Interface ISDocumentInterface

public interface ISDocumentInterface

This interface is used to represent the parsed document. The objects that implement this interface are used to store extracted words and links. The solution must contain the class that implements all functions prescribed by this interface.

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getLink()
          Returns the absolute URL of the current document
 ISTermInterface[] getTerms()
          Returns the bag of words extracted from the document.
 URL[] getUrls()
          Returns the set of absolute Url's extracted from the current document.

Method Detail


public URL[] getUrls()
Returns the set of absolute Url's extracted from the current document.

URLs extracted from the document (as Array of URL), or null when no links were found


public ISTermInterface[] getTerms()
Returns the bag of words extracted from the document. The result should contain no stopwords.

The Array of words extracted from the document (as Array of Objects that must implement ISTermInterface), or null when no terms were found


public String getLink()
Returns the absolute URL of the current document

The absolute URL of the current document as String