Package ISSearch

Interface Summary
ISCrawlerInterface Interface of the main Crawler class of the Web search engine.
ISDBCrawlerInterface Interface of the main Crawler class of the Web search engine.
ISDBinterface Interface of the database connection.
ISDocumentInterface This interface is used to represent the parsed document.
ISFeatureInterface This interface prescribes the general structure of document features for the ISSearch search engine.
ISParserInterface Parser-Interface of the Web search engine.
ISPeerResultInterface This interface prescribes the general structure of search results returned by the ISSearch search engine.
ISPeerServerInterface RMI Remote Interface for the Server part of the distributed IS Search application
ISQueryProcessorInterface Interface des Query-Prozessors.
ISTermInterface This interface is used to represent particular terms of the document.

Class Summary
ISCrawler The Crawler class of the Web search engine.
ISDBCrawler The Crawler class of the Web search engine.
ISFeature Sample class that implements the ISFeatureInterface and represents one feature in the ISSearch search engine.
ISParser This mandatory class must implement all functions prescribed by ISParserInterface
ISPeerClient The sample search client for the distributed ISSearch search engine.
ISPeerResult Sample class that implements the interface ISPeerResultInterface.
ISPeerServer Sample Server Class for the distributed ISSearch search engine.
ISPeerTools This class provides some useful functions for RMI calls of the distributed Peer-to-Peer ISSEarch search engine.
ISQueryProcessor Interface des Query-Prozessors.