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Numerical Algebraic Computation – Winter Term 2013/2014



Date Topic Reference Homework
Oct 16 Overview&Motivation ReliableComputing.pdf (Rump) no exercise
Oct 23 Floating Point Arithmetic and Error Analysis numbers.pdf (Mehlhorn), cp.pdf (Mehlhorn, Sagraloff) Ex01.pdf
Oct 30 Box Functions, Interval Arithmetic and a First Application SoftPredicate.pdf (Yap et al.) Ex02.pdf


We will give an introduction in the area of numerical algebraic computation, where the focus is on reliable methods which use approximate but certified arithmetic. For some methods, we will also study their worst case complexity and show that the use of approximate arithmetic instead of exact arithmetic yields better asymptotic bounds. Possible topics are:

Basics and Dates:


Information and Rules:

This is an advanced course for students in computer science and mathematics.
Successful completion (that is, solving the expected 50 % of the weekly exercises and passing the exam) is worth 6 ECTS credit points. Expect to be imposed a total workload of about 140 hours, distributed to 45 hours of attended lectures and 95 hours of private study.

This course is intended for graduate students and/or senior undergraduate students. It consists of one two-hour lecture and a two-hour tutorial session per week.


The grade is determined by the final exam (oral or written).

