a String
static boolean NameML.isPersonName(java.lang.String m, Language lang)
          Returns true if it is highly probable that the string is a person name.
static boolean NameML.isStopWord(java.lang.String w, Language l)
          TRUE for stopwords
static boolean NameML.isTitle(java.lang.String s, Language lang)
          Says whether this String is a title
static java.lang.String DateParser.normalize(java.lang.CharSequence s, Language language)
          Normalizes all dates in a String Note: If you bugfix something in this version, please check for applying the same fix at the position change tracking function below
static java.lang.String DateParser.normalize(java.lang.CharSequence s, Language language, PositionTracker posTracker)
          Normalizes all dates in a String keeping track of the position changes with respect to the newly created string Note: If you bugfix something in this version, please try and check for applying the same fix at the non-tracking function
static NameML NameML.of(java.lang.String s, Language lang)
          Factory pattern

Constructors in javatools.parsers with parameters of type Language
NameML.PersonNameML(java.lang.String s, Language lang)
          Constructs a person name from a String