max planck institut
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Lecture: Computer Graphics

Winter Semester 2007/2008


You need to register for this course. To register please send an email to Art Tevs (tevs at with "[CG0708] Register" as subject.

The message body must contain the following:

Student ID: <your student id (Matrikelnr.)>
Firstname Lastname: Max Mustermann
Date of birth: 31.12.1980
Exercise Group: <group 1>,<group 2> (prefered slot, fall back slot)

Take care of correct format otherwise the email could be marked as spam!


There is a mailinglist for which every participant of the lecture should register. News, improvements and corrections will be published there.
To register use the following form:

Email address:
(required) Your name:
(optional) Set Your Password:

The adress of the mailinglist is: cg0708-l at